Anybody else never been skinny?



  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I was never skinny. As a child I was always medium to large as compared to my classmates. I entered high school wearing a size 13/14 at 135 lbs 5'3" and left high school at the same size. In my 20s I went up to 215 and then lost 70bs to get back to 145 (I was going thru a divorce at the time) . I stayed there for about a week and regained it all back over 25 years plus more until I was 333lbs. I am now down to 140 lbs and actually cannot believe that I wear a size 8. I keep shopping for clothes and yes in store after store and most brands it is a size 8 and a few size 10 pants and mostly medium and a few large tops. I was thinking the sizes must have changed, but I had a few items tucked away from high school (40 years ago, picture bell bottoms, peasant tops. lol. they may be back in style someday!!!) and yes they are toooo big. It's hard to wrap my mind around it. I'm still not skinny , but comfortable and fit. It is what I always dreamed of. I have the same hope and dream for all on MFP.
  • MrsWonderland
    MrsWonderland Posts: 107 Member
    Skinny for me was 130lbs just before I had my daughter 13yrs ago. I have been heavy most of my life. I went on a diet of eating everything and everything with cayanne pepper on it. Burnned it all out litterally.

    As a teen I wasnt heavy just top heavy, so I was called fat. My sister was small everywhere and I was only 2 or 3 sizes bigger in my jeans. So all my life I felt fat.

    Having my daughter I weighed 220. I lost and weighed about 180lbs in 2007 then married my husband in 2008. The man likes good but unhealthy food and hes a good cook so when starting my weightloss I weighed in at 217lbs right next door to my pregnancy weight.

    I would go back to my old diet but I really want to eat healthy and exersize this time. I want to get back to 130lbs and do it right.

    I should also say I was at 130lbs for one about 6months.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I've actually been obese since I was about ten.
    My doctors would say 'She will grow into it, she's so tall, she has a large frame.' I grew into a size 32.
    I grew into a diabetic 14 year old.
    Not that I blame the doctor at ALL, I have fought with food my whole life. It's not a drug, it makes me feel better, and it's everywhere.
    I was a 16 in middle grade?
    I'm almost a 16 now! Holy crap.
    I have no idea what I'm going to look like, and I'm actually afraid that my face is going to freak me out.
    Whenever I look at the face changes in the success stories I can't believe it.
    I'm still getting used to fitting in a diner booth, or being able to walk 2 miles and...not feel like I'm going to die.

    It's a total head game.
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    Me.. my highest weight was in high school at around 290. In college, I got down to 260 and now I'm at the lowest weight I've ever been in my adult life at 196. I don't really have a body or a time that I remember where I was totally comfortable or happy with or a body that I'm aspiring to be back to. I'm just excited to be getting stronger every day!