I really think that I need serious help



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    baby - you need to get your life back. get mad at yourself for not holding on to it and then go get it back with a vengeance. A little bit of healthy obsession goes a long long way.

    Please, show your baby that her momma is so amazing that she can barely be contained by this planet.

  • renamarie77
    renamarie77 Posts: 98 Member
    I won't laugh.. I also feel like food is a huge part of my life. Pretty much every memory from my childhood is associated with food. When I go on vacation, or visit a new place, the first thing I want to do is try some new place to eat. I wish I could be one of those ppl that can eat anything/everything I want and not get fat. That would be my utopia.

    I'm always looking for new friends. Everyone feel free to add me!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Andrewsvan
    Andrewsvan Posts: 21 Member
    CONTROL- it's the biggest benefit to MFP. I had a horrible snacking habit, second and third helping habit. I would routinely overeat. After joining MFP and set reasonable goals, I learned to space my eating and slow waaaay down and enjoy my food. I loved starchy sugary snacks. MFP helped me get control over the mindless snacking I was addicted to. It took me 30 days of MFP to retrain my snacking habit so I wasn't craving snacks. I recently relaxed my barriers against impulse purchasing and found myself hitting up the vending machines more and more often, esp on days I wasn't tracking my intake. Stick to MFP and it will help you control your diet.
  • rdauer
    rdauer Posts: 1 Member
    I felt the same way about food! A major comfort/distracter when I was feeling depressed, stressed, or bored. I would always tell myself, "Oh, I deserve this because of..." or "This is a treat just for me..." Two things really helped me 1. The Truth, and 2. A little trash talking.

    The Truth was that what I actually deserved was not to have my thighs rubbing together and nothing that fit! The Truth was a real treat would be not being out of breath and being proud of a goal accomplished instead of more excuses. (It might sound cheesy, but I really had to tell myself this so I would stop believing the lies I was feeding myself.) I also LOVE MFP because logging is the Truth, period. That's what you ate and that's what you will weigh in five weeks if you keep it up.

    And a little trash talking.... When I was feeling hungry (aka down and wanting to munch!) and sorry for myself, I would tell my stomach (add some sass here) "Ohhh, you want ____. Well TOO BAD! You got whatever you wanted and LOOK WHERE YOU GOT US. Oh no, not any more! I'm running the show now, so hush it!" ;)

    I read somewhere once that the pain of being fat has to out weigh the pain of changing- for me it did. And all the pain of changing is SOOO worth it. Keep it up!!!
  • I am sending you a friend request. Your post is exactly how I feel as well!
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    Just keep tracking, and remember take it one day at a time. :)
  • Ah yes, I get it.
    I have a terrible relationship with food as well. It keeps me company, but also is killing me by filling my arteries with fat and sending me to an early grave. I think we need to break up...

    I just came back to this site today, after joining a year ago but not really using it. Wow - how good are these boards? You can do it with all the encouragement that you will find here - we can all do it together. Groups are much stronger than singles.

    Good luck!!
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    I also started at around the 180 mark... I ate for the hell of it, often eating things I didn't enjoy. You can change your attitude towards food, and good for you for doing it before you have a real weight problem.
  • Just think its not a race, its a lifestyle change, it will take time and there will be days where you are over your calories and days where you are under, life doesn't stop, there will still be special occassions and treat days and there should be, just make gradual changes until your natural attitude changes. Good luck!
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    Look into the face of your beautiful son and promise not to call his mommy names like 'an obese mess' again. :flowerforyou:

    Then stand tall, proud, and look at the great advice you're getting here about daily logging and adjusting your lifestyle choices for healthy food and exercise. You are on the right track, but remember these are stairs to climb, it's not an escalator, and you have the right stuff to do this.
  • Hey Hun and welcome :)
    You're in the right place :) im only a week in and I can feel the difference already not only health wise but mentally too. It is going to be tough and we all have 'off' days but as the Get over it link says its in the past and can't be undone but the future is yours for the taking :). I agree with alot of what folk are saying about planning and taking one day at a time its all true. I do my diaries the night before after dinner so I know what I am eating the next day. If I didn't do that I would eat so badly.
    Take it easy on yourself and don't rip yourself apart you can do this and with a bit of support you will do this :)
  • Hi there, Your getting really good advice from everyone please find one that you can relate too. I myself is in my 50's but look and feel like I'm in my 40's most of the time but there are some days I feel like 70. Anyway been to the doctor recently and didn't receive any good news. I have to try very hard to get my sugar levels down or it will be medication for the rest of my like (diabetes) it's in my family history and I am determined not to follow suit. That's what is keeping me on track. You have a new family look after yourself your health is the most important thing to you.
  • NextChapter60
    NextChapter60 Posts: 78 Member
    Shortly after having my first child and I kept waiting for life to go back to "normal", I had an "aha" moment. My life had irreversably changed, it was up to me to create the brand-new, never-before-experienced, "normal". The birth of a child is also the birth of a mother (whether mother of one, or mother of three). This may be part of what you're dealing with. Be kind to the new mother - she's never done this before.

    Much of the advice on here is good, and I won't repeat it. You WILL have to find what works for you, and that takes trial-and-error, and time. I like the advice of one-day-at-a-time, but I've been struggling with the time between end of workday and bedtime. So I've focused on one-meal-at-a-time. Just focus on breakfast, and mid-morning snack. Once that's mastered, consider lunch. Then dinner. This isn't a race, just a journey.
  • lrr33
    lrr33 Posts: 28 Member
    ill b your friend! i started alone and my moms friend introduced me to this wonderful site. writing down my food in a food journal got swept under the rug but logging it here is soooo different. i feel i HAVE to do it to get through the day! im down 45 lbs! i also set smaller goals. ie... get under the 200 lb mark then quit smoking then shoot for another 15 lbs. etc.... good luck to u!!
  • amymichelle1226
    amymichelle1226 Posts: 150 Member
    Don't stress too much about going over by a little. Keep working at it and you'll get there. I started about a week before I really started. I would log for breakfast, lunch then get confused (or weak and eat something bad) for dinner and not log dinner. Then as I really started to log things, I was shocked about how many calories I was eating or how many of my favorite things were not good at all...after about a week, I logged just about everything and have been since. Before I went to the grocery store, I'd look up how many calories things were and would plan what I was going to buy and eat. I don't think you should deprive yourself of the yummy things you love (with some moderation) but work for it. If I want something a little unhealthier that day...I go out and exercise and burn those calories. I've been losing weight consistently for the last three months having what I wanted here and there. Though I've made lots of healthier choices, trying to find healther dinners that I actually like and will continue to make. Last time I lost weight, I completely deprived myself, didn't exercise...and I lost weight quicker....but I gained it ALL back. This time I feel confident that won't happen...I don't feel deprived....if I want a cupcake this weekend, I'm going to have that cupcake, but I'm going to work for it.

    You can do this!
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    hiya...your first paragraph is me all over,....i'll add you and we can help each other if you like...xx
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    It's all about taking one day at a time! You are worth making a change! I sent you a friend request. If you mess up and eat too much today start again tomorrow. Make some new friends, help support them and they will do the same for you. This is an awsome site! Take that baby for a walk it will really make you both feel wonderful! I felt the same way years ago when I had my children. You can do it I'll help you along with cheers and way to go's! Begin each day with a positive attitude that you are worth living for!
  • LoriBeMe
    LoriBeMe Posts: 165 Member
    I find that by logging everything that I eat, I am being my own watchdog. Just my 2 cents... best of luck to you! :)
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    I think you are spending too much time thinking about what you didn't do or what you tried to do and failed. You came to this site and that is something you should be proud of because you are making steps to be healthier. It's always more difficult in the beginning because you are trying to break a bunch of bad habits. Don't get so frustrated or you will beat yourself up so much you won't want to keep trying. Today is a new day and you start all over again, if you go over by 10 calories today then there is always tomorrow. You just keep at it and keep trying. Add me as a friend if you would like. I find friends on here give encouragement and support. Best of luck, you CAN do this!!
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    It really is all about your attitude! Try and find ways to see this as a lifestyle choice and not as a diet. Changing your mindset is absolutely everything when it comes to reaching your goals.

    One thing that helps....when you have a craving for bad food or you're out with a friend who tempts you, instead of saying "I can't eat that" say "I DON'T eat that". It reinforces that this is a choice that you are making, and for me at least it gives a sense of control :)