Help needed before I simply give up..



  • I am trying to follow what MFP tells me. It is hard to understand for me, too. But I am doing it. Don't give up. You will see results.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If you have filled out your profile correctly, and log everything correctly, the MFP numbers should work for you. Have you actually been following them, or doing something else? I find it hard to believe MFP has you set at 1200 calories if your BMR is 1617.

    BMR 1617.
    Select Sedentary - 1.25 multiplier.
    1617 x 1.25 = 2021 daily non-exercise maintenance.
    Select 2 lb weight loss goal, or daily 1000 deficit.
    2021 - 1000 = 1021

    For the sake of standard safety, 1200 is the bare minimum for sedentary, and so that's what MFP stops the math at.

    This is exactly why so many get 1200.

    Anyone with a BMR of 1760 or less, who selects the same options, will get a goal of 1200.
    Anyone with a BMR of 1360 or less, who selects 1 lb loss goal, will get a goal of 1200. But at least that is a whole lot closer.

    And you are exactly correct, MFP didn't actually set that, they did by their selection of activity level and goal, even though MFP recommends 1lb weekly.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm one inch shorter than you. When you are short like us, well it means we are SMALL, our BMR is barely above that. That 1200 number does not work for us shorties. It might work for taller people but not us.

    A BMR of 1617 is "barely" above 1200?

    400 more.
    That's 30% more than 1200, or 25% of 1600.
    Rather large percentages no matter how you look at it.

    You do realize of course that weight is a big part of the BMR equation, height and age of course being the other parts?

    The fact your height is 1" difference isn't the biggest part of that anyway.
  • You can do it! Don't give up. Here are a few tips. Drink water, cut out all sugar. Our bodies cannot process sugar so it turns straight to fat. Make sure your calorie intake isn't all carbed up. Veggies, fruit, protein, stay away from white carbs. If you do all that you will loose weight. Remember it takes minus 3500 a week to loose a pound. That is why you are eating1200 calories so that you go under in the week. Don't rush it and don't not eat. Eating is important, your body needs the nutrients for many reasons. If I don't loose it is because I don't stay in my 1200 a week category. 15 pounds by Christmas is totally doable. Good luck =):flowerforyou:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You can do it! Don't give up. Here are a few tips. Drink water, cut out all sugar. Our bodies cannot process sugar so it turns straight to fat. Make sure your calorie intake isn't all carbed up. Veggies, fruit, protein, stay away from white carbs. If you do all that you will loose weight. Remember it takes minus 3500 a week to loose a pound. That is why you are eating1200 calories so that you go under in the week. Don't rush it and don't not eat. Eating is important, your body needs the nutrients for many reasons. If I don't loose it is because I don't stay in my 1200 a week category. 15 pounds by Christmas is totally doable. Good luck =):flowerforyou:

    Where in the world did you hear some of that garbage? Sorry to put it that way on your first post, but you have no clue what you are talking about except bad advice and some comments you've heard from others.

    Water is good, don't give up is good. Poorly selected options that resulted in 1200 is not good. 15 lbs by EOY is doable, agreed.

    Other than that, even the 3500 is incomplete. I can give you a routine that will drop a lb of weight and only have to lose out on 600 calories. But you may not like it if muscle is important to you.

    Can't process sugar and straight to fat? What pray tell is stored in your liver for energy use, and 3-4 times as much in your muscles for use as energy? 3 guesses, and 2 of them are NOT fat.

    You do know what fruit and vegetables contain right, and what it is "processed" into after digestion that goes against your advice?