whats pi**ed you off today?



  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    The gym I love and have been on a free trial at for the past week wants to do a credit check to make me a member :grumble: I'm a student... so needless to say my credit blows. So, I don't even know if I'll be able to get a membership now.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    idiots that don't drive the speed limit.
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    On my drive into work this morning, the freaking stupid woman that was going 25mph in a 40mph zone with NO passing lanes. Not a good idea to piss off a pregnant woman on a monday at 7AM. I almost followed her, but somehow thought better of it.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    My stupid X sending my his shirtless photo.
  • bhawk82
    bhawk82 Posts: 24 Member
    Traffic....enough said.
  • tequilasunris3
    My house mates are f***ing b*tches. One of them 'no longer wants anything to do with me' because I forgot to wash a cup and left it over night and so the other one has copied her and has also decided to ignore me. Get your own brain and get a god damn life outside of stressing over one god damn thing being out of place.

    I hate people so god damn much.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    my dog pissing on my carpet... right in front of me!!
  • CarrieQuiteContrary
    Jackholes. They piss me off.
  • momo0884
    Checking my bank account to see that the Dept of Educ student loan charged me TWICE instead of once...now I'm out $150 until it gets resolved. UGH!
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    We moved around some furniture last night and the lamp we bought a few months ago had to be moved so I unplugged it and moved it gently. When I moved it back and plugged it in, it didn't work. Tried a few things to see if it would work, nope. REALLY irritated! between the cost of the lamp and the 5 bulbs, not disposable after a few months! GRRRRRR
  • wildflower0872
    Working my @ss off for an organisation only to have certain folks waiting to jump and tell me they are 'rather disturbed' because someone got an email before someone else got the same thing by post!

    a. email is faster than post
    b. if you are rather disturbed by that... the real question is 'how sad is your life'
    c. go and do something positive and proactive with your sad life
    d. take your negative diatribe and feed it into someone elses ear!
    e. this is cheaper than therapy

    Good thread... thank you. Oh and f. when I am an old lady I am intending to be a cantankerous and interfering old bag who will tell people how disturbed she is when emails arrive quicker than the bloody buggery post!

    :-) :flowerforyou: and relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Some a-hole cut me off in the parking lot and then went 1 mph. So, I went around a bunch of cars to get to the exit and cut him off at the stop sign. He start cursing and the guys in my car of course get all mad and crap. Then, he proceeds to ride my butt. Instead of brake checking him I decided to go 1mph like he did :) I didn't want his nasty Dodge symbol tainting my beautiful car.
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    have to wear 4 layers and still being cold!! I was fall!! not winter weather!
  • JessigirlJb
    taking 3 toddlers to a doctors appointment!!
  • wildflower0872
    g. I only have one teabag left and need to save it for tomorrow morning so I am not a cranky sod!
  • Jalare
    Jalare Posts: 103
    I was posting a sign at the health center I work at today. I little boy and his mom was about to go out the door as soon as I finished. The little boy said to his mother, "are you proud of me mama cuz I have a tattoo?" He was holding a sticker in his hand. His mom said, "no boy you didn't do anything!" That pissed me off. I told him that he had a really nice sticker and he must have done something really good to get it.
  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    Feels like I am the only one in my office working today...... everyone else is yap yap yapping, and even closing my door won't drown them out!
  • flowerpoweredme
    flooded roads.... having to double back and find another route that takes twice as long.. grrrr
    this happened twice this morning, made the shopping trip take about an hour longer then usual grrrrr...

    happy days =]
  • NotSoBigNeil
    NotSoBigNeil Posts: 215 Member
    My iPhone charger fell to bits which means I have no phone until I get to work in the morning :mad:
  • akgordoa
    Not being able to go home. Again. Military wife, about to lose her mind...