Any PCOS ladies here? Befriend Me!



  • heartsr4caring
    heartsr4caring Posts: 5 Member
    I also have PCOS and have struggled with weight loss. I am about to take a TTC break and concentrate on weight loss so any pointers anyone can give me would be a good and welcome help. Also feel free to add me :)
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 18 in 1984. Terrible, debilitating periods, cysts that would burst etc. Married in 1989, had 1st miscarriage 1990, had my son in 1991, another miscarriage in 1992 and eventually a partial hysterectomy in 2001. I think if I had been followed by a high risk pregnancy dr, I may have had more than one child. The most interesting thing that I've found with PCOS is that I truly believe that the cyst (albeit through hormones) feed on what I eat. For example, I've been on a no white diet for quite a while. No flour, no sugar etc. Several years ago, there was a cyst on my remaining ovary that was 4 inches in diameter. I went on this no white diet and the thing shrunk. My gyn couldn't believe it! I'm now a "case study". I drink lots of water and NEVER consume anything with artificial sweetener. PCOS does have an affect on weight gain, but so did the bad things I used to consume. I've been on MFP since July and am really motivated to get this weight off. The best way to deal with PCOS is to consume healthy foods. LOTS OF WATER!

    I feel your pain. Just keep trying to find that one dr/specialist who truly understand this disease and can give you the best guidance. I'm happy to be your MFP friend.
  • debzza
    debzza Posts: 25 Member
    I have PCOS too and would love to hear any tips. Im on metformin but have found it hard to lose weight in the past, i would love to be added either as a freind or on fb support groups. x
  • Hi all!!

    I also have PCOS : ( it sucks!!! but i know loosing weight is a big part of helping the symptons etc which is a big reason for me wanting to lose weight! happy to add anyone who is dedicated to loosing weight and who, like me is slightly obsessed with MFP!! I have lost nearly 50lbs so far but still have more than 40lbs to go.....

    Ellie x
  • renlovesyou
    renlovesyou Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! I also have PCOS! Since I was about 21 I think, but it was only diagnosed when I fell pregnant (which was a miracle btw, I never thought that would happen in a million years!) I've lost some weight and have some sort of cycle now at least - fingers crossed I can get pregnant again next year :D

    Feel free to add me - we need all the support we can get, its so much harder with this condition!
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    I have PCOS too. I have noticed some quite significant improvements in some of my symptoms just by reducing my weight.

    Any of you feel free to add me

  • Hi Sarah,

    I have PCOS too. It often leads to Insulin Resistance, or perhaps the Insulin Resistance leads to PCOS..
    Best thing for it is a high protein, low carb diet.
    I have been to see an endocrinologist and this is what is recommended. Plus daily walk.
    OR medication, and I think if we can do it with diet and exercise, then better to give that a go rather than pump the body full of drugs (IMHO).

    I could not conceive naturally, had an IVF baby (now 13), but with proper low carb diet it can get under control. When I was at my lowest weight of 60kg, all my PCOS symptoms disappeared. Which is great motivation to lose weight!
  • TLEIGH33777
    TLEIGH33777 Posts: 93 Member
    I have it too, since I was 16. I was diagnosted with Diabetes earlier this year, I have always had the feeling that its the PCOS and not diabetes. Regardless, they are treated the same, I just dont like that label. My weight went up every year, and I never cared to change anything. Im not on Metformin and the weight is coming off, without much effort ( I am trying my best to eat low carb, I have given up sugar for the most part). I lost 37 lbs before joining MFP, a total of 53 in 7 months. I havent had symptoms in years, everything has been regular for me, no children though. Its nice to see there are so many of you out there who also share this. Please feel free to add me.
  • Lozx87
    Lozx87 Posts: 130 Member
    si also suffer with pcos trying to lose the weight as ttc also getting married in 2014 so need to lose as much as poss feel free to add me
  • I'm so excited (slash saddened) to see that there are so many PCOS suffers here. Excited because that means that we're taking steps to better our lives whether it be through lifestyle changes, medication or both. Obviously it still totally sucks that there are so many of us suffering.

    After reading over the responses I wanted to add a little background in terms of my medications. I've been on birth control (didn't go well and I was angry/sad/emotional the whole time I was on it), Metformin (I'm told I'm insulin resistant) but I didn't like that after a year because it's really not a cure so much as a cover-up in my opinion. I'm currently taking Diovan HTC for my hypertension and Lopressor for my palpitations.

    I'm reading that alot of you ladies have done grain/white/carb restricting diets and that's basically what I'm trying to do now along with trying to exercise daily. Anyways I really appreciate all the love and support and can't wait to return it.

