What happens if I don't eat up to the cal



  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Nothing bad will happen. You won't starve or go into the mythical "starvation mode".

    I will only show you what happened to me over the last year. You take this information how you want.

    The pic above shows the last 90 days. In the Oldest portion you see the up down up down the yo yo affect. You can take that and just repeat it for every previous month back to Feb of this year. My weight never change from 225-215ish I gained and lost the same weight.

    Ill tell you what I was doing. I was eating about 1380-1590 calories/day. I was exercising once a day for a minimum of 45 minutes at a High exertion rate. I was burning a minimum of 600 per workout up to 1200.

    I DID NOT EAT MY CALORIES. Oh occasionally I would eat some of them back But 90% of the time. I took in no more than 1500. So on my best day where I maxed out my calories and ate 1590 and exercised no more than 600 I was only grossing 990 calories total and on a bad day I was taking in 1380 and burning 1200 so my intake was 180 calories.

    You can tell in my pic when I figured out I was being retarded. I started eating no less than 2100 and up to 2500. Thats all I did. I ate more. you can tell in the graph when I started eating more.

    you figure it out for yourself.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    What happens if I don't eat up to the calories I have to eat? Mine is 1500 but how am I to eat 1500 when about 1200-1300 I'm already extremely full.

    Listen to your body. If you are not hungry it's silly to eat, especially if you are trying to lose weight. You do not have to eat if you don't want to.

    The 1200 calorie minimum is relative to your BMR. If you are a bigger person this is a low number, if you are small like me this is a large number, barely below my RMR. This 1200 may work okay for most people but for short females like me it's way to much.

    If you have a lot of body fat reserves you would be surprised at how little you can eat (unless you have emotional eating issues or disorders). The leaner you get the less your body has to draw from and then you have to taper up your calories. There is no such thing as starvation mode for woman over 12% body fat or men over 6% body fat. I pretty much proved that for myself by staying strong and building muscle and doing what I did. I'm the leanest, most muscular, and most fit that I have ever been in my life at almost 52 years old.

    While there is no one size fits all I listed the things that worked for me here --> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/740340-i-lost-60-lbs-at-age-51-anyone-can-any-workout

    I found the following quotes helpful for sorting through all the myths plastered all over the place.
    What is the exact number of calories for you?

    We’ve been trying to figure out an exact NUMBER of calories that everyone should be eating, without recognizing that everyone is slightly different. In truth, the calories aren’t the end game. Your body is. So the EXACT amount of Calories that are right for you is the EXACT amount that will allow you to maintain your ideal bodyweight no matter what some calculator or chart says.

    In other words, an online calculator might tell you that you need to eat 2,500 calories
    per day to maintain your ideal bodyweight. But the only way to know for sure if this is
    the right amount for you is to test it out. If you gain weight or can’t lose weight eating
    that much, then you know you need to eat less to lose weight no matter how many
    calculators and text books say otherwise.

    This doesn’t mean your metabolism is broken, it just means the estimate of your needs
    was just a bit off.

    -John Barban (The Body Centric Calorie Guide from the Venus Index Manuals)
    The Theory of Fat Availability:
    •There is a set amount of fat that can be released from a fat cell.
    •The more fat you have, the more fat can be used as a fuel when dieting.
    •The less fat you have, the less fat can be used as a fuel when dieting.
    •Towards the end of a transformation, when body fat is extremely low you
    may not have enough fat to handle a large caloric deficit anymore.

    At the extreme low end, when your body fat cannot ‘keep up’ with the energy deficit
    you've imposed on your body, the energy MUST come from SOMEWHERE. This is
    when you are at risk of losing lean body mass during dieting (commonly referred to
    as ‘starvation mode’). This happens at extremely low levels of body fat, under 6% in
    men and 12% in women [Friedl K.E. J Appl Phsiol, 1994].

    -Brad Pilon and John Barban (from The Reverse Taper Diet in The Adonis Index and Venus Index manuals)

    Ever since I finally lost the 60lbs and went from Obese to super fit I've realized that tiny people like me simply need less calories than most other people. Even now as healthy and vibrant as I am, with 100's of people stalking my diary, I get questioned almost daily about my calories seeming to low. Why do people ask when they don't even know my height or RMR? Since I'm so small my RMR is only 1380 and that is based on my recent DXA scan which isn't nearly as accurate as going to a lab and blowing into the tube several times to fine out a more accurate number, but it is certainly more accurate than an online chart. I will never be able to eat the 2000 calorie diet everyone thinks is necessary, I'm just too small for it.

    Never again will I let anyone tell me what to eat, when to eat, or how much to eat. I learned what works for me. I OWN IT. No one will ever pressure me to eat birthday cake at a party or anywhere else, I DECIDE. No one else decides for me. I eat when I want to eat and I don't eat when I don't want to eat.
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    So you gained weight eating under 1500 cal? Wow interesting.

    Yes. I did/do. Until very recently (the last couple of weeks I've made a concerted effort to reach 1,300 cals some days I can, but most fall short) I averaged around 1,100 cals - many days under 1,000 - and I am overweight.

    Please elaborate.

    How long of a time frame are we talking? How much weight did you gain? What did you weight prior? How much were you eating each day? Were you weight/measuring everything? Were you exercising at all? Any health issues?

    LOL...where to start...

    The time frame is about 16 yrs. I had a Nissen Fundoplication done for GERD (Acid Reflux) which resulted in the top of my stomach being wrapped around my esophagus to create a man-made sphincter muscle as mine no longer seemed to want to work.

    I weighed 170 at my heaviest. After the surgery I dropped about 20 lbs in a matter of 6 weeks because I could only eat a few ounces of pureed food at a time (after 6 weeks you could slowly reintroduce solids). A by-product of the surgery is the fact that my stomach can no longer expand as it used to. Mine can only hold a finite amount of food at any given time. I can't over eat and I get full very quickly. The surgeon told me this but at the time I didn't realize what it would mean for me. I thought it was a god-send and tried to capitalize on it as much as I could and got down to 128 lbs after the surgery. I didn't weigh/measure foods then. I do now, but I can tell you that I haven't changed what or how much I eat at all. The only difference is that now I weigh and log what I eat. My husband is forever commenting on how he can't believe I can eat so little and still function. For example, if I eat a cheeseburger for dinner (3 oz beef, regular sized bun and 1 slice of cheese) that's all I can eat at that time. I *might* be able to eat a handful of fries or a piece of fruit as well, but it depends on the day. And it seems to take forever for my stomach to empty. If I eat a 'large' lunch, I can't eat dinner. Take a look at my diary. This is how I've eaten for the last 16 years. I do better if I spread my food out throughout the day but most days I'm sitting here at 9pm forcing myself to eat something to try and hit 1300. Doesn't happen often, I think I've managed it about 7 or so times in the last month, if I eat continuously throughout the day. Who has time for that?

    But despite all that, my weight continued to creep back up to about 155lb. I got it back down to around 135 and was diagnosed with cancer. Chemo kicked my @ss and I spent 9 months on the couch or in bed. If anything, I should have lost weight during that time. I couldn't eat due to the nausea and I lost my sense of taste for that time frame due to the chemo. But that didn't happen, the weight crept back up again. I dieted yet again (eating around 800 - 900 cals) and got it back to around 135 but it never stays there and has crept back up to 142 which is when I started MFP again (tried it for a short time last year and gave up) a month ago.

    As far as exercise, I do take Tae Kwon Do 2 - 3 times a week, I walk my dog, I have a treadmill and recumbent bike at home that I used on and off. The weight's started to come off again now because I've been using the treadmill more steadily and I started lifting weights (although I really don't know what I'm doing there LOL.) about 2 weeks ago.

    I didn't (and don't) eat a lot of junk. When I was diagnosed with cancer it shocked my family because I am the only one of my siblings that eats healthily (controlled portions, fruits and veggies - although you won't see a lot of veggies on my diary these last few weeks because since I can only eat a finite amount, I've been concentrating on protein). I actually have an appt with my doc on Tuesday - have never discussed this with him - since learning about BMR and TDEE because there is no way I'll be able to eat at my TDEE when all's said and done.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Nothing bad will happen. You won't starve or go into the mythical "starvation mode".

    I will only show you what happened to me over the last year. You take this information how you want.

    The pic above shows the last 90 days. In the Oldest portion you see the up down up down the yo yo affect. You can take that and just repeat it for every previous month back to Feb of this year. My weight never change from 225-215ish I gained and lost the same weight.

    Ill tell you what I was doing. I was eating about 1380-1590 calories/day. I was exercising once a day for a minimum of 45 minutes at a High exertion rate. I was burning a minimum of 600 per workout up to 1200.

    I DID NOT EAT MY CALORIES. Oh occasionally I would eat some of them back But 90% of the time. I took in no more than 1500. So on my best day where I maxed out my calories and ate 1590 and exercised no more than 600 I was only grossing 990 calories total and on a bad day I was taking in 1380 and burning 1200 so my intake was 180 calories.

    You can tell in my pic when I figured out I was being retarded. I started eating no less than 2100 and up to 2500. Thats all I did. I ate more. you can tell in the graph when I started eating more.

    you figure it out for yourself.
    That graph shows a spread of about 12 lbs. How did you lose the other 77? Just wondering.

    The diet in Japan is about 1500 a day or less. Many thin and healthy people there.

    I can not eat more than 2000 a day. It is a weight gainer for sure.

    I put on all of my weight eating about 2500 to 2700 a day. Maybe we are just all different. What works for one will not work for another.. A day or 2 of not hitting your calorie goal will not hurt you.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Nothing bad will happen. You won't starve or go into the mythical "starvation mode".

    I will only show you what happened to me over the last year. You take this information how you want.

    The pic above shows the last 90 days. In the Oldest portion you see the up down up down the yo yo affect. You can take that and just repeat it for every previous month back to Feb of this year. My weight never change from 225-215ish I gained and lost the same weight.

    Ill tell you what I was doing. I was eating about 1380-1590 calories/day. I was exercising once a day for a minimum of 45 minutes at a High exertion rate. I was burning a minimum of 600 per workout up to 1200.

    I DID NOT EAT MY CALORIES. Oh occasionally I would eat some of them back But 90% of the time. I took in no more than 1500. So on my best day where I maxed out my calories and ate 1590 and exercised no more than 600 I was only grossing 990 calories total and on a bad day I was taking in 1380 and burning 1200 so my intake was 180 calories.

    You can tell in my pic when I figured out I was being retarded. I started eating no less than 2100 and up to 2500. Thats all I did. I ate more. you can tell in the graph when I started eating more.

    you figure it out for yourself.
    That graph shows a spread of about 12 lbs. How did you lose the other 77? Just wondering.

    The diet in Japan is about 1500 a day or less. Many thin and healthy people there.

    I can not eat more than 2000 a day. It is a weight gainer for sure.

    I put on all of my weight eating about 2500 to 2700 a day. Maybe we are just all different. What works for one will not work for another.. A day or 2 of not hitting your calorie goal will not hurt you.

    The original Posters question "What happens if I don't eat up to the calories I have to eat?"

    I lost the other 77 at an extreme deficit. And it stopped working. I kept trying for a bout a year. So like I said. take from it what you wish. There is real world proof.

    Obviously ...Thats moronic Im not suggesting you eat the same calories as me or the same as anyone else but those estimates are Estimates based on the info you provided. They are figured with the same scientific calculations that have been successfully used for a long time.

    The calories that the system suggests you eat are estimates. Could they be off sure. I also agree that missing your calories a few days is not going to do a thing.

    What I am saying is See...Look at my graph... I ate a severe deficit for almost 2 years before I fixed it. I stopped losing weight after about 15 months of consistent caloric deficits with Daily exercise levels of 600-1200 calorie burns.

    Im not trying to convince you the evidence is what it is...Take it or leave.

    The avg Citizen of japan is not expending as many calories as I was. The avg Japanese citizen eats a diet mainly consisting of fish. Your statistic makes no point and has no bearing on your argument and is therefore invalid. ????
    I can not eat more than 2000 a day. It is a weight gainer for sure.
    You would if you were exercising enough to require it.

    I just put my data out there... Look at it. Understand it. Go live your life.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Nothing bad will happen. You won't starve or go into the mythical "starvation mode".

    I will only show you what happened to me over the last year. You take this information how you want.

    The pic above shows the last 90 days. In the Oldest portion you see the up down up down the yo yo affect. You can take that and just repeat it for every previous month back to Feb of this year. My weight never change from 225-215ish I gained and lost the same weight.

    Ill tell you what I was doing. I was eating about 1380-1590 calories/day. I was exercising once a day for a minimum of 45 minutes at a High exertion rate. I was burning a minimum of 600 per workout up to 1200.

    I DID NOT EAT MY CALORIES. Oh occasionally I would eat some of them back But 90% of the time. I took in no more than 1500. So on my best day where I maxed out my calories and ate 1590 and exercised no more than 600 I was only grossing 990 calories total and on a bad day I was taking in 1380 and burning 1200 so my intake was 180 calories.

    You can tell in my pic when I figured out I was being retarded. I started eating no less than 2100 and up to 2500. Thats all I did. I ate more. you can tell in the graph when I started eating more.

    you figure it out for yourself.
    That graph shows a spread of about 12 lbs. How did you lose the other 77? Just wondering.

    The diet in Japan is about 1500 a day or less. Many thin and healthy people there.

    I can not eat more than 2000 a day. It is a weight gainer for sure.

    I put on all of my weight eating about 2500 to 2700 a day. Maybe we are just all different. What works for one will not work for another.. A day or 2 of not hitting your calorie goal will not hurt you.

    The original Posters question "What happens if I don't eat up to the calories I have to eat?"

    I lost the other 77 at an extreme deficit. And it stopped working. I kept trying for a bout a year. So like I said. take from it what you wish. There is real world proof.

    Obviously ...Thats moronic Im not suggesting you eat the same calories as me or the same as anyone else but those estimates are Estimates based on the info you provided. They are figured with the same scientific calculations that have been successfully used for a long time.

    The calories that the system suggests you eat are estimates. Could they be off sure. I also agree that missing your calories a few days is not going to do a thing.

    What I am saying is See...Look at my graph... I ate a severe deficit for almost 2 years before I fixed it. I stopped losing weight after about 15 months of consistent caloric deficits with Daily exercise levels of 600-1200 calorie burns.

    Im not trying to convince you the evidence is what it is...Take it or leave.

    The avg Citizen of japan is not expending as many calories as I was. The avg Japanese citizen eats a diet mainly consisting of fish. Your statistic makes no point and has no bearing on your argument and is therefore invalid. ????
    I can not eat more than 2000 a day. It is a weight gainer for sure.
    You would if you were exercising enough to require it.

    I just put my data out there... Look at it. Understand it. Go live your life.
    No need for anger. We have the same weight loss goals and I was just asking. Politely at that. You probably put on a lot of muscle in those 77 lost pounds and needed more calories. Just saying the maybe a calorie deficit was the right course in the beginning. Congrats on your loss. I hope to be just where you are in a few months
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    So you gained weight eating under 1500 cal? Wow interesting.

    No. My appetite just has changed. I just don't eat as much any more as I use to. No need for attitude.
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    Well it has appeared all of you people have different methods of eating your calorie intake. I for one have started to notice how you people don't nicely break it down for people but instead slap them in the face for it. Thanks for the info for those who kindly said it. For those, who gave me attitude along the way--you aren't needed here.
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    And in case some of you might not know or quickly jumped to conclusion that i overate that's why I gained weight and got to where I am it is because I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes while having my kids.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Listen to your body. If you are not hungry it's silly to eat, especially if you are trying to lose weight. You do not have to eat if you don't want to.

    That is the stupidest advice I've ever read on this site. Ever.

    What if the OP is suffering from an ED? What if the OP is fooling herself into thinking she's not hungry? (OP not directed at you) Jeez, this is just damn stupid.

    OP a number of people have given you very good advice. You have ignored the positive to focus on the negative. Just in general, try to avoid doing that. This site is great if you choose to take the positive stuff out of it.

    Short term it won't be too bad but long term? Your metabolism will slow, you will lose lean muscle mass. These are BAD THINGS. You want to be strong so you can run after your kids, pick them up, play with them. You want to be able to enjoy life without having to deny yourself even basic pleasures. If you eat to 1500 then your metabolisim won't slow as much. You can have a splurge day when you feel like it. You won't be tied to being 'good'. You won't have to keep eating less and less to lose the weight you want. You won't get stuck in a yo-yo lifestyle.
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    Listen to your body. If you are not hungry it's silly to eat, especially if you are trying to lose weight. You do not have to eat if you don't want to.

    That is the stupidest advice I've ever read on this site. Ever.

    What if the OP is suffering from an ED? What if the OP is fooling herself into thinking she's not hungry? (OP not directed at you) Jeez, this is just damn stupid.

    OP a number of people have given you very good advice. You have ignored the positive to focus on the negative. Just in general, try to avoid doing that. This site is great if you choose to take the positive stuff out of it.

    Short term it won't be too bad but long term? Your metabolism will slow, you will lose lean muscle mass. These are BAD THINGS. You want to be strong so you can run after your kids, pick them up, play with them. You want to be able to enjoy life without having to deny yourself even basic pleasures. If you eat to 1500 then your metabolisim won't slow as much. You can have a splurge day when you feel like it. You won't be tied to being 'good'. You won't have to keep eating less and less to lose the weight you want. You won't get stuck in a yo-yo lifestyle.

    I did not focus on the negatives only. If you read carefully, I did thank the ones who gave me respectful answers. Nobody ever given me a negative answer on this thread. Everyone has their own opinion--although some would do it in a meanful way. But Thanks for you input.
  • konekkobaba
    eat if you're hungry, don't force yourself..and if you go "over" another time, it all works out as long as you continue your good eating patterns.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    No need for anger. We have the same weight loss goals and I was just asking. Politely at that. You probably put on a lot of muscle in those 77 lost pounds and needed more calories. Just saying the maybe a calorie deficit was the right course in the beginning. Congrats on your loss. I hope to be just where you are in a few months

    Well it has appeared all of you people have different methods of eating your calorie intake. I for one have started to notice how you people don't nicely break it down for people but instead slap them in the face for it. Thanks for the info for those who kindly said it. For those, who gave me attitude along the way--you aren't needed here.

    I wasnt angry I was just telling you my personal experience. You made up excuses about Japanese people. I gave you raw data with proven methods. The information is yours to review and take whatever lesson you can learn from it.

    I did little to no serious weightlifting since I started in 2010. So not a lot of muscle gain if any