Which Anti-Anxiety/Depressant Does NOT Cause Weight Gain?



  • stephanieb72
    stephanieb72 Posts: 390 Member
    Wellbutrin will not. I used to take Wellbutrin XL and it actually decreased my appetite! Also easier to stop taking because you don't have to taper off like you do with Zoloft, Paxil, and I don't know what else. And stay farrrrrrrr away from Paxil! That is the WORST ONE for weight gain!!!!!!!!!!

    I am taking Paxil and I am steady losing, no problems with weight gain for me.
  • mingecrackers
    Stay away from Remeron! Made me gain weight like crazy. Prozac and Zoloft didn't cause any weight gain :)
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    They don't make you can weight. What goes in your mouth makes you gain weight. I have been on them for years as well.

    Weight loss is 80 % diet and 20% exercise.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I will have to go home and see what antidepressant i'm on, but it has not caused me to gain weight, that i know of. I have gained a tiny bit since on it, but it could just be from my bad eating and lack of exercising. I have been slowly losing and still taking it.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I take Celexa....I haven't had any problem losing. And I have the diabetes factor which, supposedly, makes it even harder.
  • ScubaAmyMN
    ScubaAmyMN Posts: 1,726 Member

    One thing with Wellbutrin - don't take it if you can't take it consistently. For me, if I miss one day taking it, I'm okay -- but if I miss two in a row, I find myself very badly depressed!

    I'm not glad to hear you get very badly depressed, but I'm glad to read that because that has happened to me a couple times, and it's severe! Good to know I wasn't imagining it. I'm good at taking it daily but a couple times I needed to pick up my refill and was a couple days late.

    Good advice.
  • LAS_1980
    Lexapro...it may decrease your appetite.
  • xxbookwormbabexx
    xxbookwormbabexx Posts: 92 Member

    I have a friend who is an E.R. nurse and she says that every week they have someone come in (usually a woman) who is on Wellbutrin and having a panic attack.

    I had several panic attacks on Wellbutrin. It's a stimulant. So it can have that effect :/
    Don't be scared away by that though. It's important to try what you see best.
  • killingtheantagonist
    I take 75 mg Wellbutrin (Bupropion) for my depression.
    I have lost weight since taking it and it makes me pretty happy.
    They had actually be on 150mg and it was too much for me.
    I was the utmost irritable ***** you'd ever seen.
    My family literally told me to stop taking it and go to my room.
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    All medications have the potential for weight gain. Everyone reacts differently to different drugs. The best thing you can do is monitor yourself.
  • cblevitron
    Anything that messes with your hormones has a possible side effect of weight gain.
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member

    I have a friend who is an E.R. nurse and she says that every week they have someone come in (usually a woman) who is on Wellbutrin and having a panic attack.

    This is interesting to me. I just went off Wellbutrin. I feel like it was making me way worse. I have taken both Paxil and Zoloft. I didn't notice any weight gain with either. Zoloft made me feel too numb though. For whatever that's worth!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    After years of dealing will every anti anxiety pill out there I finally cut cold turkey and went to a hypnotist, that was over two years ago and I can proudly say I can leave my house, go to the mall alone, I finished college and got my life back. I will never put those chemicals into my body again.

    Good for you! There are far too many people who are practically hoodwinked into taking these drugs which can often be very dangerous. Big Pharma has always known that the SSRI class of drugs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) will backfire with about 5% of those who are taking them and those individuals will go into a full-fledged psychotic break. A great many of the shooting incidents are preceded by the shooter being on or having been on anti-depressants. Cops know the truth, but the mainstream media will rarely if ever talk about it (for obvious reasons---guess who the big advertisers are?)
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I've been taking Welbutrin since last November and have lost a significant amount of weight despite the fact. I also don't feel groggy, over medicated, etc. I will say though that I sometimes still do experience moderate anxiety.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    While I am off my HRT I need an anti anxiety and paxil is something new to me. So far, no appetite issues and I don't feel like it's making me a zombie or putting weird thoughts in my head. Every person will experience every medication differently.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    There's really no way to know for sure whether a particular antidepressant will cause weight gain in a particular person. This sort of response is fairly individual and may be dose-dependent. One drug in a class may cause weight gain while another might not.

    That said, among the SSRIs Lexapro has very few anecdotal reports of weight gain at low doses, but does have more when the dose is raised. Older SSRIs tend to be more commonly associated with weight gains than the newer ones. If Celexa helped your depression but you couldn't tolerate the side effects, Lexapro might actually be a good choice. It's a similar drug but generally has far fewer side effects.

    Tricyclics are associated with weight gain pretty universally.

    The atypical antispychotics (basically the anticonvulsives) often provoke weight gain, though in some it is dose-dependent. These are not usually a first line of treatment in depression, but are frequently used in bi-polar patients and sometimes added to the SSRIs in intractable depression.

    The SNRIs and ENRIs like Effexor and Wellbutrin can actually provoke inappetance, but this is usually dose-dependent. However, they are often not prescribed to people with eating disorders linked to restricting food specifically because they can provoke inappetance.
  • lisaishotpink
    I'm on Klonopin (Clonazepam) for my anxiety disorder, it has hindered my weight loss in no way whatsoever. My fiance' is on Zoloft and he hasn't had any issues losing weight.
  • seamonkey789
    Please do not take medication advise off a forum. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR. And some of the medication mentioned here is not even antidepressants, they are anti-psychotics

    Everyone is different and reacts to medication differently. What makes 1 person gain weight will be weight neutral for another person and the side effects are going to vary for pretty much everyone.

    I'm currently taking a huge weight gainer for most people and have not gained any weight and the medication does what it is supposed to for me.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    All medications have the potential for weight gain. Everyone reacts differently to different drugs. The best thing you can do is monitor yourself.

    This is true.

    Now, some of the research suggests that antibiotics cause weight gain! I guess it makes sense as that is why they give antibiotics to animals (not as you might think, to fight disease---they are given the antibiotics to increase weight gain). The horrible, disgustingly filthy conditions of factory-raised chickens require that they be given feed laced liberally with antibiotics. Not only do we take in the crud when we eat them but more and more scientists have come around to the view that antibiotics in animal feed (the vast majority of antibiotics that are manufactured are given to animals) contribute to the development of super-bugs. This was a controversial theory when first introduced but mainstream science seem to be coming over to that point of view. I would never eat any chicken that was not naturally raised and free-range.