HOw to get out of the I'll start tomorrow mentality do you guys get out and stay out of this mentality. I can do somewhat well for a few days, then have one slip up and go into the "I'll start again tomorrow....or worse yet, on Monday, or next month" thinking. Then, of course, before "tomorrow or Monday" I go crazy until then! How do you avoid this??


  • cmcorn26
    cmcorn26 Posts: 253 Member
    I'm working through this myself, I find that each time I get a little mentally stronger, cuz I really do not want to be fat anymore! So now my times between each " I'll start tomorrow, is down to hours! Lol! I think it becomes about when you are really ready to make the commitment to yourself and not be lazy anymore! That's what it boils down to for me....I get lazy mentally.
  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    When you start thinking "I will start tomorrow" you have to start a new dialog with yourself and say no forget that, Ill start right now. You have to just push those thoughts out of your mind. They are excuses and once you break that cycle for the first time you are more likely to keep going. Those days when I am super tired and don't want to work out, I just have to tell myself that I will feel better once I get to the gym and I do. I also have nothing to feel guilty about afterwards, because I did it and didnt let excuses stop me.
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    Good reasoning to NOT start a diet tomorrow is that you're only going to have MORE to lose if you keep putting it off. Then you'll be less and less likely to EVER start.

    Think you need to look at what you're trying to say no to that's making you want to start later. If it's food, then you should know that a little bit of something isn't going to hurt you, but don't binge on it. Always know that there'll be more of it some other time. If it's exercise, then you may need to be doing something more simple. Doing Insanity or p90x isn't for everyone, so go with something simple and enjoyable like walking outside.

    Set reasonable goals that work for YOU. You see people on tv that lose 100 pounds in 3 months, but what the don't tell you is that they put it almost all back on the next year. Realize that your body needs to gradually lose in order to keep it off for longer. Don't expect over night results.

    Try to pick yourself back up whenver you fall. Go to a party and have too much chip and dip? SIgnificant other break up with you and you downed a full bag of fun sized reeeses? Cleaned out a buffet? BRUSH IT OFF, and realize that it set you back and you're learning from your mistakes.

    Write down some things that make you want to start tomorrow, and see what you can do to fix them. Ex: 1. Really hungry right before bed-drink protein shake an hour before bed time and brush teeth. 2. Friends and family aren't supportive-plan your own meals and eat before any special events. 3. Afraid of the scale-set for sure weigh in dates, and weigh in no matter what!

    Good luck :heart:
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    What helped me is the idea that every day is a new day. I re-start every day, whether the previous day went well or not, with my daily calorie goal being re-set (in my case, at 1200). So, if my goal starts over every single day, so can my efforts. I'm not trying to "be good" every single day. But, every single day, I try to "be good" TODAY.

    It is all a mind game. Eventually, it gets easier, and you don't even have to think about it. You just begin again.

    I hope this helps. :tongue:
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    One slip up does not derail my entire day. For instance, I just had a reese's pumpkin... I loved it. Guess what, I'm gonna eat right the rest of the day. It did not destroy my diet and I'll continue on today :)

    I start everything today. Make a commitment to yourself to do that. One step, one day at a time
  • kbelle45
    kbelle45 Posts: 17 Member
    I am so glad to hear I am not the only one who suffers from this- I have been doing this for 2 years. I also gained more weight because of it. I am trying really hard to track all of my food now no matter what so I need to be accountable to myself. I put this weight on- I have to take it off. Good luck.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    One month from now you'll wish you started today. Keep reminding yourself that and eventually, your new routine will become second nature. Starting "tomorrow" just means another entire day of zero progress.

    I'd suggest setting goals (like losing 15 pounds by christmas) and KNOW that this won't be acheived by starting later. Push yourself and you'll be amazed by your willpower when you /know/ that you're capable of doing it.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    For me, I view it as breaking psychological conditioning. Exercise sucks, right? It's so hard and we don't want to do it.

    I remind myself that I feel better after a long run than I feel any other time. Thirty minutes of strenuous activity makes me feel better than an hour of TV, or two or four, or overeating.

    I feel good physically and mentally.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I lived my whole life that way until I finally got the average mentality. Now, I think calories in, calories out. If 1500 calories is my goal today and I eat 2000, then I have 500 calories (roughly an hour) of exercise to do; or I have to eat 1000 calories tomorrow. I try to eat healthy most of the time and I do not deprive myself of chocolate, drinking, occasional carbs, etc. For me, the idea of completely restricting myself revs up my rebellious nature and I want to eat more, or eat something just because I know I can't have it or it isn't allowed.

    I base my calories on the week. If I do great all week long I may have 800 calories in the "bank" for the weekend. That could be a dessert, a splurge meal, or 8 rum and diet cokes. Or wine. Or I could choose to save that 800 calories because I want to take Sunday off from the gym. Stuff like that. I know I want to relax on the weekends so I try to eat clean and work out hard all week long so I can. If I mess up, it means I am working out on Saturday or doing an extra run on Sunday or maybe its a no drink, no dessert weekend.

    You get the idea. Just figure out what your plan is calorie wise to lose and go from there.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Read this article. Then check back in after your workout.

  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    In all honesty, you've got to yell at yourself...

    Take a look in the mirror and jiggle your belly fat around... Or put on a pair of pants you COULD fit into last year... This is for YOU - this is YOUR decision. So don't make excuses for yourself - that's pathetic.

    Quit bein' a ***** and go DO something - start making a difference TODAY.

    That's exactly what I told myself back in April. 35 pounds later, I'm still struggling, but now it's a challenge - now I've SEEN progress (just put on a pair of pants I haven't worn in 4+ years...) and I'm MAD that I'm not losing weight faster.

    Not bein' mean to ya - you gotta be mean to yourself. And quite frankly, don't look to US to tell you what to do or help you fix it. This is all you, (wo)man...

    Good luck. Now drop down and gimme 20... :)
  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    Quit bein' a ***** and go DO something - start making a difference TODAY.

    Boo for MFP censoring pu$$y... This is tough love, folks. :)
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Start again today.
  • I have a new quote that I came up with, "EXCUSES are just that, EXCUSES, Not REASONS! It is time to start focusing on my REASONS for getting Healthy and not blaming the EXCUSES!"

    My husband still does once in a while and I used to think like that A LOT!!! "OK, i'll start on Monday Morning" or "OK, I totally screwed up. Might as well jsut re-start tomorrow!" OR...."I am too tired and my favorite show is on TV so, I'll jsut watch it and go out tomorrow for my walk!!"

    The biggest thing is just GET UP and DO IT!!! That is what I had to do. I still have those mental issues once in a while, ESPECIALLY since I get up first thing and exercise at 5 am. SO MANY MORNINGS I get up and say, "UGH, I jstu want to stay in bed!" but, I DONT! I get up, get moving, do my workout, get my shower, and get everyone out the door, including myself, for the day. I have even gotten myself up on Sunday mornings (7am tho) and got moving! I just dont want to be heavy anymore and the progress I have been making in jsut these past 4 weeks by staying commited has given me enough to keep pushing. AND, with losing about 6 inches in the span of 4 weeks, I am anxious for the rest to melt away!!

    AS THE AD SAYS, JUST DO IT!!!! Agreed, you have to break then mental cycle in your head! GOOD LUCK!!!
  • jgm379
    jgm379 Posts: 97 Member
    You have to get fed up with yourself. I can never start losing weight until I hit rock bottom. 7 weeks ago I woke up on a Tuesday and just did it. Every night I exercise. After week 4 I started watching what I ate even more. At first I gained 6 lbs and now I am down 12 lbs.
  • I like the idea of having a free day per week or every other week or whatever where you take the day off from counting calories or rigorously following an exercise schedule. If you get any exercise in or eat well on that day, it is a bonus. If you see a food that is off limits during the week, have it on your off day....and REMIND yourself that you will have those foods on the off day. At least for me it lessened the impact of eating only healthy foods and prevented me from uncontrollable binge eating. I noticed that over time, I tended to enjoy many of the lower calorie foods on my free day and felt ill with foods that I previously couldn't live without.
  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    Don't wait till tomorrow to start! So you may not get everything right on the first day, but at least start by making one change in your behavior. For example, eat breakfast if you don't normally, drink some water instead of soda, don't go back for seconds, add some exercise, take the stairs, just do something, anything different than you did yesterday. Do that everyday and you will be well on your way to success.!!.
  • What helped me is the idea that every day is a new day. I re-start every day, whether the previous day went well or not, with my daily calorie goal being re-set (in my case, at 1200). So, if my goal starts over every single day, so can my efforts. I'm not trying to "be good" every single day. But, every single day, I try to "be good" TODAY.

    It is all a mind game. Eventually, it gets easier, and you don't even have to think about it. You just begin again.

    I hope this helps. :tongue:

    ^^^^ LIKE
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    Omg. Do you WANT it? Go look at yourself naked in the mirror. DO YOU WANT IT? Think about all the crap you eat that makes you look like you do.... what do you want more? When you finally answer that with " I want to be healthy and look HOT!" THEN you'll know how to never put it off again. Get mad. Get determined and frickin DO IT.