The Drive-thru Diet. By: Taco Bell



  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I still eat fast food every now and then. I would never give it up entirely. I do think it might be going too far to try to eat it every day. A grilled chicken breast with veggies would be better. It's everyone's choice as to how they get their calories. I just think home cooked food is generally lower in sodium and fat. When my sister was in her 20s, she ate at a Taco place every day. The result was, she had high cholesterol! As soon as she stopped eating that every day, her numbers went down.
  • I grab a bag of tacos about once every other week, dinner for the gang, cheap-easy & good, and with the nutritional info they put out I know exactly what's in that bag.

    3 regular crunchy high octane tacos is a little over 500 calories, kind'a high in sodium, decent protein/carb/fat balance. The 3 tacos along with a salad and a big mess o' watermelon or cantaloupe for dessert and I've had a great filling dinner and well within my calorie budget.

    It's just food people,,, you don't want to eat it, don't %$&in' eat it. I eat it and I'm doing fine.


    They aren't lacing it with arsenic.

    It's a flour tortilla (just like the kind you buy in a store) with pressed chicken (this is still chicken, it's just pressed together like a chicken burger) with some bland tomatoes and cilantro thrown on top. Yes it's high in sodium for flavor and preservation. Guess what we preserved meats in 100's of years ago? Salt. These are lower-calorie options for people that eat fast food regularly.

    If this is REALLY THAT UPSETTING, don't read it. And be thankful you can afford to worry about something that doesn't affect you in any way. :noway:

    Thank you! I first heard of this on the radio this morning and got a good laugh out of it. I believe in moderation. If I want a taco, I'm gonna eat a stinkin taco. It's not gonna kill me, and it's gonna taste pretty darn good. It's all about making smarter choices. Yes, there are idiots out there that will take this advertisement seriously and really think they can eat Taco Bell every day and lose weight, but is it Taco Bell's fault that they are idiots? I mean, come on...lighten up!!

    :drinker: Could Not Agree More! Truthfully we all different veiws on how to be healthier and we all have free will to make the choices we want to make. Taco Bell has a job to do and thats what they are doing, just like all the other fast restaurants out there, but we have the choice to eat there or not and thats our bussiness. There will always be unhealthy food and there will always be people who want to eat unhealthy food and there is nothing that will change that.
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