I'm not making excuses but I need help!



  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Ok, I know a lot of you are going to say that I'm making excuse but I really do struggle with finding time to work out. I think I have the diet part down though. Here is my typical daily schedule. I have 3 kids btw, ages 6, 12, 13.

    Up at 5 am to get ready for work
    6am - wake up oldest son
    6:30am - pack lunches for self and kids, gather sports uniforms for after school practices
    6:55am - out the door
    4:30pm - rush home to fix dinner
    5:00pm - out the door to drop daughter off at cheerleading
    5:30pm - pick oldest son up at soccer
    6:00pm - back home to do homework with 6 year old
    6:45pm - out the door to pick up daughter at cheer then off to Gymnastics
    8Pm - shower the youngest and get him into bed
    9pm - back out the door to pick up daughter from gymnastics
    9:45pm - finally able to take work clothes and shoes off before passing out

    I have no help with running my kids around or doing any of the household chores (dinner, homework, etc) so I'm busy.
    I'm not complaining because this is my life that I chose to live so my kids are active and happy.
    I'm just asking for some tips on exercises I can do quickly throughout the day. I'm aware that walking is good and I would do this on lunch break but in heels and where I work, that doesn't happen.

    Thanks in advance.

    It's threads like these that make me what to get up and do a happy dance that my kids are grown and out of the house!!!!

    I'm sure a few people have said it but how about your Lunch Hour?

    Also maybe just try and grab 15 minutes here or there in between evening errands...something is better than nothing.

    My girlfriend has younger kids that she has to get to and from school functions and she uses the school track that goes around the football field when she drops her kids off at school functions.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Ok, I know a lot of you are going to say that I'm making excuse but I really do struggle with finding time to work out. I think I have the diet part down though. Here is my typical daily schedule. I have 3 kids btw, ages 6, 12, 13.

    Up at 5 am to get ready for work **Throw in a crock pot dinner a few times a week
    6am - wake up oldest son **Get oldest an alarm clock
    6:30am - pack lunches for self and kids, gather sports uniforms for after school practices **If the kids are old enough to do sports, they're old enough to deal with their own uniforms and gear
    6:55am - out the door
    4:30pm - rush home to fix dinner **back to crock pot a few times a week. Double cook meals, freeze half. Thaw for a future dinner. Will save you hours of work.
    5:00pm - out the door to drop daughter off at cheerleading
    **use the 30 mins in between for a quick 10 min. cardio? He can wait.
    5:30pm - pick oldest son up at soccer
    6:00pm - back home to do homework with 6 year old
    6:45pm - out the door to pick up daughter at cheer then off to Gymnastics *does she really need this many activities?
    8Pm - shower the youngest and get him into bed He's 6? he should be able to do most of this himself? you can get in another 10 min. cardio.
    9pm - back out the door to pick up daughter from gymnastics
    9:45pm - finally able to take work clothes and shoes off before passing out get work clothes off the minute you enter the door.
    Your kids don't have to be picked up the minute they get off practice. You need to breath before you literally have a mommy melt down.

    Your 2 oldest are oldest enough to do basic chores such as load the dishwasher, wipe down counters, gather laundry and straighten the living room up. Teach them now or they will never do it. (I used small stickers on the washer and dryer.
    my daughter's birthdates are 7th and 10th. On odd days, #7 does dishes, and the switch up.

    I have no help with running my kids around or doing any of the household chores (dinner, homework, etc) so I'm busy.
    I'm not complaining because this is my life that I chose to live so my kids are active and happy.
    **It's great that they are happy. But if you become unhappy and resentful for doing absolutely everything, the happiness will go out the window.

    I'm just asking for some tips on exercises I can do quickly throughout the day. I'm aware that walking is good and I would do this on lunch break but in heels and where I work, that doesn't happen.

    Thanks in advance.

    **are just suggestions on how to ease up your schedule so you can fit more 'you time' in your schedule.
    Keep a pair of comfortable shoes in your car along with small weights, kettle bell and jump rope, and a hair tie if you need one.
    In a push up position, bring one knee up and then switch out to the other knee. (Close to the position you would be in to start a race)
    lunges. Using your weights walk in a lunge position with your knee close to the ground.
    Back into push up position and then up to jump up and then back down again. Doing this quickly will get your heart pumping.

    In a squat position with the kettle bell between your feet. squat, lift kettle bell and pull it up straight in from of you. ( a kettle bell book will show you)
    It's most important to take the 5 minutes to get your work clothes off as soon as you get home. using the corck pot or thawing out previous meals can help with that.
    Disconnect on Sunday.
  • virginia65us
    virginia65us Posts: 106 Member
    Can you get up at 4:50 squeeze in 10 minutes of pilates or just plain old ab work and maybe a few arm curls, etc. Every little bit helps! You clearly don't have big chunks of time free, but I know on days when I am really busy, I fit in 10 minutes of walking, crunches, etc, and am sometimes shocked by what it adds up to by the end of the day.
  • BetterCrazyThanLazy
    youre up at 5.
    get up at 4.

    This......it sucks balls, but on days that I know I'm going to be working both jobs and running my daughter around, I have to do it because NOT getting the run in is simply not an option for me.

    "If it's important, you'll make time. If it's not, you'll make excuses."

    (please don't think I'm being mean, I'm not....that's just a quote that REALLY helped me :happy: )

    Sure, exercise is important, but not at the expense of sleep. No way. There are many, many studies and info out there on the importance of sleep and I never, ever do anything at the expense of sleep. (I'm a single mom too, but my life is much less hectic since I live in the Arctic.)

    I'm getting a used Bowflex for weight training at home. Even a few minutes, here and there, of weight training is highly beneficial. According to a recent study (Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2012 Sep 20) a few minutes of weight training may be more beneficial than 30 minutes of cardio.

    Please mom, eat well, get your sleep, look after you and your kids, and then add in what you can. I think you are likely getting lots of exercise just doing your day to day stuff. :flowerforyou:

    10p-4a is 6 hours of sleep

    That's plenty for me...maybe not for the OP, was just offering an opinion and an expample of what I do.:smile:

    Sorry, I didn't mean to belittle your opinion at all.

    6 hours of sleep is inadequate for most people. Many people are going through life sleep deprived and have health problems as a result. I need 8-9 hours, and sometimes even more. A busy mom like the OP likely needs at least 8; however, she can determine that for herself. Personally, I hate mornings (especially during DST) and I get up earlier than I have to just to get some "me" time. When I get my Bowflex I will likely put in a few minutes in the morning, but there is no way I will reduce my sleep. An hour of cardio in the morning? Never.

    getting up early is not an option for me! I need more than 6 hours of sleep...I'm way to busy not to rest. As for those saying I have extra time in the morning because I get up at 5 and don't get my son up til 6:30, well obviously you don't know how long it takes to shower, dry hair, straighten hair, do makeup and get dressed!

    I know how long that takes. It takes me about 30 minutes. Any my hair is long, so don't try that one on me. Maybe you could throw your hair up in some quick and easy up-dos on days you work out. I'll even find a link to some that I use all the time and they take about 3 minutes to complete if you really want. I'm really trying to figure out why you posted this if the only thing you're going to do is say why you can't work out? You're not the busiest person in the world. I'm just not convinced that you are serious about exercise because there is always always always always time.

    "I know how long that takes. It takes me about 30 minutes. Any my hair is long, so don't try that one on me. " You don't have my hair or know what I do with it.
    "I'm really trying to figure out why you posted this if the only thing you're going to do is say why you can't work out? " I came on here looking for advice on how to fit in 10 mins here and 10 mins there....NOT for someone like you to criticize how I do my hair or how long it takes me.

    You're looking for advice on how to fit in 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there and there have been SO many great suggestions, but yet you seem to be only responding to the ones who are telling you don't worry about exercise focus on diet AND the ones who are trying to help you manage your time in the morning better, but it's not to your liking. Why ask the question at all, if you're not going to consider the 50+ people who have thrown out excellent suggestions? It sounds like you're looking for someone to tell you don't have to exercise--so don't do it! You'd squeeze in time, if you were really serious about it.

    And do you want to bet that she won't respond to yours? :laugh:

  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Honestly, is your spouse around? And if so, why arent they helping? If I read it correctly the kids are 12 and 13? Sorry but its time for them to have chores.. they are definitely old enough to take care of some things around the home.

    There is always time for exercise..... instead of allowing yourself the whole list of responsibilities, make your family members responsible... they definitely can take over....

    Any reason the absent parent cant help with the transporting of the kids for functions?
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    not married and have no kids i dont envy ur schedule as mine looks like this

    7am wake up
    730 run at gym
    900 arrive at work
    500 leave work go lift at gym
    700 arrive home eat dinner shower
    730 sit in recliner in peace and quiet and watch boob tube

    sorry im of no help
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    I am up at 3:40 every morning to go work out. You do what you have to.

    I am up at 3:10 too!!! Agreed!
  • Monalisa85
    Monalisa85 Posts: 31 Member
    If it's important enough to you, you will make the time. We all have the same 24-hours in the day and there are many of us that work long hours, raised kids and I'd be up way earlier than needed when my kids were home and after they went to bed, that was more time for me to workout. My daughters both have kids with full-time jobs and all the extracurricular activities but still find time here and there. You alone are responsible for you.
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    Trainers to the office, most of my workouts are done in my lunch break and both my kids (boys 11 and 7) love Wii games so we get competitive!! I have also been known to walk/run around the rugby pitch whilst watching them play/train so try that
    Good luck - As I know, oh so well, being a working mum and finding even a few minutes for yourself is a very tough call
  • BrendaMargaret
    BrendaMargaret Posts: 3 Member
    Where there's a will, there's a way.
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    I walk to work (I live 4 blocks away) and wear my comfy shoes but I carry my work shoes with me. This way I can change whenever I go for my walk at lunchtime or when I have to run errands and put my work shoes back on when I return.
  • sallysuze
    sallysuze Posts: 65 Member
    You would have plenty of time to exercise if you spent less time in the car.
    So.... cut down on activities for the children, or cut down on the amount of driving to activities yourself by carpooling.

    I don't envy you all, when do you all spend time together?
    Hopefully there is time at the weekend where you can hang out at the park getting in family time and exercise together.
  • livaneah
    livaneah Posts: 34 Member
    I have four kids at home and a very similar schedule (although I am lucky enough to wear comfy shoes under my desk). I finally signed myself up for an excerise bootcamp this summer that was held three days a week during my lunch hour. It was hard on my schedule because an hour workout means a 90 minute lunch considering the travel and changing time! My employer was awesome though and allowed me to take shorter lunch hours the days I wasn't working out to make up the difference in time. Now that I am in a little bit better shape, I go on a 15 minute jog before my shower in the mornings (the kids arent up yet)! I know 15 minutes isnt going to change my life, but it's as much time as I can commit to right now!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Ok, I know a lot of you are going to say that I'm making excuse but I really do struggle with finding time to work out. I think I have the diet part down though. Here is my typical daily schedule. I have 3 kids btw, ages 6, 12, 13.

    Up at 5 am to get ready for work
    6am - wake up oldest son
    6:30am - pack lunches for self and kids, gather sports uniforms for after school practices
    6:55am - out the door
    4:30pm - rush home to fix dinner
    5:00pm - out the door to drop daughter off at cheerleading
    5:30pm - pick oldest son up at soccer
    6:00pm - back home to do homework with 6 year old
    6:45pm - out the door to pick up daughter at cheer then off to Gymnastics
    8Pm - shower the youngest and get him into bed
    9pm - back out the door to pick up daughter from gymnastics
    9:45pm - finally able to take work clothes and shoes off before passing out

    I have no help with running my kids around or doing any of the household chores (dinner, homework, etc) so I'm busy.
    I'm not complaining because this is my life that I chose to live so my kids are active and happy.
    I'm just asking for some tips on exercises I can do quickly throughout the day. I'm aware that walking is good and I would do this on lunch break but in heels and where I work, that doesn't happen.

    Thanks in advance.

    You've gotten a lot of replies and I did not read them, but I am going to throw in some questions/suggestions based on the times you have listed.

    The first hole I see in your schedule is from 6 to 6:55. You wake up your oldest son between 6 and 6:30 and then pack lunches, etc.? What do you actually do between 6 and 6:30? If at all possible, I would suggest getting the lunches and sports stuff ready the night before. Have the kids help and/or do it for themselves. You want them to be responsible adults someday, right? As far as restructuring the morning, wake up at 5 since you are already used to that and workout for 30 minutes or so. Shower. Then wake up your son. Finish getting yourself ready for the day. Make sure everyone has their stuff and get out the door!

    The second hole I see is from 8 until 9. My 6 year old son takes a shower by himself now. Could your oldest son monitor the time that the younger son is in the shower and help to get the water adjusted and/or turned off? You could workout then and take a quick shower and head to pick up your daughter.

    Other suggestions...start taking advantage of carpools for sports stuff. Definitely try to get more stuff ready the night before and involve the kids! And PLEASE take 5 minutes when you get home to get out of your work clothes! Take advantage of crock pot meals and freezer meals too!
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I didn't read all the responses, so this may have been covered. Why can't you get the 13 or 12 year old to start helping with some of these things? Like bathing the youngest and household cleaning.
  • Anita1271
    Wow, you are a busy mom!! You could use your lunch break to get in some walking. Just leave a pair of shoes & a few pairs of socks in your car, then you have them there. I normally eat my lunch at my desk and continue working, then when it's my lunch break time, I just go get my tennis shoes on and take a walk for about 50 min. I agree with the folks who mentioned the 30 day shred, it's only a little over 20 min, and if you could wake up just a little earlier you could squeeze that in. But I totally understand that is easier said than done. Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • livaneah
    livaneah Posts: 34 Member
    PS, yes the only way I have time to exercise is by enlisting the help of my 12 year old. She makes her own lunches for school and helps everyone get breakfast while I get ready for work. She even helps me remember my breakfast shake for the commute into town. I see lots of people have suggested having your oldest children help out more... I know from experience that there is only so much you can ask of an active tween/teen before you feel guilty for pushing responsibility on them, but they do benefit from you working out! Your endorphins alone will make you a happier mom!
  • Livibird65
    Amazing how harsh people can be! You are running a house and trying to bring up 3 kids - and from what you say, you are not being lazy about it. You deserve a medal, not criticism. I'm assuming that you are a single parent. Perhaps you could do something whilst the children are at their clubs. You could also try combining fun family time with activity at weekends. That way you all benefit in many ways - walk to the park together and try hoops, soccer, baseball. If the kids are not used to it they might object at first but the more laughter there is, the more they will like it. Getting less sleep and driving yourself into the ground will not help you or the kids and may result in low mood and extra eating. Take care of yourself and be kind.
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    I haven't read the whole way through the thread but you sound like a brilliant mom. You put your kids before yourself. Maybe have a little chat with the older 2 and see if they can lend more of a hand. I've just the two, but my oldest is 5 and loves making her own breakfast (usually porridge which I put in little pots for her, she adds the milk, fruit and microwaves). Could the older 2 wake themselves up and get their own breakfast and lunches. I know at this age I got myself up, washed dressed and prepared for school. That might free up enough time to stick in a dvd, or allow you to sleep a little later leaving you more energy to work out at night when they are all settled.

    Good luck
  • the_scream_queen
    I'll just chime in with everyone else and agree on most points. I, too, am confused as to how your kids' activities are every single night. That seems excessive. I'm not a mom, though.

    You can definitely fit in a workout on your lunch break, and eat at your desk. I do this when I have something going on at night and can't fit the gym in. Preparing meals ahead would also help, as well as crock pot stuff. There's someone on the Food Network called Robin Miller, who is a busy mom and preps many of her meals for the week on Sunday. Maybe her recipes/cookbooks would help.

    I'll also agree with others that I think you could make more time for yourself in the morning. I have thick and unruly hair, and I wear a full face of makeup and a suit to work everyday, and eat breakfast at my apartment, and all of that doesn't take me 90 minutes. Can you maybe shower at night and straighten your hair in the morning? Or just do a pony/french twist on mornings you work out?

    Just some thoughts...I definitely think you could squeeze in a few workouts a week.