New to MFP; anyone else have gym anxiety?



  • greatthatsgreat
    greatthatsgreat Posts: 36 Member
    Oh my, I wasn't prepared for how supportive everyone would be. Awesome. Thanks!

    I really appreciate everyone's perspective. Right now I'm walking wherever I can and monitoring what I eat. I think I will try some early classes offered by my gym and see if I can ease myself into a routine I like. If not, it's great to hear that so many people have been successful without hitting the gym 5-7 days/week. Thanks again, everyone.
  • krissielynn87
    krissielynn87 Posts: 214 Member
    I've been diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder, for the past 3 years.
    It's taken me a year into my gym membership to work up the courage to go by myself or with a friend.
    People don't care, I'm doing this for me, not for any one else.

    Stay strong :)
  • First let me say congrats on becoming sober! i totally understand how you feel as I am currently 245lbs. i have recently started back to the gym. I had to decide that my health was more important than what anyone was thinking. You are a extremely strong person o have become sober so use that strength to get you to the gym. Download your favorite songs & go into your own little space. I do think a gym buddy may help but I know you can do it yourself just find your inner strength.
  • greatthatsgreat
    greatthatsgreat Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks! Getting sober, along with writing my PhD, and losing weight -- these are all one-day-at-a-time activities. You can't rush a good thing. :) I'm so encouraged by what everyone has said already! Thanks, guys.