Anybody else never been skinny?



  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I have never been skinny. I gained a lot of weight at puberty and was always the fat girl that no one liked or paid much attention to. I lost some in high school, then anti-depressants and college food happened. I ballooned up to 260 pounds and had a lot of work to do. This is my third year into the journey and now I'm at 182 (32 pounds to go) and I never felt better. :)
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    All I can see are my flaws, and I feel like that is all anyone else can see too. Then I see a photo of myself, and it is like I don't even recognize the person I see anymore. I have recently started dating again, and this has become a major issue for me. I think I am more self conscious now than I was when I was bigger.

    Oh, me.
  • ImaFitMormon
    ImaFitMormon Posts: 31 Member
    I don't think I'd consider myself skinny and really don't want to be but I'm VERY fit and I wear a size 8-10 now. I was once 269 lbs and I've lost 100 lbs. I have a blog where you can see my story. Good luck! <3 April
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I was skinny until I was 7 or 8 when I developed an eating disorder. I got really big, then throughout my teens I went smaller, bigger, smaller, bigger...

    A couple of years ago when my eating disorder was at it's worst I was *slim*. I was never skinny, cos even though I'd starve and only have 200 calories a day... other days I'd eat 3000. I was about 9st at that point, which is pretty normal for someone of 5'4".
  • cncrafton
    cncrafton Posts: 82 Member
    I haven't been thin since I was in primary school. I have no concept of it, honestly.
  • TexasRattlesnake
    TexasRattlesnake Posts: 375 Member
    I was born weighing 12 pounds, stayed big from then on... working on fixing that. I'll never be tiny, my bone structure and body type aren't made for it, but I will be fit and healthy.
  • mommamindi
    I was 119 when I got pregnant at 17. I was "chunky" nothing ever fit right and I had a gut. I always had wide hips as well, so I could never wear small sizes. I remember hating myself thinking I was fat. After I gave birth to my first I was even bigger than I started. Now 7 years and 4 children later I am 183 and thoroughly ashamed of where I am.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I have never been skinny, have always been overweight when I was 11 years old i was 175, by the time i started college, I was 214, and my heaviest was a little over a yr ago at 243).. and i know that i am still big. i now fit into 15's and wear size medium shirts (never has happened in my entire life). I just take it one day at a time and hope that 125 is achievable (considering obesity runs in my family, we will see).
  • Baloostika
    Baloostika Posts: 203 Member
    Mmmm, skinny? I've never been skinny and I really can't wait to be skinny that of I will ever get there, lol.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    5 years ago I was 'skinny' and I can honestly say, hand on my heart that I dont EVER want to be that small again. It was depression that got me there, all the way down to a UK6 and I STILL wasnt happy with the way I looked. I barely ate, drank way too much and was a miserable grinch of a woman.
    I have been on meds since then and Ive gained back a bit too much now but Im not aiming for anything near what I was. I know now that I just want to be healthy. Looking like a 'lollipop head' just doesnt appeal anymore.
  • martymays
    martymays Posts: 188 Member
    I've been fat all my life. Never known what thin was like. I don't think much about whatI will look or feel like if and when I hit my goal. I feel like if I do, that I am setting myself up or a big letdown.
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    My lowest weight was 140 at 14. My average was 150-160. my highest was 295. I am now 210. I looked damn good at 160, so I think I will be happy when I get down to that.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    I've never been skinny. Except for like, early childhood. I was a size 11 in juniors when I was 11 when I was like 5'6" 150lbs. My height evened out, and when I was a freshman in highschool I was 198 for 3 months, but I lived on lettuce, neufatchel and mustard sandwiches and a lite yogurt everyday. I did colorguard, which is active (lots of dance, running around, throwing things) but its not insanely atheltic like track or soccer. I also worked at a McDonalds and I never really watched what I ate. I graduated highschool at 237lbs at 5'8", went to college - overindulged because I could and I was an emotional eater. When I graduated undergrad, I was 256, went to grad school where I topped out at 265. When I graduated grad school, I was 265 even though I lived paycheck to paycheck and some weeks couldn't afford food. I lost a bit of weight and went down to 251, but then took a job that involved a 60 mi one way commute and went up to 273. I was honestly terrified of hitting 300lbs. Luckily, fate smiled my way and I took a new job, joined a gym, joined MFP and have since lost 62lbs.
  • mcedes02
    mcedes02 Posts: 56 Member
    Don't know that I've ever been 'skinny' I'm tall 5.10 and big boned so even at my lowest weight since my early teens at 186 I was still a 14 and a rare 12 if it was made a little big but that was when I was 18 and 19 years old. I'm now almost 39 and after 2 kids and being off and on pain meds and other stuff for fibromyalgia 'skinny' I'll never be. But at least I'll be at a comfortable, healthy weight!! (my highest weight I've ever been on the scales w/ is 270)
    I don't know how to dress right now either. I think it something we all have to go thru. I'm still loosing...just under 1/2 way to go.SOI'mstruggling w/not buying a lot of stuff now and still having clothes that aren't falling (literaly) off! GOOD luck in your journey!!
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    Never been skinny. Even when I did weigh 135lbs, I still wasn't skinny.
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    (I notice a lot of people replying have actually been skinny. Haha. Derp.)

    I was skinny as a kid and probably a bit chubby into my early teens. From there up I've gained. Last five-ten years I've gained immensely. I'm surprised I don't weigh 500 pounds with the way I ate every day. I've definitely been the fat friend most of the time.

    So maybe I was skinny once, but as an adult? Nope. So I don't really know what to expect, either.

    p.s. If you're confused with online clothes shopping, maybe shop at nearby stores and try on clothes to see what your average size comes out to and use that as a guide when online shopping (then take measurements to be more precise). c:
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    I have always been overweight (and now obese)-- I remember squeezing into some size 14's in 8th grade but I've never been smaller than that. I wonder what it's like? I used to wonder what it was like to be a "normal size" ... I never really got bigger than a size 16- but at size16 you're almost too big for most regular stores and almost to small for plus stores.. I can't wait to revisit this post in a few months and tell you what it's like to be skinny-- but by then you might know for yourself !!!!!
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I was a skinny child...but puberty hit me hard and I started being overweight to some degree by age 12. When I was a senior in HS my prom dress was a size 14 and I think that was the last time I was ever that small. At my heaviest I was 221 lbs (at 5'3") which was probably a size 20 (I was squeezing in a size 18). I lost about 35 lbs 3 years ago with Weight Watchers and unfortunately fell off the wagon and gained 25 of those pounds back and was a tight size 16 when I started this back in July. I've lost 19lbs so far and my size 16/XL shirts are definitely big. I actually bought a pair of size 14 jeans on Monday (which was my birthday so that was super awesome!) and I've moved down to size L shirts.

    I don't have plans or desire to be a size 2, but I would love to be a size 10, which with the way I've lost weight and gone down sizes in correlation, I think my goal weight of 140 lbs would put me at and I would be extremely happy.
  • ChunkiChica
    I was a really, really cute kid. But I was only "skinny" until 8 or 9 years, when puberty (unceremoniously) hit. I gained weight (and stretch marks) steadily through middle school. The summer between 8th grade and 9th grade I spent every hour of every day working at a horse farm to pay for my horse's board. I remember being in significant pain from all the hard labor. But that fall I looked pretty good. I had toned up and lost a LOT of fat weight, and I think I got down to about 160. That is still overweight for my height, and people still commented on the weight I needed to lose.

    I gained weight steadily through college, and bumped up to about 230. When I graduated from college, I joined Jenny Craig and got down to 206 in three months. But then I began grad school, stopped doing the (expensive) Jenny Craig meals, and regained the weight and more - I graduated at a whopping 246.5 lbs.

    Since August, I've managed to lose 15 pounds and drop two pant sizes (which is the size I was when I was on Jenny). But I'm heavier than I was when I was on Jenny, and I attribute part of that to the exercise regimen I'm on.

    So, I guess my short answer is I have no memory of being skinny and happy in my body. But since I've started this health journey, I've really started to gain some serious confidence.
  • iWILLbeFit062012
    iWILLbeFit062012 Posts: 97 Member
    There was only one time in my life that I weighed 130 lbs (for me, that is skin and bones skinny), but it was due to 6 months of meth usage. Other than that, I have always been the bigger, more muscular, and often thought of as the fat girl in the group. I used to have major issues with that muscular part, but now I want her back more than ever! Just need to shed this "insulation". :happy: