Food Diaries: Open or Closed?



  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I haven't read all the responses, but for me, I kept it closed for a while because I found myself not being honest, fearing the comments. I started keeping track in my head, saying to myself, "I'll just put in one piece of toast (or glass of wine), but I know that it was two (or three)". I've seen some really unkind things written on MFP from behind the anonymity of a keyboard, and I didn't want to open myself up to that kind of unpleasantness.

    Ultimately, my MFP friend group convinced me to trust them and open my food diary up. I now am honest about what I log (although I don't log every day-- it's a pian logging on MFP and Fitbit, and I'm not interested in syncing them).
  • MandyMoos1978
    MandyMoos1978 Posts: 79 Member
    The default is closed, so I imagine most people with closed diaries just haven't changed the default and may not even be aware of it. I wasn't aware of it at first. And of course people who don't use the forums, and just use the app, have no reason to share it, because they just log for themselves.

    Mine is friends only, because I like to look at my friends' diaries and I assume they might like to look at mine - and if they don't want to, of course they don't have to click on it. I don't have it public, because there doesn't seem any point - I can't imagine random people who aren't on my friends list would be clicking on my food diary. I don't click on the food diaries of random people - only people on my friends list.

    Thank you xxx
  • MandyMoos1978
    MandyMoos1978 Posts: 79 Member
    i had mine open for a long time, then the shame of eating or drinking something 'bad' was killing me, lol. since i closed my diary my logging has been 100% honest and my diet has been better too :)

    Thank you xxx I hope your friends were supportive even if you had a 'bad' entry - but remember we all have those from time to time! xxx
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Although I log everything and eat very healthy, there's always someone to criticize what is eaten or put phoney comments like "atta girl" for eating what I'm supposed to eat anyway. Some people need that, but it's not what I'm looking for. My diary remains blocked.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    It is only an issue for me when someone on my FL asks repeatedly for advice on why they're not losing but then refuse to open their diary. I could care less up until that point. People in the past never gave me a reason as to why it's closed just either ignored the requests from myself and others or were down right rude. That's fine, but this can be a helpful site if used the right way. Just if you don't want to be held accountable don't ask. You can exercise all you want, but diet is key! Mine is friends only and I only ask them for advice; not the forums.
  • MandyMoos1978
    MandyMoos1978 Posts: 79 Member
    Mine is open to friends, which makes sense to me since they have shown a little interest in me and may have some insight into my situation, which is affected by health issues. For example, sometimes i am too wiped out to eat dinner, and I eat smartpuffs, flax seeds, and organic raw chocolate, which has the calories or less of a dinner, instead. That would look crazy if you don't know the background of me having gotten electrocuted and that being an odd sort of thing which actually gives me the balance I need, along with the rest of the day--*shrug*

    Thank you for your comment! I am glad you have a greats et of friends who understand your background :)
  • MandyMoos1978
    MandyMoos1978 Posts: 79 Member
    I have mine completely closed.I don't eat much. I had gastric bypass last year so I don't eat much because of it. I've had people tell me I need to eat more so I keep it closed.

    Thank you and well done on your great loss xxx
  • MandyMoos1978
    MandyMoos1978 Posts: 79 Member
    I don't need any help with my food, don't want to spend time discussing my choices, and don't really depend on others for motivation. I've been on here for five years, and never had my diary open.

    Thank you xxx
  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    Mine was open til recently as I am a newbie. After I saw the some feedback left for others (not positive) I closed mine to my friends only. There are some great helpful people on here and others well I would be hurt by what they wrote. So avoidance for me.
  • kvelcro
    Same as a few people on here - didn't know it was set to private.

    I assumed the default was 'friends-only'... because I don't care who reads my profile, there's nothing on there.

    The mindset I had in place when I thought others could view it:
    I'm a work in progress and I'm going to make mistakes with my food choices.
    Though generally, I know where I'm detouring from my plan. This past week, I've been stressed out and eating way under my allotted calories and probably slowing my metabolism and weight loss. But sometimes things may need to be pointed out.

    Also I guess it's fun trying to piece together someones week with their food diary.
  • NoMoreJellyRolls
    I keep mine closed. We have a lot of Ph.D's in Broscience on MFP.

    If I wanted advice on what to eat, I'd see a licensed nutritionist in real life, not take advice from whackadoodles on the interwebs.

    ^^ Bingo! Mine is open to my friends, but to the public its closed because if i comment on a forum then I dont need comments like "how can you post about dieting/exercise when you had a small butterfinger. blah blah blah"
    My friends on the other hand can see it because they have been there with me since I started and they understand tht sometimes you just want fruit loops. LOL
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    I keep mine open to public because I dont have a problem sharing my food choices and so people can see that you can make real food options and maintain weight/lose weight. I'm not perfect and neither do I try to be.
  • MandyMoos1978
    MandyMoos1978 Posts: 79 Member
    I keep it open. I eat as healthy and clean as possible, so really, if my friends on here see that I'm losing weight and want to see how I'm doing it, it's all there. Every indiscretion is tracked to show that you can fudge your diet but still stay on track and lose weight.

    I agree - Thank you xxx
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    I keep mine closed. We have a lot of Ph.D's in Broscience on MFP.

    If I wanted advice on what to eat, I'd see a licensed nutritionist in real life, not take advice from whackadoodles on the interwebs.

    I absolutley love this response!
  • pamnjeromy
    pamnjeromy Posts: 5 Member
    Mine is open for friends only. I like to see what they eat and yes, it does give me ideas. It also keeps me accountable to those friends to eat what I'm supposed to. 9.8 times out of 10 I write what I'm eating- like today- I scarfed down cookies and yes it's on there- even showing my -480 calories. But it keeps it real for me. :ohwell:
  • MandyMoos1978
    MandyMoos1978 Posts: 79 Member
    My diary is open because I like that extra incentive to stay within my calories and eat well, knowing that people can read it. Plus I figure that I'm nosy and like reading other diaries so it's only fair that mine is open!

    I can understand keeping it private too though. If your diary is just for you to keep check on what you eat and know how much protein/fat/carbs you're getting then that's fine. It's not necessary for weight loss that others can read what you eat.

    Thank you xxx
  • ndfaninaz
    I keep mine closed. We have a lot of Ph.D's in Broscience on MFP.

    If I wanted advice on what to eat, I'd see a licensed nutritionist in real life, not take advice from whackadoodles on the interwebs.

    I love this answer <3

    I have mine open to friends only. At this point, I only have 3 friends, and 2 of them are my friends in real life.
  • MandyMoos1978
    MandyMoos1978 Posts: 79 Member
    Because I'm here for advice on exercise, not advice on eating :smile:

    ^^This. And because I don't need people judging me for that can of soda I had because what they aren't seeing is I just burnt 700 calories and treated myself to a 150 calorie soda. I diary is open to friends though, since I'm OK with my friends seeing it.

    Thank you xxx
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    I feel like other's might judge, so I'm able to be more honest and log EVERYTHING if I keep mine closed. It's working for me...
  • MandyMoos1978
    MandyMoos1978 Posts: 79 Member
    That was my experience. Just opened mine to friends this morning; don't know if it will help, but I'm willing to share.

    Thank you and well done for being brave and taking that step - I hope your friends are just a supportive xxx