Question for people who have lost weight who were overweight



  • kanittaj
    kanittaj Posts: 36 Member
    I try not to judge anyone because I am not the judge. What I do like to do is offer positive reinforcement for anyone that may be struggling. I still have a long way to go, but I encourage my family and friends to take the proper measures for a healthier life. We need less judgment and more helping each other...
  • babymine55
    babymine55 Posts: 127 Member
    Hmm, it surprises me that "fatty" is a term used...for me, it doesn't matter what stage a person is in, my heart bleeds for those that are overweight and merely surviving, rather than living.

    I'm not saying all overweight people. People that complain about it yet do nothing to change it. It's not like I'd say it out loud or be mean to them. This is just the thought that pops in my mind lol. I can't stand when people complain about stuff that is in their control.

    I hear you...however, I was one of those people. I'd complain..all the while eating an entire large pizza to myself. It's a process, like any other. But, I was broken. I hated my body, I hated living. I was trapped in 370 pounds...I was in a live coffin of fat. But, I wouldn't chang my journey for anything. It brought me to where I am today. Today, I LIVE. Today, I get to show my children what healthy eating and EXERCISING looks like.

    That's why I would never judge or even think "fatty" to someone who just isn't there yet. If I can be an encourager for them, awesome! If they are ready for accountability, fantastic! If they just need non-judgemental eyes to say, hello....I'm there.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    Sometimes I can be really compassionate and empathise with overweight people and other times I'm really judgemental. I definitely believe you have to hit your lowest point in order to gain the determination to do something about being overweight and it's really sad when people ask for help but don't follow through with it. I'm still overweight but am soooooo much happier and healthier and I want others to experience that also.
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    I am an extremely open person. I have never, nor will I ever judge someone because of their weight, looks, religion, race, sexual preference, or anything of the sort. I don't think it has anything to do with me being over weight. I think for me it is more of a personal human nature thing. Even when I was a thin 118lbs, I was never judgmental over weight. I mean, I am not a perfect person, if I get irritated at someones actions or something, I can be very judgmental. Just not so much over the basic things in life. You really don't know other peoples stories and why they are where they are at. Yes, I talk to my son and my mother, both whom are over weight, about exercising and such. I don't hound them about it but I do want them to know that I care about them and that them being over weight is a health concern but as I said, you can't know exactally what is going on with others all the time. I just know that I feel better physically since I started working out more regularly and I want to share that with them. :)
  • nicholettebell
    I am definitely less sympathetic especially to those who complain but don't do anything about it. Although I can identify and empathize with their struggle. But I can't lose the weight for them.