Can organic food help you lose weight?



  • lovemykids58
    lovemykids58 Posts: 195 Member
    The other benefit of buying organic is that to be USDA certified organic, there are NO GMOs. It's much closer to the way that food was farmed, cattle raised, 100 years ago before science was so incorporated to everything that we consume.

    Why are people so afraid of GMO?

    you can choose high yield, resistant, GMO crops...

    or a substantial number of the global population starve to death.

    your choice

    Are you, in any way, associated with the corporations pushing GMO?

    ^ This... GMO is linked to many serious illness including cancer and a number of other things
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    Organic food has been scientifically proven to offer no measurable benefit to ones diet..

    however it will have a significant impact on your wallet.

    i can provide sources if you wish, or you can take my word for it.

    your friend has unfortunately fallen victim to the cloud of misinformation surrounding organic food.

    If you are worried about consuming pesticides, then you should buy some things organic. And some studies have shown pesticides to cause cancer, so its understandable that some people prefer it over other foods. Watch food, inc. sometime. its very interesting.
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    Organic veg hasn't been sprayed with chemicals. That's the difference.
    Only it has been researched that the chemicals on other veg and fruit is in such small trace amounts, that is has no effect on you at all. So fruit and veg doesn't really matter which you buy.

    Organic meat is of higher quality (no water injected to make the meat look like it is more than it actually is and no different meats "glued together"). The animals will also have had a far better life and they use a lot less antibiotics and other chemicals. Those antibiotics are only needed when animals are really packed together and organic farming gives the animals more space, so less disease spread = less antibiotics needed.

  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Don't forget to factor in any travel time of foods, organic or not...if it isn't local, it's already been picked and its nutrients reducing by the second until it arrives at your that can knock out the "more nutrient packed" argument for or not, those pesticides are such small traces that chances are, you'd need to be ingesting a lot for it to matter. Everything and anything, at some point, will be researched and said to cause some kind of illness.

    The only thing organic I'd be interested in would be meats... but...they are so ridiculously expensive that I'll just continue with my poisonous meat.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I have a confession

    When I go to the store I secretly spray the organic section with pesticides
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    Penn and Teller's Bull**** had a pretty good special on this subject matter and they showed a lot of people choosing the taste of non-organic food to organic. I'd be curious. I tend to buy organic when I buy berries and other fruits with edible skin.

    I do agree that people who eat organic tend to be more in tune with what is going into their bodies, but there are no weight loss benefits to eating organically.

    And a lot of people have a lot of blind information in here. It makes for a good chuckle.

    Malaria or pesticides....let me think which I want.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    The only thing organic I'd be interested in would be meats... but...they are so ridiculously expensive that I'll just continue with my poisonous meat.

    When I lived on my own, I solved it by just eating far less meat. I would eat meat about 2-3 days a week and then buy organic meat.
    The wait is worth it for the taste and the quality of protein, trust me.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Penn and Teller's Bull**** had a pretty good special on this subject matter and they showed a lot of people choosing the taste of non-organic food to organic. I'd be curious. I tend to buy organic when I buy berries and other fruits with edible skin.

    I do agree that people who eat organic tend to be more in tune with what is going into their bodies, but there are no weight loss benefits to eating organically.

    And a lot of people have a lot of blind information in here. It makes for a good chuckle.

    Malaria or pesticides....let me think which I want.

    Malaria from eating something? Who are you calling misinformed?
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    The only thing organic I'd be interested in would be meats... but...they are so ridiculously expensive that I'll just continue with my poisonous meat.

    When I lived on my own, I solved it by just eating far less meat. I would eat meat about 2-3 days a week and then buy organic meat.
    The wait is worth it for the taste and the quality of protein, trust me.

    Hmm...well if it were just me eating, I could do this. I've gotten some organic beef a few times and my husband wasn't happy as he couldn't "tell the difference" it was gonna taste like a whole new food or something lol. If I find sales, I try and pick it up but I can't imagine not having beef pork or chicken with every dinner...
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    Malaria from eating something? Who are you calling misinformed?

    DDT controversy ring a bell?
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    I have a confession

    When I go to the store I secretly spray the organic section with pesticides

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    For those of you who are really interested in knowing the causes of your obesity, here are some videos that will educate you:

    1. Dr. Robert Lustig, who is a pediatrician, touches briefly on the topic of toxins in our environment but he spends most of his time on the chief toxin of them all---sugar.

    2. Medical journalist, Gary Taubes, speaks to the same issue of carbohydrates---especially simple carbohydrates such as sugar and starch---as the cause of obesity. He shows definitively that this is NOT new information but one that was "forgotten" by modern medicine. Fascinating and entertaining lecture:
    What a shock, a Lustig and Taubes supporter... A pediatrician, and a journalist. Neither one a nutritionist, and both of whom have been completely debunked by people with actual education in nutrition.
  • misfitswayoflife
    misfitswayoflife Posts: 134 Member
    It's not aout the pesticides having calories.. It's about the pesticides messing up your hormones and making your body/homrones confused.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    For those of you who are really interested in knowing the causes of your obesity, here are some videos that will educate you:

    1. Dr. Robert Lustig, who is a pediatrician, touches briefly on the topic of toxins in our environment but he spends most of his time on the chief toxin of them all---sugar.

    2. Medical journalist, Gary Taubes, speaks to the same issue of carbohydrates---especially simple carbohydrates such as sugar and starch---as the cause of obesity. He shows definitively that this is NOT new information but one that was "forgotten" by modern medicine. Fascinating and entertaining lecture:

    Lustig and Taubes?
    All of your credibility just went flying out the window.

    Now, why on earth would you say that?? Robert Lustig, M.D. is a pediatric endocrinologist with impressive enough credentials to be featured on a "60 Minutes" episode and interviewed by Sanjay Gupta, M.D. And Gary Taubes is both a Harvard educated physicist and a medical journalist of some renown. Have you been listening to the propaganda against them coming from the food/agri-business industries? Of course, the food/agri-business industries stand to lose billions if the people begin listening to them and the anti-sugar campaign really takes off as a result. Apparently, that is why they have tried to smear both of these men instead of trying to refute what they are saying (which they cannot). Watch the Gupta segment on Youtube here:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    It's not aout the pesticides having calories.. It's about the pesticides messing up your hormones and making your body/homrones confused.

    How right you are!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I don't think I'm an Organic food snob but I do find some of the fruits/veggies take better if they are organic, expecially strawberries, peaches, and celery.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Youre a fool to believe this. Eating right helps you loose weight.

  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Don't forget to factor in any travel time of foods, organic or not...if it isn't local, it's already been picked and its nutrients reducing by the second until it arrives at your that can knock out the "more nutrient packed" argument for or not, those pesticides are such small traces that chances are, you'd need to be ingesting a lot for it to matter. Everything and anything, at some point, will be researched and said to cause some kind of illness.

    The only thing organic I'd be interested in would be meats... but...they are so ridiculously expensive that I'll just continue with my poisonous meat.

    You can buy "naturally raised" meat. It's not terribly more expensive than is regular meat and it does not have hormones and antibiotics (thought to be another possible cause of obesity) in it. Raised the "old fashioned" way. The only difference between "naturally raised" meat and organic is that organic is fed organic feed exclusively. The farmers who raise meat "naturally" try to keep the cost down by grazing their animals as much as possible--better for the animal and better for us, :smile:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    For those of you who are really interested in knowing the causes of your obesity, here are some videos that will educate you:

    1. Dr. Robert Lustig, who is a pediatrician, touches briefly on the topic of toxins in our environment but he spends most of his time on the chief toxin of them all---sugar.

    2. Medical journalist, Gary Taubes, speaks to the same issue of carbohydrates---especially simple carbohydrates such as sugar and starch---as the cause of obesity. He shows definitively that this is NOT new information but one that was "forgotten" by modern medicine. Fascinating and entertaining lecture:
    What a shock, a Lustig and Taubes supporter... A pediatrician, and a journalist. Neither one a nutritionist, and both of whom have been completely debunked by people with actual education in nutrition.

    Hmm---one wonders if the writer of that blog is part of the propaganda campaign sponsored by agri-business. Nutritionists? It is the INDEPENDENT nutritionists who first raised the alarm about sugar consumption in the first place! Whyever would we believe nutritionists who openly or secretly work for agri-business. I'd much rather believe medical practitioners who are doing actual research in the area. Sugar consumption is a very big health hazard. Don't believe me---watch the Gupta YouTube. He interviews medical researchers who were actually shocked to see the results of their investigations into the sugar/chronic disease link. Monsanto, Cargill (who manufactures a LOT of high fructose corn syrup), Archer Daniels Midland and all the rest are attempting to brainwash all of us but the truth is leaking out.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have a confession

    When I go to the store I secretly spray the organic section with pesticides

    I highly suspect that you are kidding but you might want to be careful about admitting a criminal act on a public forum.