Picking myself up



  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    Feel free to add me also! I have seriously fallen off too. This time last year I was down almost 50lbs and then some, and when I fell off I gave up, and one day I said, "you know what, no, no more of this!" I got my butt back up, and started doing what I had to. Its been slow going coming back, but I am an a food addict/emotional eater also, and I KNOW it can be done b/c I have done it before, and will do it again, and so can you! Don't delete your account, because you lose so much progress that can really motivate you in your time of need. Sometimes looking back at what you've achieved before can help you understand that you really CAN do this. it makes you say, I've done this before, I can do this again!

    I have found myself standing up and walking to the fridge today to "graze" and the second I open it I "remember" that I have to log it so I go get a glass of water instead haha. Its hard, but I really know after losing 20 pounds at the beginning of the year and now being heavier than my original starting weight, I need to get this under control, now.
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm a fellow anxiety sufferer. I've finally found a medication that helps me keep mine under control. There is hope so don't give up!!!

    Thank you, I really hope to find a medicine to help me. I have never felt this extreme anxiety before.
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    You can add me too please. I to suffer from anxiety attacks.

    Thank you!