Is anyone doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day slimdown?



  • sheri3762
    sheri3762 Posts: 159
    I can't wait until I can say level one is a breeze!!!! this is killing me, but I really do like it!! I'm not doing it everyday though, I'm doing it three times this week, and next week I'll up it to four. I serously do not think I could hancle it everyday right now. I will say though, that I did it last night and today I'm not that sore! I really thought I would be. I do dancing with the stars and floor excercises and throw in the treadmill on my other days as well..Also treadmill on my Shred days. Hope this works. Thanks for the motivation, I hope I do as well as you guys are!

    Last Chance workout? Is that a seperate dvd or is that what level 3 is? that name scares me too!!!
  • cannon15
    cannon15 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm also doing Shred. I did day 4 level 1 today. It's getting easier, but my thighs were burning after the first two days! I'm also doing Couch to 5K three days a week (love it!) and yoga once a week (love it!).

    Has anyone done both the Slimdown & Shred? What's the difference?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Slimdown is a combination of the 3 videos, 30 day shred, no more trouble zones and burn fat, boost can download the 30 day plan off comcast tv

  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    I did the 30 day shred last spring and didn't lose much weight but lost 10 inches. I think it is a great workout. I actually thought Level 2 is almost as difficult as level 3! Good Luck.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I did the 30 day shred last spring and didn't lose much weight but lost 10 inches. I think it is a great workout. I actually thought Level 2 is almost as difficult as level 3! Good Luck.

    I have heard that from a lot of long as I lose something, I'm happy
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Last Chance workout? Is that a seperate dvd or is that what level 3 is? that name scares me too!!!

    The Last Chance Workout is a seperate dvd that came out in December. It is from the Biggest Loser series, so it has the contestants working out in it also. It is on my plan to get done tonight after work. :wink: So will come back to report what it was like. From what I understand it is 30 sec. of cardio then strength. Don't know how long the strength part is, but will let you all know. After the 27 min. circuit workout she has and 10 min upper body section, and a 10 min lower body section. I will be interested if that is like NMTZ. :laugh:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    I'm also doing Couch to 5K three days a week (love it!) and yoga once a week (love it!).

    When I was doing the C25K program, I also was incorporating the Shred. I took 2 inches off my waist doing that combination. And watch your calf muscles, because they will really get defined. They will not get larger, mine whre reduced. Something that I never thought would happen.:love:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Well I tried out the Last Chance workout last night, and it is pretty good. The DVD has 3 different options. Weeks 1-2: It has a 6 day schedule, and each day you are doing something different. I didn't write everything down, but basically on Mon. you would do the Last Chance Workout. Tue: Upper Body, Wed Last Chance Etc. Weeks 3&4 where the same 6 day format but then they would add onto the Last Chance Workout and upper body or lower body workout on opposite days. Weeks 5-6 again 6 day format, but this was a combination of the Last Chance, Upper Body & Lower Body for a total of 60 min. for the workout. This is the workout that I did.

    The cardio portion was really very good, it starts out with a 7 min. warm up. Believe it or not there is not one jumping jack in that. She starts out with the first circuit, and this circuit consists of different types of jumping jacks. So you do a reg. jumping jack for 30 sec, then a weight exercise (right now I don't remember those) 30 sec., crossover jack/weight, sicissor jacks/weight. That is the first circuit. The second circuit had three variations of jumprope exercises, third circuit was side kicks & front kicks, fourth circuit was different punches, fifth circuit was mountain climbers, plank jacks, and plank in & outs. The middle portion of this workout my HR went down, but that ending portion got that HR going big time. The upper body 10 min workout really had some different moves, the plank fly was really tough and you need to really use your core. The lower body was all familiar moves, and she did incorporate some upper body into those also.

    My problems with the workout: The music was not very loud, but that didn't really matter to me because I was working hard. Jillian didn't really do the workout at all, and it would have helped with the form. Some of the contestants didn't seem to know what she was talking about (at least that is what it appeared) Some of the contestants do not use good form, so for someone who has never worked out before this could cause an injury. Sometimes it seemed a little rushed, but I think once you get comfortable with the workout you will do just fine. I used 5 lb weights through the whole workout, because she only tortures you for 30 sec.

    I would put the circuit training portion of this workout on par with Shred 2 or 3.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Believe it or not there is not one jumping jack in that.

    My problems with the workout: The music was not very loud, but that didn't really matter to me because I was working hard. Jillian didn't really do the workout at all, and it would have helped with the form. Some of the contestants didn't seem to know what she was talking about (at least that is what it appeared) Some of the contestants do not use good form, so for someone who has never worked out before this could cause an injury. Sometimes it seemed a little rushed, but I think once you get comfortable with the workout you will do just fine. I used 5 lb weights through the whole workout, because she only tortures you for 30 sec.

    Too funny about the jumping jacks not being in the warmup.

    I agree that when you have the newbies on the tapes, you can lose your form...I like to be reminded about form especially when working with weights...because I have a tendency to slouch if I'm not paying attention

    Thanks for they review
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    As promised I am here to post my results from the 30 Day Slimdown:

    Waist: -1/4" I know not much :wink:
    Hips: -3/4" :drinker:
    Chest: -1/2" (Lost most of this from under the armpit area)
    Thighs: No Change
    Calves: No Change
    Arms: Forgot to measure. :blushing:
    Weight: -1/2 lb

    This morning I started a Barry's Bootcamp / 10 Days to a Better Body Rotation. This one I created myself. Might incorporate other similar workouts also. I will be checking in to see how all of you have done with the workouts. :wink:

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    As promised I am here to post my results from the 30 Day Slimdown:

    Waist: -1/4" I know not much :wink:
    Hips: -3/4" :drinker:
    Chest: -1/2" (Lost most of this from under the armpit area)
    Thighs: No Change
    Calves: No Change
    Arms: Forgot to measure. :blushing:
    Weight: -1/2 lb

    This morning I started a Barry's Bootcamp / 10 Days to a Better Body Rotation. This one I created myself. Might incorporate other similar workouts also. I will be checking in to see how all of you have done with the workouts. :wink:


    Great job on completing it...I'm only half way...I think I am down 3 inches total
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    As promised I am here to post my results from the 30 Day Slimdown:

    Waist: -1/4" I know not much :wink:
    Hips: -3/4" :drinker:
    Chest: -1/2" (Lost most of this from under the armpit area)
    Thighs: No Change
    Calves: No Change
    Arms: Forgot to measure. :blushing:
    Weight: -1/2 lb

    This morning I started a Barry's Bootcamp / 10 Days to a Better Body Rotation. This one I created myself. Might incorporate other similar workouts also. I will be checking in to see how all of you have done with the workouts. :wink:


    Great job on completing it...I'm only half way...I think I am down 3 inches total
  • momta2girls
    Well I have good news. I NEVER, EVER lose weight while exercising in the first few weeks. But this go around I'm down 2 lbs. And it's been 2 lbs down for 2 days in a row. I've done myfitnesspal for awhile and always struggled. This time I'm eating half of my exercise calories and logging EVERYTHING I eat. And I know, I know all about eating enough calories so that I don't go into starvation mode but everyone's body is different. I'm gonna try this for awhile and see what kind of results I get.

    Day 11 Level 2 Shred here I come......
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Gay, Congrats on the weight loss. Keep up with the workouts, and do your best. You will be amazed at the results you will get at the end of the 30 days. I think Jillian rocks!
