running at 5am?



  • runnninginmd
    out of interest, for those who exercise anytime before 6am... what time do you sleep? I used to go to a bootcamp class 6am - 7am and I needed a nap by 3pm, I was always wrecked! with other commitments I really need to start exercising earlier again so just curious :)

    I try to go to bed by 10 during the week. Unfortunately, I can go to bed at 2 am and I still wake up at 4. And I'm up almost every hour during the night... I have never been a good sleeper, which is part of the reason why I do all my working out first thing in the morning. I'm so exhausted by the time I get off work that I don't have much energy left.

    I think the most important thing is to find the time that works best for you.
  • fasttrack27
    out of interest, for those who exercise anytime before 6am... what time do you sleep? I used to go to a bootcamp class 6am - 7am and I needed a nap by 3pm, I was always wrecked! with other commitments I really need to start exercising earlier again so just curious :)

    I fall asleep between 10 and 11pm, up at 4:30. I sit alone at a PC in my home office for my job. Staying awake in the afternoon is a big battle. Frequent quick trips for a glass of water or whatever to break the mundane quietness to wake me back up. Gotta do what ya gotta do. Just flat out no other time of the day for me to fit it in. Helps to have a bunch of friends at the gym to keep me motivated to show up. Without that I know I'd slack off. Also need a goal - like training for Warrior Dash, a mud run, something.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I do, well did when it's not dark out at 5am. I'd get up and be out the door around 4:45. I love it! I don't really have any advice cause I do it in my neighborhood so I don't have to worry about cars or people. I do run without head phones though (I turn the music up louder) so I can hear if a car is coming and don't get surprised.

    I'm a morning person though so for me, it's easy. Once the alarm is off(sometimes I wake up before it) I'm up and ready to go. To make it faster, I lay out my clothes for the run (as well as for work) before I go to bed. I get up at 4:30am and don't go to bed til 9:30/10pm on most nights and don't need a nap.
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    intimiated by waking up early to run ? or about what might be out there when your running? Im guessing the latter of the two. one poster already said something about reflective clothing or a light or something... a glow stick ( the things kids use during halloween for safety ) works great. I used to run in an area that had lots of dogs running lose- it was a huge city but for whatever reason the neighborhood just didnt have responsible dog owners- so I would carry a lil something extra, just in case I was attacked and yes, I was "approached " on more than one occasion by dogs-especially when I was running with my Husky. A big walking stick could be of use, depending on where you live and how safe you feel. Either way, you always have to keep your head on a swivel and your headphones turned down a lil , so you can hear things other than your music.
  • RunXstrong
    Definitely run with a head lamp - it will help you avoid an ankle injury or a major accident. I find it is hard once it is both dark AND cold so eventually I go inside and run on a treadmill (always 1 incline or higher to better replicate running outdoors).
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    out of interest, for those who exercise anytime before 6am... what time do you sleep?
    I'd go to bed by 9pm if I was up at 4:30 to run.
    Now I go to bed by 9:30pm b/c my kids are up at 5:30, lol.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I'm out by 4:30 or 4:40 each morning.

    I'm usually sleeping in the 9:30-10 range.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    5 AM during the week is the only time I get to run. My kids aren't up yet and my husband is still home with them. I usually try to wait until 6-ish on the weekend if I go then.
  • cyndispot
    I run early and safety was a huge concern for me, especially because of the are the things I do. (and not in a particular order)

    1. Use a headlamp type light to the front of my waist and a red light on the back. (I wear a running pack to carry my phone so I just attach stuff to that.)
    2. Carry my cell phone.
    3. Stay on lit sidewalks where there is likely to be traffic or homes.
    4. Take something noisy - a whistle or something in case I need to try to get attention. If I'm hurt I may not be able to walk to a home, but hopefully I can blow the whistle.
    5. Just got a reflective vest and am going to wear it from now on.
    6. Dress in light colored clothing.
    7. Turn the music down so I can hear or only wear one earbud.
    8. I take one of my dogs. He has a light for his collar too.
    9. I stick to particular routes and I use map my run - so that way if I am taken in route, people might be able to see where I am or where the phone stopped from my home computer. I have also driven the routes with my hubs so he knows where I'm at. and to be honest, I know two or three people along the routes that I run.
    10. I let people know when I leave and when I'll be back.
    11. I wouldn't hesitate to knock on a door or head into a back yard if I felt like a car was following me or I was in danger.
    12. I have identifying information in my running pack. I don't want to be some random lady who fell and knocked herself out and noone knows who I am and I have amnesia and I don't know and I go 10 years before I remember. But it just seems like a good thing to carry with me.

    That's all I can think of. I'm sure there are repeats here, but these things make me feel a bit better.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Another option is to go for a run after school then commute home. Or run round the school playing field if that suits you then commute home. You'll have missed a lot of the traffic in the evening. (Sorry if this was already suggested but I'm late to the party.)
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Or go out at 5am with the intention of attacking someone. Chances of an attacker being out at 5am are slim. Chances of TWO attackers being out at 5am are even smaller.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Lots of people do. Just make sure you have proper safety gear for running the dark. Bright clothes, reflectors, head lamp, or something of the like.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I've been running at 5:15'ish in the morning. I love it. However I live in a very small town so I could run at midnight and feel safe!! Try to run where its more lit and take different paths each day. But if you don't feel comfortable - don't do it.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    If you are going to be running in the dark, make sure you have a reflective shirt/vest, a lighted baseball cap or headlamp (so you can see the ground in front of you - I saw a runner trip and tumble at dusk and you don't want to be that person) , and some flashy lights on you. People might not see you unless you are lit up like a Christmas tree (unless motorists are actually better in your area than around here).
  • katrwal
    katrwal Posts: 336 Member
    i go at 5am - through neighborhood and then around the main streets - i'm in the suburbs... there's a park in the middle of the neighborhood, and i do admit that i carry a flashlight - more for cars and finding the sidewalk than anything else...

    try it for a week and see how you can go - i find it to be incredibly satisfying to be "done" with my workout before heading out to work.
  • semperfit1823
    OK... so I used to run frequently at 6-630 every morning for 30 minutes but now my new job requires me to wake up earlier and commute - and i have to leave the house at 615am.. any later and the traffic is really awful... for some reason (and i don't live in a bad area at all) i'm a little intimidated about waking up an hour or so earlier to go run...

    does anyone else go running OUTSIDE at 5am? advice? suggestions? i miss my running and running after work could happen but i usually have an even longer commute home 90 minutes or so and i have to grade work or something of the sort..(i'm a teacher)

    help. i'm slipping.

    I run everyday at 0500 the best thing to do is get a good nights sleep and I use a motivational song as an alamr that always gets me up. Oh and wear something reflective I use a belt I put around my assault pack definitely almost been hit a few times even with that.
  • MidlifeGlowUp
    MidlifeGlowUp Posts: 91 Member
    I'm a New Yorker, and I'm paranoid. I want you to keep safe. If I was determined to run at that hour, I would first check to see if there was a running club that had group runs then. If that didn't pan out, I would plan the best lit route, preferably one with a police presence. I would make a point of greeting the cops and making sure they remembered me. I'd run with pepper spray and nothing that hindered my ability to hear someone approaching me from behind.

    Be safe.
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm up at 5 to run M-F. I try and stay in well lit areas and try not to make my route too predictable. I like that time. It's better to me then later at night since most people seem to be sleeping still. My advice is to wear reflective vest/belt and light colored clothing. No matter what time I run, I always let someone know my route and when I leave.
    Oh, and I've taken self defense classes. Krav Maga, highly recommend it for women. If nothing else, they teach you to be alert to your surroundings as well as defense techniques.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    Before I got my hairline fracture I ran 3 times a week at's peaceful and cool then but be sure to wear white or something reflective if your running that early so any cars passing by will see you.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    yup I do, if I don't get it done early it won't get done.