What's the best workout for burning calories???



  • butlerangelia
    butlerangelia Posts: 10 Member
    i spin 3 to 4 times a week and burn about 400 calories for 45 minutes give or take some depending how hard i work. i used to to a little kickboxing--i hated it because it was hard for me, but it really gave me a great workout and burned the most calories. also if you have direct tv, they have quite a few short video on demand channels with free workouts--so many to choose from all different styles. i'm sure other companies have it also. good luck and hope you find something fun. p.s.--i used to do zumba (love it)but can't get off from work in time for the classes.
  • Frozen300
    Frozen300 Posts: 223 Member
    I found that when I started that I had to take things a little slow. It was enough just to get my heart rate up and to pop a sweat. Do whatever you want to do, as long as you feel some kind of burn. After awhile my endurance picked up and I was able to increase the intensity without embarassing myself and had some new strength. I waited for 3 months of controlling my diet and losing weight before I started doing an Insanity workout. Start with a workout that fits your abilities and work towards increasing the challenge later.
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    Wow! Lots of different workouts! Thanks for all the ideas and help!
  • atenin10
    atenin10 Posts: 22 Member
    When I started my weight loss and fitness journey a few years back, it was my goal to walk for 30 mins each day. Not run, not walk fast, just walk. Once I achieved that goal, I moved on to other goals. It was an incremental process. You do what works for you right now.

    I think there are a lot of P90X and Insanity folks around because they are both easy programs (not physically, easy, but easy to get started... push dvd in and follow instructions), are good for those who are not sure what they need to do in a workout, provide structure, and can be done with friends (what dvd did YOU do today?). I don't mean this with any slight. I've done P90X and I'm currently working through Insanity. But it started with a walk, then a jog, then a run, then swimming, etc. It takes time. Do what feels good and right for you.
  • alie5612
    i love zumba do it every day bar a friday when i do bowka which they reckon burns more than zumba got to find something u enjoy i walk lots also