

  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    3 peanut butter cookies could easily be 600-800 calories, so if you're going to cheat like that, then no. You will have a hard time making any progress that way. If you really feel like you need something, have some fruit dipped in dark chocolate, or a handful of nuts and dark chocolate chips. Keep the "cheat" under 100 calories. I also like the other idea to do the rule of one.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I NEVER cheat because I am using the calorie counting as a tool to help me manage my weight, but I am the one in charge and I decide what I want to eat from day to day. Thinking of eating any particular food as cheating is unhelpful, IMO. So yes, I eat some unhealthy stuff or some candy every day, but no, I don't consider it cheating. If I decide to blow off the calorie count for a day, it just is what it is. A choice I've made with consequences I will have to deal with. The consequence is that I may see a smaller loss on the scale or I may think I need to take an extra walk to burn off what I ate. It doesn't mean I get an "F" in eating for that day, or that I go on Santa's naughty list.
  • downinaggieland98
    downinaggieland98 Posts: 224 Member
    I notice alot of people saying if it fits in your numbers then its not cheating. Just in my opinion i wont call it cheating but , i dont understand regardless if it fits in the numbers WHY would you want to put garbage food into your body on a daily basis??

    To me IMO its not trying to be consistently healthy. A treat ( i said treat, not meal or day) once in a while is ok , or once a week. I dont think anyone should deprive themselves of something they truly want but it seems counter productive to me to do it every day. I think some nice strawberrys dipped in dark chocolate would be a sweet treat and you get fruit and chocolate lol

    So no disrespect to the OP or anyone else who answered just my 2 cents worth.

    I agree. If I really, really want a cookie or dessert then no problem, I'll have it. If I am just looking to snack on something and grab a cookie, I feel like I cheated. After all the work I put in at the gym and eating well, I just see it as counterproductive.
  • scinamon1
    scinamon1 Posts: 158 Member
    All the time, and then some days I don't want to so don't. Yesterday I met a friend for lunch and had a huge piece of chocolate cake; in the afternoon I had yoghurt and a banana as a snack, and for dinner I made some less-than 100cal cookies. Normally I get my 5 a day etc., but yesterday I just didn't feel it. I don't really count calories any more, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't over my goal (although I had a lot of sugar) but I feel way better for it today. There was a time not so long ago where if I'd had cake I would eat EVERY SINGLE THING in the house and call the day a write-off; don't have to do that any more, any it's great!
  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    I think it depends on "why" you are doing it. Is it to satisfy a mental need? Is it a bandaid? Is it stress or reward eating? If it is part of your normal diet & within your calorie intake, and your logging it, then i don't think it's cheating. BUT.....ask yourself "why" it's being done. To feel normal? I get it, but the thing is, as we are on here to drop weight & be healthier....I'm redefining my normal. (and now i'm craving a swiss cake roll! ) Good luck to you!

    Good thoughts.

    If you feel the NEED to cheat every day, you might want to consider stopping it. If you don't change your relationship with food, you're probably not going to succeed. If you feel like you NEED a swiss cake roll to be happy and have a fulfilled life......uhm, that's a problem. And I would say that, no, it's not ok.
    Bears repeating. For me, this is what I had to do--change my relationship with food. If you go around thinking that you have to have something otherwise you're deprived, then maybe you have other things going on. Food will always be around regardless of what the all-hell-is-breaking-loose folks say.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Yes! If that's what keeps you on track and within your goals, then go for it.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Hell yes. I am NOT giving up my wine or my chocolate! And it is not cheating because it fits into my daily count, and if I go over, I workout harder.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I don't consider it "cheating". Dark chocolate chips, cookies, ice cream, or pizza are all part of my plan. I just don't eat them *instead of* fresh fruits and veggies and lean protein. Like I tell my kids, eat "real food" first and then you can have a treat if you want it/have room for it. Works for us.
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    On who?
  • Melodymunchkin
    Melodymunchkin Posts: 21 Member
    My daughter tells me NOTHING tastes so good as being slim!!
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    By your definition of cheating, I totally do! But to me, it's not cheating. It's enjoying life while staying at a deficit and losing weight!

    This ^^^
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    When I exercise enough, I don't want junk food, regardless of whether it fits in my numbers for the day. When I crave sweets, or beer/wine, or junk, it's because of one of three things: 1. I didn't run enough that day or the day before, 2. I didn't sleep enough the night before, or 3. I'm not dealing with stress well (typically job or family).

    I usually give in, in a small amount, but keep in mind that what I'm eating is not a long term solution to the problem at hand.

    As always, YMMV.
  • T_X_L
    T_X_L Posts: 140 Member
    If it fits your macros you aren't cheating IMO

    +1 this
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    Good thoughts.

    If you feel the NEED to cheat every day, you might want to consider stopping it. If you don't change your relationship with food, you're probably not going to succeed. If you feel like you NEED a swiss cake roll to be happy and have a fulfilled life......uhm, that's a problem. And I would say that, no, it's not ok.

    you need to change your habits or you will not see results/be able to maintain results

    No, I disagree with this. Enjoying or even wanting a treat everyday while sticking to your nutrition goals is rarely a problem. Wanting or feeling you need to eat an entire box of swiss rolls would be a problem. A daily treat for nothing other than sheer pleasure without really cheating (going over on calories or binging) is more likely a sign of a healthy relationship with food.
  • rdroe
    THAT is the best way to describe it. Life is too short to not have small *enjoyments* each day. Just had 1 chocolate chip cookie. Still have 460 calories to go today and have not yet worked out. I enjoyed that cookie! And I am happy AND still on target! :-)
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    By your definition of cheating, I totally do! But to me, it's not cheating. It's enjoying life while staying at a deficit and losing weight!
    Same xx
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    mmmmm i suppose i have a little bit of what i fancy most days, might be a soy vanilla latte or a yummy cake... but i am always in my calories despite that (mostly because i am breastfeeding ;) ) and I think there is room for little treats!

    I would consider a 'cheat' day a day when i just didnt bother logging because i had been to a bbq or gone out for a naughty dinner and know its going to be ridiculously over. Those days are pretty much none-existant now though, being that i have given up gluten and therefore can't go out much.
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    To keep it simple and in the words of a song...

    "To each his own, that's my philosophy, I don't know what's right for you, you don't know what's right for me"

    The end.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Why do you call it cheating?

    Why would you want to cheat yourself?

    I have room in my plan for a small piece of dark chocolate, a dark chocolate truffle, or equivalent every day. I also love having lots of fruit and other yummy things to nourish my body and enjoy eating.

    Think of it as a short-term diet, and the effects will probably also be temporary. Think of it as changing the way you live, and you stand a better chance of making longer-term health improvements. You decide why you're doing this. One perspective...
  • coffeebrown5
    coffeebrown5 Posts: 73 Member
    Be true to yourself cheating on hurts you. Allow yourself to cheat but also plan a way to work it off during the day. If I am experiecning a sweet tooth I spend a extra five minutes on each machine at the gym that day.