Anyone doing the C25K?



  • Just started this week! Feel free to add me, as well. Support is a great thing!
  • Just finished wk2, day1 this morning, so pretty much exactly where you're at.
  • I started last week but then my phone died and lost my first week of run data so I am doing it over again this week. So I am Week 1 Day 1 tonight :)
  • I've done 2 runs of week 4. Didn't think I would be able to do it, as it is a huge jump up from week 3, but I have. Add me if you like!
  • I have just completed wk4 and will do wk5, day 1 on Friday. I stupidly just googled what Laura (for those who don't use the podcast, she is the 'trainer') has in store for me: Eeeekkk! I'm sure it will be fine.
    Can't wait to be able to do 5k, I'd like to try the 10k when I'm done too!
    Great to see so many other people on the same journey!
    Add me if you would like too :)
  • Tinkerbell1010
    Tinkerbell1010 Posts: 134 Member
    I should have started week 5 this week but I have been sick so looks like perhaps next week. I just hope I didnt throw myself off too much but I just cant run feeling the way I do right now , good luck !!
  • Beethoven1827
    Beethoven1827 Posts: 102 Member
    Well, yesterday's run went well - I'm amazed that I managed two lots of 3 minutes! I haven't run for that long since I was in high school!

    I'm using the NHS Choices free podcasts - some great music choices on there, and Laura is so encouraging :smile:
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 180 Member
    I am using the C25K App by Zen Labs on my iPhone.

    I attempted Week 7, day 1 yesterday and it was an Epic Fail!!! I am going out to buy new shoes today because i think that's why my legs start hurting when i run. They hurt just below my calf muscle, on the inner part by my shins.
    Any suggestions?
  • LindaLou0802
    LindaLou0802 Posts: 22 Member
    Love this program! I am amazed at what I have been able to run so far, since I have never been a runner. :)

    So far, each week has been fine until this one. Just did W6D3 this morning and really struggled to get through the 25 minute run, but did it. I was amazed how well I did last week with the 20 minute one, but today felt like it was so much more work. Is that normal? Should I repeat this day or week? Please give me some encouragement. :)
  • isabellecmiranda
    isabellecmiranda Posts: 56 Member
    there is a lot of different app... wich one is the best?:wink:

    I love the one I use. C25k by Run Double.

    I agree Run Double is the best! i switched over from android to iphone and now i have one, same idea but not as coo asn the run double app
  • lachivis
    lachivis Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Everyone :) I'm doing this! Today I just finished week 1. I'm so excited!
    I used to run many moons ago(20 years). I would almost be running a 5k or 10k every weekend. Then all kinds of stuff happened and gained so much weight, my highest was 275lbs this year. I could barely walk without pain. I have 2 months into MFP and the weight is just falling off and I'm becoming more active, now I can totally see me running a 5k in the future, where before it would sadden me that I would never be able to run again.
    anyone can feel free to add me as a friend :-)
  • juliedozier
    juliedozier Posts: 184 Member
    Ready to start week 4! I'm nervous ... week 3 was tough for me. But I am determined to do this!
  • Beethoven1827
    Beethoven1827 Posts: 102 Member
    OK, I managed w4d1 today - go me! :smile: Sixteen minutes of running in total with only three walking breaks. I'm starting to believe I might be able to do this :wink: