GRRR Gym No-No's!



  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    AH the list is endless. It actually annoys me just thinking about it

    1) Wearing scandals to the gym
    2) The 1970's Olympic warn up routine pre lifting
    3) Towels, bring one
    4) Mobile Phones
    5) Dropping weights/ free or machine. Place them down, no one is looking
    6) The PRO MMA fighters that seem to have appeared in every gym over night
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    wednesday giggle *tick
  • biscuitwelsh
    biscuitwelsh Posts: 86 Member
    Duuuude... why are old men in the locker room oblivious to the fact that their *kitten* is dragging the floor behind them??

    Those of us with DBS (Duffel Bag Syndrome) are an oppressed and misunderstood group. We hang our lengthy junk as a cautionary tale for all those who wear boxers... and because its a great troll.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    Brilliant! And so true....I also just love the people who sit on the equipment, taking up space while talking to a friend/on the phone/texting/whatever when there are signs everywhere that say "Please do not rest on machines between sets".

    My gym has a sign in the women's locker room near the showers that says "Please be fully dressed before using the hair dryers". I think it's pretty sad that even needs to be posted.

    It's not your home folks, you're in public. We don't need to see you naked.
  • OMW!! I love these - soooo funny...

    here's another one....

    the steam room is NOT the place do your naked yoga!! I mean really if i wanted to be a gynea I would've studied to be one!! now cover that thing up and sit properly! Foof!!
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Ugh I hate those women who insist on getting dressed being the LAST thing they do before walking out.

    'Oh you're sitting on the bench tying your shoe? TAKE MY BUTT IN YO' FACE while I fish around in my bag for something'

    Jeez, put it away.

    Also a girl who was complaining that her feet were sore because of the 'crappy treadmill' well I dont mean to be a know-it-all but isnt running in Chucks just a liiiitle bit retarded?
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    After my evening at the gym tonight, I feel compelled to vent. Gym-time, is workout-time. The following are things that really annoy Gorilla:

    Sitting on equipment I need, talking on your cell phone.
    No. No. No. Nooooo. Here's how your next conversation is going to go...

    Bob: Hey Bill, it's Bob. Got your message. I'm at the gym working out.
    Bill: Hey buddy, great to hear from you. You're at the gym right now?
    Bob: Yeah, I think I'll sit on this weight-bench and continue to be completely oblivious to my own d*uche-baggedness.
    Bill: Awesome. How's the wife?
    Bob: She's great...Hold on Bill, some giant meathead guy is saying he's about to shove my phone up my @ss.
    Bill: Really?
    Bob: Yeah. He just did. Hurts like b!tch. Good thing my Bluetooth headset still picks up.
    Bill: So the wife is good?
    Bob: Yeah. You know women... She's out shoppin'... Again... hahaha...

    Taking up gym space whilst texting... Bad.
    Hey, Miley Cyrus, no one gives a flying-*kitten* that you just totally have to tell Buffy about your super-awesome-fabulous new pink skirt. STFU, get off your phone and f**king move. K? LOLZ! WINKY-FACE! ;0

    Looky-Lookerson with a chronic case of Stare-idus.
    WTF? Did my b@lls suddenly pop-out and smile at you? Are you trying to eye-f**k my my b!tchin' tanktop? WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT? Here, meet Bob. Ask to borrow his phone. He'll call Bill back later.

    Ok. I feel better.

    Happy Tuesday.

    Thank you for giving me my first laugh for the day!
  • FranKatja
    FranKatja Posts: 13 Member
    And those girls who come to gym in tiniest denim shorts and all-stars. I can't take those people seriously. Really, you're here to workout - it's not a fashion show. Wear the correct gear.
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    Your posts always crack me up!!!!! :laugh:
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member

    Sitting on equipment I need, talking on your cell phone.

    I would rather have this guy - heck, I wouldn't even mind if he brought his laptop and set up office on the bench if it meant he didn't smell like they guy down my gym last night!

    I swear he came to the gym straight from being trapped in a Chilean mine for 3 months!

    "Oh my God, the smell is disgusting, it seems to be following us around!" My wife said to me as I followed her around

    I had to pull her face into my armpit to prove it wasn't me. I smelled delicious
  • cally69
    cally69 Posts: 182 Member
    More people need to piss you off more often. Too funny.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    If someone's got a dumbbell in each hand equivalent to your body weight, and is throwing them about themselves on the heavily padded floor area, it may be in case they drop them.

    Please don't put your yoga mat practically under them, it's dangerous. 5 times I had to move today, up and down the matted weights area.

    Is that your drinks bottle, pen, book and locker key? No? Then why are you right next to them? Perhaps I was visiting the rack to get weights?

    It may seem petty, but there were never more than 3 people on the mats at once. I must've smelled really good today or something.
  • Williamj
    Williamj Posts: 199 Member
    Also, people who come up and want to start chatting with me. While I clearly have headphones in. WTF?!? Even taking them out dramatically doesn't seem to deter them...

    This happens to me at least once a week


    Guys who pick up dumbells off the rack and do their set right there without stepping back.

    When I can hear your headphones over my headphones

    Guys who work out in packs of 5 or more and take forever to get off a machine. (This last one only mildly annoys me. I can appreciate guys who get their socializing in at the gym.)

    There's one guy at my gym who must be going to a black tie event as soon as he leaves. I swear his make-up bag is than my backpack.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Lol! Thanks for the laugh! I know, people need to bring back the fact that the gym is for WORKING OUT!
  • Julescg26
    Julescg26 Posts: 260 Member
    Love your posts GorillaEsq.

    What gets me are the ladies who turn up in their designer workout gear, makeup and hair all done like they've just stepped out of the salon, and then sit on the rower with their friend on the next one talking while doing a little light rowing (number 1 on the resistance). C'mon if you're at the gym you are there to get hot and sweaty (I pretty much do as I walk in the place - could be an allergic reaction still to exercise though) not to be able to say "I've just spent an hour in the gym"!

    The guys that drop the really heavy weights they are lifting too - I know you've just done a really hard set, but do you have to drop the weights and make the floor shake??
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member

    The guys that drop the really heavy weights they are lifting too - I know you've just done a really hard set, but do you have to drop the weights and make the floor shake??

    How else are you supposed to tell everyone that you have just lifted all that weight?
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    Weigh droppers for me. I admit I'm just awesome, but I can bench press the 125's, sit up with them (safely), and set them down so they hardly make a peep. The only lift I do that makes noise is a heavy deadlift, and that's my gym's fault for not having any rubber coated plates (I never "drop" it, just set it down pretty quick).

    I've seen guys just throw down weights while doing incline press, shoulderpress, tricep extentions, one arm rows, and others where there really is not too much stress to set the weights down.

    These guys might have to do fewer forearm curls if they learned to control weights...
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Help!!!! Your balls just popped out and tried to wink at me!!!!!!!!
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I am one of those bad people on their phones, but it's because I have an app that tracks my sets, reps and weight. I do however make sure I'm not sitting on the machines while entering this into my phone. My gym is a women's only, and sadly, there are not very many women in the free weights area, and even less near the squat rack so I tend to have it to myself.
  • Julescg26
    Julescg26 Posts: 260 Member

    The guys that drop the really heavy weights they are lifting too - I know you've just done a really hard set, but do you have to drop the weights and make the floor shake??

    How else are you supposed to tell everyone that you have just lifted all that weight?

    By the all grunting that has been going on while doing said set!