I want to give up!



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Just remember muscle is denser than fat and if you are working out a lot as it sounds as though you are,
    you may not be eating enough. Just be honest and it will come off. :) Keep going!!

    fixed your post.
  • AudrasAlly
    Look at your actions as a lifestyle change. Don't consult the scale. My weight fluctuates up to 7 pounds in one day, and sometimes even weigh more in the morning than I did the night before. BUT - I keep working hard, exercising at least 4 times a week, and my clothes feel better, I feel better, and I know it's working.
    I couldn't get up at 5 am and expect to stick to that schedule. I go to the gym when my day allows, at whatever time I can, and I don't get upset when I miss a day. That's just life. But, the key is that I have worked out for long enough (9 weeks) that now I miss the gym when I miss a day.
    Sometimes I have 15 minutes, so I walk for 15 minutes. Sometimes I have two hours, and I push as hard as I can for 2 hours.

    This journey is long and it's progressive. You have the power to make this happen.
    Don't give up!
  • Tarin626
    Tarin626 Posts: 101 Member
    DON'T GIVE UP!!!

    That said - sounds like you may need to add weights to your routine, muscle burns more calories and it will help increase your bone density - which is really important for women as we get older. You will gain muscle, lose fat, burn more calories overall and increase your bone health!
  • TooneMe
    TooneMe Posts: 1 Member
    I was just reading this on Jillian Michael's page, "take a minute to think about what the scale is NOT telling you — like what a strong and healthy individual you're becoming. Do you have more endurance? Have you lost inches from your waist? Do you look better in your clothes? Don't be a slave to the scale." Hope it helps!!

    I really like this suggestion! SO TRUE!
  • OK_Girl
    OK_Girl Posts: 123 Member
    Open that diary!

    When you feel like giving up just remember all the reasons you decided to make the change. KEEP doing this. You WILL see results and you will be so damn happy and proud that you perservered when you DO see that initial loss. Trust me. We have ALL felt like giving up-

    If you give up what's the alternative- back to where you were before? What sounds worse- going back to your old life, or keeping up the good work? What will be the outcome of each choice?
  • chmiddleton
    chmiddleton Posts: 30 Member
    I changed my diary setting to public.
  • VogtAndrea
    Tweaking your settings and not eating back all the exercise calories might just work for you. Don't give in. Don't give up. This is a long term battle most of us are fighting for all we're worth.
    You can win this one.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    There are two possible issues. You might not be logging your food intake correctly. Use a scale if you can. It helps take the guess work out. Secondly you could be overestimating calories burned during exercise. I see lots of people do this. They'll work out for 30 minutes and claim they burned 500 calories when they probably only burned 300. If both those are correct and you're absolutely sure about it then you're just consuming too many calories.
  • Gilligan11
    Gilligan11 Posts: 17 Member
    Oh, have I been there! When this happened to me, I started journalling my thoughts and feelings and writing down inspriational quotes that empowered me. This reduced my stress and changed my focus. I feel strong and accomplished after I work out, that's why I do it. I have to do it in the morning though, it makes me feel strong for the day and motivates me to eat well so I don't blow the calorie loss. I do weigh myself every day, I need to hold myself accountable. I eat well as much as possible, because there are enough times where it is hard (someone else is cooking, parties etc) so the rest of the time I need to be on. Food doesn't control me, I control it. I drink 72-96 ounces of water a day, I exercise for 1 hour every morning (5:30) and set a 10-10:30 lights out curfew - no exceptions.... the kitchen flooor is just fine the way it is! I am starting to realize why I eat through the journalling and its liberating to know its not just willpower, there are deep seeded reasons why we have given up or don't hold ourselves to a higher standard. The brain is the most important weight loss muscle! I also make my breakfast, lunches and snacks for the day the night before so there is no guess work and when you do it after dinner when you are full, you are less likely to put junk in it. I eat 2 eggs for breakfast, 2 low fat yogurts for snacks during the day, tuna wrap or fiesta vegetable soup for lunch, and 1 piece of fruit (no bananas). I often have some fresh veggies as well, and have fall back's if I am still hungry such as a protien shake, nuts and seeds mix or a vitamuffin top if I am still hungry. I am never hungry and even with having a normal dinner (at the whim of my husband), I am still around 1200 calories a day. Make your plan doable. In my first two weeks I have lost 12 pounds - though a bunch i am sure is because I have added a fibre drink once every few days and reduced salt and more water has flushed out toxins. I did some research on breathing as well, and found out that sometimes we don't breath deep enough, which can affect weight loss - they said a pound a day. Don't know if its true, but the deep breathing is rejuvinating and almost like meditating during the day. Stay with us, you are worth the effort and you can only succeed from eating well and exercising.
  • mom2kgirls
    mom2kgirls Posts: 29 Member
    Hey - Don't give up! I felt like you did; I was doing everything "right" - exercise, calories etc, but I also had "mystery pounds" that came and went overnight or over a couple days. I started reading about how foods can cause inflammation in our bodies, but since it is not a recognizable "allergy" with specific symptoms, many people don't realize it. I did a six week elimination diet to find out what my body is sensitive (but not intolerant) to. Some of the biggest are gluten, dairy, legumes (including soy, peanuts and peanut butter, beans) eggs, nitrites (found in processed meats) citrus and a few I can't remember. Once your body is cleared out of the inflammatory food, you will notice a BIG difference, especially in your belly. As long as it is not an allergy, but a sensitivity, you can eventually add a very small amount of the irritants back on a very occasional basis. If you are paying attention, your body will tell you (mystery pounds!)
    I did this and it changed my life for the better. I still am working on losing weight, but I don't keep having the same mystery pounds bouncing the scale up and down and I feel a lot better! Remember if there was a silver bullet for all things that ail our bodies, it is exercise! Keep up the good work and know your body is getting healthier!!
  • lauralalonde
    Hey, I just joined about a week ago and I can understand your frustration. I have always worked out 3-4 times a week doing spin classes, yoga, swimming and I walk my dog every night for about 20 min. Yet, my weight has been increasing steadily for the past 2 years. I've joined this program in desparation to loose the weight that is gathering around my middle. All I can think of for you is to really watch your sugar intake. It's surprising how quickly the daily goal for sugar is reached just by having some fruit or tomatoes. Luckliy red wine only has 1gm of sugar! My calorie goal is 1200 but with exercise I can usually get it up to around 1500. In the first week I've lost 2 lbs but no inches. Also, check for food additives and try to eat only natural, organic food. Good luck!
  • JKellyMA
    focus on one thing at a time...losing weight is like 90% what you eat and 10% exercise. Change your diet first then start the exercise routine once you get eating habits down.
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    It takes a lot of time. You have to figure out if you are exercising enough and if you are taking enough food or taking too much food. Also, try doing some cardio workouts.
  • Burlesque12
    Burlesque12 Posts: 177 Member
    I think you get the picture by now...you wont "see" results in 2 weeks, but you should feel better. Your food intake is just as important as working out. Eat clean and lean and cut out the fats, sugars and "bad" carbs (eat low glycemic fruits!). In another 2 weeks you will have results. Its easier said than done, but its healthy and it works. Everyone is different, but weight loss is science and no going around that. Also, your a woman...our weight fluctuates (water retention) and your most likely replacing the fat with muscle (awesome!). Good luck!! You cant give up on yourself whatever you do.
  • OK_Girl
    OK_Girl Posts: 123 Member
    I looked at your diary.

    3 things I would tweak are

    1. Start tracking your salt and sugar.

    2. Your diet has allot of good stuff in there! But cut out some of that processed stuff. Make your own pizza. Ditch the candy and chocolate milk, use rice milk instead. Switch up your snacks to be nuts, fruits, etc instead of processed sugar (empty calories).

    3. Eat back fewer exercise calories, and see how you feel in a week.
  • adelitas_star
    Trust me, you don't want to give up. If you're truly unhappy with yourself, you CAN'T give up. These changes you want to see won't fall into your lap. No one else can make it happen. Only YOU can make the changes, alright! Don't give up!

    Now, give us more details. What are your workouts? How much are you eating? What kind of foods are you eating? Are you only relying on the scale to measure your weight loss?
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I agree with the other posters, you have to find something that works for YOU. This is a lifestyle change and if you can't and don't want to workout at 5am DONT DO IT!! I would never do that to myself becuase I hit snooze on the alarm as many times as I can until I am running around the house.

    Try working out in the evening... Keep to it, we didn't get this way overnight, and it takes time... and the time is going to pass anyways, so keep at it.
  • crazygurl456
    crazygurl456 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't give up! You CAN do this! It takes devotion but it CAN be done!

    A big thing you have to try to avoid: STRESS!! especially stress about losing weight, because stress CAUSES weight gain!

    You also have to be careful what you're eating, you may be around your calorie goal but what about everything else, carbs, sugars, fats? It's all stuff you have to keep an eye on.

    I'm not a professional athelete or anything but I know it can be hard to lose weight and eat properly and work out but if you need a support team, you can always message me. I'm always looking to help others and for some encouragment myself.
  • adelitas_star
    How many days are you working out per week? Are you lifting weights, at all? You may be eating too few calories, too.
  • jennyrae75
    jennyrae75 Posts: 11 Member
    You will get there. It generally takes 6 weeks to see a change but you will and you will be surprised! If you give up you will only feel worse.