Why is it so hard to stick to my diet



  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    So many people choose to lose weight and immediately try to become a clean eater. It's not realistic for most and sets you up for failure. I'm not sure if that's your situation or not, but as stated previously, just enjoy going out to dinner and eating the ocassional fast food burger. Don't beat yourself up and then binge like crazy because you feel deprived!
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    Don't diet. Eat food that you enjoy and fit it into your calories/macros.

    Find exercise you enjoy and set a schedule.

    I agree with this, and would like to add: Maybe try cutting one bad thing out of your diet to start. I struggled for a few years thinking I was just going to be fat. That was it. I couldn't do it. I was just a fat person, and it must be in my DNA or something. Then I started having stomach issues. My doctor thought it might be my gallbladder, he sent me for tests that would be in a months time, and said in the mean time I should cut out greasy food to feel better. I cut out fried food for a week or two, then was tempted by some delicious tempura, as soon as I finished my meal, my stomach pains came back. That was the last time I had a completely fried dinner… it has been 5 years, and I do not regret a second of it. It started me on my weight loss path, and I have learned so much in the time that has passed. Sometimes it is just one simple thing that can start something huge.

    oh and p.s. they couldn't find anything wrong with my gallbladder. After those tests, it was just shier dedication, and determination for my own health. You need to start thinking about your own health, what it means to you, and how the food you eat makes you feel in the end - be it physically or mentally. Ask yourself, if it is worth it before you eat it. No, I do not completely cut out fried foods any more, but believe me, I have cut back huge! Don't even ask me about ice cream though. I can't even keep it in the house.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    You have to get yourself used to eating a certain way. Cut one thing out at a time and when your body gets used to it...make another healthy change. Seems to be working for me.
  • Keto_Keith
    Maybe you should look into a ketogenic lifestyle... It isn't a hard dietary plan o follow, and you stay away from sugar and wheat, which in my book are bad news anyway.
  • Everything everyone here has said is true.

    What I found in my personal experience with willpower is simple. You have to want to be healthy MORE than you want the food. It was the same when I quit smoking 8 years ago. I finally actually, truly wanted health more than nicotine.

    I'm not saying it's easy, but it is simple.

    Hang in there! We're here for you.
  • gpoliver
    gpoliver Posts: 87 Member
    self control, and discipline are key. Nothing is off my "diet" if I want something I will fit it in... HOWEVER like yo9u, i wil binge on something if it is available to me. Emotional eating is my trigger, and when I am upset, happy, sd, angry, or bored, I can binge on something, usually sweet and or salty. What I have found worked and is a working so far, is for the first two weeks I have planned out everything and stuck to it. This helped my get back to eating healthy and not craving things so much. Next I allowed myself something that I know i would want to binge on, (for me tortilla chips) i counted out one serving, packed it up and took it with me where I was going. Once I ate it with my lunch I had an intense desire for more, but none was available so i had to live with it. I did this for two weeks (Not everyday) once you do something consistenly for two weeks, it becomes a habit. So for me now I dont have the intense desire for emotionall eating like i did before.... now i am replacing alot of that with excercise, goal setting, getting outside and enjoying something, anything, that will take my mind off the food or the desire to binge. Give it a try.... make a commitment to get to 10kg, and see what happens, I have found this place is the biggest support i have ever had so stick with us too! If you binge, or end up with a "bad weekend" simply move on from it and KEEP GOING!...... YOU CAN DO THIS, there is no doubt in my mind that whatever is going on, it is not stronger than you are!!!!!!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Diary's not open so I'll have to guess-maybe you're restricting yourself to much.

    use this site to figure out your BMR and TDEE:


    select the amount of hours per week you work out (not how hard).

    always eat above your BMR, shoot for TDEE-400 cals for steady weight loss.

    take a "diet break" every 6-8 weeks (eat at TDEE for a week).

    eat at least your lean body weight in grams of protein (if LBW=115, then 115 gm protein).

    set macros at around 40 carbs, 30 protein, 30 fat (yes 30 fat, your body requires fats for metabolism!)

    you won't be hungry, and will have energy!
  • tracymnx
    Dont look at this journey as a diet, and dont stop eating certain foods because you think they are bad for you. Eat whatever you want in moderation and fit it into your daily cal allowance. And most importantly, when you fall off the wagon get straight back up again, dont see it as an excuse to eat badly for the remaining hour/day/week. We are all human and all guilty of over-indulgence but then you go for a walk, drink lots of water and try to eat better at the next meal. No one lost weight over night, its a long process and you WILL lose weight if you eat less and move more most of the time.
  • RobertCu
    RobertCu Posts: 33 Member
    Stop eating empty calories. That's your problem. Your body keeps wanting more and more because what you're feeding it is not what it needs.

  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have tried losing weight SO many times. But the only times I was really successful was when I hit bottom. When I was SOO freaking disgusted with myself that I knew I just HAD to do it. I didn't wake up one day and say, "I think I better go on a diet". I tried on a bathing suit from last year (that I bought because I had gotten fatter from the year before) and it didn't fit! THAT was the straw. That was what made me crash and burn emotionally. I said THIS is it!! I put on blinders and I haven't looked back since that day in May. The only difference between THIS time and all those other times is I am doing it the healthy way...slowly. That's how I know that its forever this time.

    You have to REALLY be ready. You have to make weight loss the priority. It has to be an everyday thing, not now and then when you feel like it. If a person cant commit, then they aren't ready....and they will get frustrated or complacent and then just give up all together. Been there.
  • higgins1988
    all of the above!

    i find it helpful to have a stock of low cal treats - 10 calorie jello pots, fat free marshmallows at 5 cal per sweet, and flavoured popcorn at around 100 cals per big bag. that way you can have a snack, get your sweet fix and not totally ruin your day!

    :) Xxxx
  • dianefisher47
    dianefisher47 Posts: 234 Member
    your struggling maybe because you are calling this a diet....NO NO my friend this is a way of life...forget the diet part, eat well , do your exercise, and drink your water and you will be on your way for life:drinker: Make good choices for you and you alone,,,if you are doing this for any other reasons your on the wrong track...good luck:flowerforyou:
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Prelogging has saved me. I didnt start doing it until a few weeks ago but it helps so much. I can schedule treats or anything good or bad that I want. Then, I stick to it. Last night I logged today so when I woke up, I had 2 calories left. So now I just follow what I had put in the app (this especially helps bc dinner is my largest meal of the day and the one I am most likely to eat out).

    This too:
    Deprivation doesn't work because once you get your hands on it again all of your hard work is out the window!
  • nc90
    nc90 Posts: 83 Member
    You are not alone - I've recently hopped back on the wagon, and it has taken time to make the changes I have. The weekends are still hard for me, but I have become so much better at watching my intake and still tracking on the weekends, and even though I go over, it's not nearly as much as I used to.

    Something you might want to try is just looking back through your diary, and see where those extra calories are coming from. Is it a certain meal that seems to always put you over? A food you can't resist if it's in the house? Too much oil cooking? I found it really helpful to find the patterns that seemed to throw me off, and start making changes there. For example, having a drink or two a few nights a week was a big one for me. Since then, I've decided that I'll only have a couple on the weekend/special occasions, and have figured out lower calorie options so that it stays reasonable. It will never work if you cut out certain things completely, but learning to scale back and practice moderation will go tremendously far with your goals.

    Good luck to you!
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    know your triggers and work on them. The foods you love if say pizza. Have a slice and then a big serving of carrots. A bowl of veggies or salad next to your pasta, rice or whatever food makes you go over calories will help you fill up. Some time ago I found out that if I ban certain foods I set myself for a binge later when I have them available. Others that I just cant have only one (like chips or cookies) I'll allow myself to have a few at parties or anywhere else and not at home. Set some rules for yourself that you can follow. Dont be to harsh and like others said if you fail today tomorrow is another day.
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    You have to change your way of thinking. Instead of trying to lose weight, just try to be healthy. You'd be amazed at how much initial weight you lose by just tidying up your food intake! That's how I first got started. I for a few years I was yo-yo dieting/exercising not getting anywhere. Then I started counted Weight watcher's points with my mom and sister. I didn't expect it to work since nothing else had but for a few weeks I counted points. Then after a doctors visit I found I had lost 5lbs! I was so excited because I hadn't done anything radical except watch my portion size.
    After that I got on MFP and started tracking my intake and researching nutrition. Now here I am bout 13 lbs lighter and many inches smaller :-) I still have long way to go but I know I'll get there because I have changed my habits. You can do the same thing if you just take one step at a time. Start with portion control, then try finding healthier substitutions for the foods you love. I used to love bologna sandwiches. Now I use lean turkey deli meat instead. I LOVE chocolate, but instead of Hershey bars and snickers (my favorite!), I now eat 100 cal packs and chocolate chip granola bars.
    Once you've gotten nutrition right start hitting the gym, but remember baby steps. Just walk around the track, or even clean up the house or do yard work. Anything that gets you moving is a step in the right direction. Good luck!
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Prelogging has saved me. I didnt start doing it until a few weeks ago but it helps so much. I can schedule treats or anything good or bad that I want. Then, I stick to it. Last night I logged today so when I woke up, I had 2 calories left. So now I just follow what I had put in the app (this especially helps bc dinner is my largest meal of the day and the one I am most likely to eat out).

    I completely 100% agree. Sometimes I want to grab something out of the fridge and then think- oh wait, I don't have calories left for that. And then I proceed to eat whatever I had planned initially.
    Without pre-logging I would /definitely/ over-eat and not realize it until later after I binged like a crazy-person.
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    I was like you until I changed my mindset. When you think of it as a "diet" with a destination (goal weight) it gives you a feeling of desperation, like you are climbing a mountain, and you will never reach the top. I had to sit down with myself and reassess my way of thinking. You have to find a way to enjoy it and make it your way of life. I don't want to eat only celery stalks and exercise mindlessly until I reach my goal. Then what? What happens to me when I reach my goal? I start eating the things I love again and stop exercising because I hate it? Then I will gain it all back! No, I now eat a normal, balanced diet. I eat cookies and cake and whatever else of the foods I love on a daily basis. If I didn't, I'd lose willpower and instead of eating 2 cookies, I'd eat the entire box. I encorporate it into my lifestyle to fit under my calorie goals. I also found an exercise that I truly enjoy doing (I mean, let's get real, some days I'm dragging my butt to do it, but all in all, I am really enjoying it). I had to "let go," if that makes sense. It's such a freeing feeling to know that you can live and eat like a normal person and still lose weight. It's really freeing to not give a crap if the scale is up a pound, because this is my way of life now and eventually I know I will be where I want to be, and I will actually stay there because this is now my way of life! I mean, yes, there are still days where I overdo it, but I'm human and even super skinny people overdo it from time to time. I don't let it derail me because I'm in this for life! I've been living like this for 50 days now and have lost 15 pounds. Just the beginning of the rest of my new life. I'm really looking forward to it. So can you! You are worth it!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Small changes. One change at a time.

    My first week, all I did was log what I was normally eating - no changes to my pattern, just what I normally ate.

    Then I looked at where I could make a couple small changes, without feeling overwhelmed. I continued those until I felt ready to add another small change. One thing at a time, it adds up. It's easier that way - it's not so overwhelming.

    You can do this - it doesn't have to be so scary!
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    I don't diet. It's a lifestyle choice. I choose to eat clean and healthy 95% of the time. I choose to workout because my heart and muscles crave it.... and so does my sanitly. If you think of it as a diet then it sound temporary. Choose to change for the rest of your life. Good luck! You can do this! Remember, if you crave a cookie you can eat a cookie BUT EAT ONLY ONE ;)