Did anyoe else just see the worst call in NFL history??



  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I'm glad I missed it. I'm boycotting the entire year, because even when the refs actually come back, the season will be completely blown anyways and not be worth my time to watch. I know several die hard fans are don't give a damn about watching this year, either.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Actually, the refs made the right call. If opposing players come down with the football and neither rips it out of the others arms, it automatically goes to the intended receiver which in this case would be the Seahawks even if Jennings had slightly more possession, the Seahawks still maintained contact.

    However, yes, most of the games have been horribly officiated in general and the two refs should have conferred before making a call, especially under 2 minutes when the play had to be reviewed anyway.

    I agree with joehempel....this should definitely kick them into gear in resolving the strike and getting the normal refs back.

    I was getting FLAMED on Facebook for trying to make this same point. Full disclosure: I am a Steelers fan and have no dog in this fight.

    Everyone saying that Tate didn't have possession is completely missing his left hand which touches the football at the same time as Jennings. It doesn't matter that Jennings had two hands on it and Tate just a hand or arm. Full out possession doesn't happen until you hit the ground or make a football move. Both men initiated the possession at the exact same time and both men still had possession when they hit the ground. There is absolute;y no rule for one having "more" possession than the other.

    Simultaneous possession goes to the receiver. I understand why everyone thinks this is the wrong call, but it's simply not. It's just wrong to say that Tate tried to "steal" the ball once Jennings had possession. Tate clearly touches the ball at the same time as Jennings and both men come down with it.
  • DCS7
    DCS7 Posts: 3
    Yeah that was the craziest thing ever. My sister is a Hawks fan. A win is a win for them tho.
  • Sassafrass1981
    Sassafrass1981 Posts: 28 Member
    All the games have had crappy calls in one way or another this season so far... it's ridiculous. Tonight was bad, last night as well.
  • Not a fan of either team, but that was awful. Total disgrace
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    Actually, the refs made the right call. If opposing players come down with the football and neither rips it out of the others arms, it automatically goes to the intended receiver which in this case would be the Seahawks even if Jennings had slightly more possession, the Seahawks still maintained contact.

    However, yes, most of the games have been horribly officiated in general and the two refs should have conferred before making a call, especially under 2 minutes when the play had to be reviewed anyway.

    I agree with joehempel....this should definitely kick them into gear in resolving the strike and getting the normal refs back.

    I was getting FLAMED on Facebook for trying to make this same point. Full disclosure: I am a Steelers fan and have no dog in this fight.

    Everyone saying that Tate didn't have possession is completely missing his left hand which touches the football at the same time as Jennings. It doesn't matter that Jennings had two hands on it and Tate just a hand or arm. Full out possession doesn't happen until you hit the ground or make a football move. Both men initiated the possession at the exact same time and both men still had possession when they hit the ground. There is absolute;y no rule for one having "more" possession than the other.

    Simultaneous possession goes to the receiver. I understand why everyone thinks this is the wrong call, but it's simply not. It's just wrong to say that Tate tried to "steal" the ball once Jennings had possession. Tate clearly touches the ball at the same time as Jennings and both men come down with it.

    I respectfully disagree. From the replays that I saw, Jennings initiated possession first, then Tate got in on the act. It wasn't simultaneous, therefore the simultaneous catch rule doesn't apply. Packers ball- no TD for Seahawks.

    And as a Patriots fan- I also have no dog in this fight.
  • I am a GB fan & I am absolutely sickend!! My advice.... ALL COACHES from here on out should just down it every game! Better yet.... show up w/no pads or helmets!!
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Actually, the refs made the right call. If opposing players come down with the football and neither rips it out of the others arms, it automatically goes to the intended receiver which in this case would be the Seahawks even if Jennings had slightly more possession, the Seahawks still maintained contact.

    However, yes, most of the games have been horribly officiated in general and the two refs should have conferred before making a call, especially under 2 minutes when the play had to be reviewed anyway.

    I agree with joehempel....this should definitely kick them into gear in resolving the strike and getting the normal refs back.

    Problem is-Jennings (GB) had possession first! Then Tate (Seattle) got in on it. The simultaneous catch rule doesn't apply here. The refs mucked up that call big time.

    Edit: Yes, then there was the blatant offensive pass interference against Tate. He can deny all he wants- it's on tape and replay for all the world to see.

    If the catch is made at or around the same time. Meaning, because Tate got his hands on it just after Jennings, he is credited with possession. It is a dumb rule, but that's how it is. I'm not saying I fully agree with the call, but I can see how it was made.

    Also, because pass interference wasn't called on Tate, he can deny it, though it doesn't make it true. Basically, almost every game I've watched has been one bad call after another. Again, I'm just hoping this is finally enough to get them to end the lockout.
  • They better bring the real refs back out or football is not gonna rule anymore.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    They've been over the rules....it was Possession by GREEN BAY. He had BOTH hands on it....it was pulled to his chest....one hand doesn't constitute dual possession.

    Also according to retired official that was interviewed, they generally let Pass Interference go on plays like that because EVERYONE is going for the ball....however, in my opinion being shoved is not going for the ball.
  • OMG, are you people going to actually argue the call here? lol ALL of the sports experts are saying it was not a simultaneous catch. Unreal
  • uspp223
    uspp223 Posts: 32 Member
    huge Packer fan (and Owner) - UGH - so sad
  • That was THE worst call I've ever seen. We need to get the real refs back in this. My friend's actually writing a letter to the bosses.
  • bethygirlie
    bethygirlie Posts: 311 Member
    I'm a Steelers fan (die hard) but I'm angered by these terrible calls. Had this happened to Pittsburgh (and it still could in a later game) I would be FURIOUS. Green Bay fans have a right to be angry. These replacement refs are horrible.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member

    I respectfully disagree. From the replays that I saw, Jennings initiated possession first, then Tate got in on the act. It wasn't simultaneous, therefore the simultaneous catch rule doesn't apply. Packers ball- no TD for Seahawks.

    And as a Patriots fan- I also have no dog in this fight.

    I watched it over and over - Jennings touches the ball at the same time. Here is a good shot of it:


    Look at 1:03. Keep in mind, nobody has possession until they demonstrate it and you can't do that while you're still in the air. Even if Jennings touches the ball two seconds before Tate, it's irrelevant if he hasn't established possession yet which doesn't take place until the player either makes a football move or gets both feet (body part, etc) down while demonstrating possession.

    But at 1:03 you can see Jennings gets his hand in there.
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    I have never seen so many flags thrown in my life, flag after flag, yet it seems some of the most obvious offenses go un-called. I didnt see the big deal concerning the ref strike but I see it now. I know its a tough job but there is way too many innapropriate calls being made due to inexperience and perhaps even some favortism as well. All I know is I am not a fan of either team and that lit my fire, it wasnt a fair call whatsoever, especially considering that it was the game call. BOOOO
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Actually, the refs made the right call. If opposing players come down with the football and neither rips it out of the others arms, it automatically goes to the intended receiver which in this case would be the Seahawks even if Jennings had slightly more possession, the Seahawks still maintained contact.

    However, yes, most of the games have been horribly officiated in general and the two refs should have conferred before making a call, especially under 2 minutes when the play had to be reviewed anyway.

    I agree with joehempel....this should definitely kick them into gear in resolving the strike and getting the normal refs back.

    I was getting FLAMED on Facebook for trying to make this same point. Full disclosure: I am a Steelers fan and have no dog in this fight.

    Everyone saying that Tate didn't have possession is completely missing his left hand which touches the football at the same time as Jennings. It doesn't matter that Jennings had two hands on it and Tate just a hand or arm. Full out possession doesn't happen until you hit the ground or make a football move. Both men initiated the possession at the exact same time and both men still had possession when they hit the ground. There is absolute;y no rule for one having "more" possession than the other.

    Simultaneous possession goes to the receiver. I understand why everyone thinks this is the wrong call, but it's simply not. It's just wrong to say that Tate tried to "steal" the ball once Jennings had possession. Tate clearly touches the ball at the same time as Jennings and both men come down with it.

    Yeah, I can't post this on Facebook without being permanently run out of town. I live an hour north of Green Bay and 90% of my friends list are rabid Packer fans. It's such a rarely used rule that most people don't realize it. The call itself was correct, but the lack of penalties after is debatable. It doesn't even have to be at the same time. If the receiver gets a hand on it AROUND the same time as the defender, and both hang on it still goes to the receiver.

    Now, I am a Colts fan, but I do cheer for the Packers if they're playing anyone but the Colts so yes, I am being pretty unbiased here. I could rage that it should have been an INT but A. it shouldn't have been by NFL rules and regulations and B. it will do NOTHING to change the outcome of the game.

    I got to see the Patriots and the Steelers lose, so that was enough to get me through the weekend, even though all of my other teams lost (except Baltimore who I also enjoy watching ;):D
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    Actually, the refs made the right call. If opposing players come down with the football and neither rips it out of the others arms, it automatically goes to the intended receiver which in this case would be the Seahawks even if Jennings had slightly more possession, the Seahawks still maintained contact.

    However, yes, most of the games have been horribly officiated in general and the two refs should have conferred before making a call, especially under 2 minutes when the play had to be reviewed anyway.

    I agree with joehempel....this should definitely kick them into gear in resolving the strike and getting the normal refs back.

    Problem is-Jennings (GB) had possession first! Then Tate (Seattle) got in on it. The simultaneous catch rule doesn't apply here. The refs mucked up that call big time.

    Edit: Yes, then there was the blatant offensive pass interference against Tate. He can deny all he wants- it's on tape and replay for all the world to see.

    If the catch is made at or around the same time. Meaning, because Tate got his hands on it just after Jennings, he is credited with possession. It is a dumb rule, but that's how it is. I'm not saying I fully agree with the call, but I can see how it was made.

    Also, because pass interference wasn't called on Tate, he can deny it, though it doesn't make it true. Basically, almost every game I've watched has been one bad call after another. Again, I'm just hoping this is finally enough to get them to end the lockout.

    But the catch wasn't made at the same time. Jennings caught it- then Tate got a hand on it after the ball was already pulled into Jennings' chest. It wasn't simultaneous, it was a terrible call. Which is probably why the two refs made two different calls. Too bad the wrong one stood.
  • uspp223
    uspp223 Posts: 32 Member
    huge Packer fan (and Owner) - UGH - so sad

    by the way - any Packer fans who would like to add me, feel free - I need support in not drinking too many beers on nights like tonight! However, my workout tomorrow is going to be a BEAST, A LOT OF PENT UP ANGER GOING TO BE RELEASED!

    just add it in the request - football season is always tough on me!
  • Wow, talk about GB getting ROBBED. And I'm not even a Packers fan