Exercise Anxiety?

I don't know why I feel anxious about exercising. I work odd hours with a changing schedule because I'm a nurse, but I tend to work out after work because I'm just not going to get up early to do it.

All day long, I dread working out. I look for excuses to NOT workout.

During the workout, I hate every minute. I keep telling myself I can't do this and I want to stop.

After the workout, I feel great. So happy to be done, but already dreading my NEXT workout.

I have tried thinking positively, but it doesn't work, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Does anyone else experience anything like this?

Note, this has not once stopped me from working out, but I feel all the negativity is going to hurt me in the long run. I haven't yet found any exercise that I really enjoy doing, so I'm sure that is part of the problem.


  • steven_goldilocks
    Yeah, I get a similar thing from time to time. All I can suggest is that you try as many different things as are practical given your hectic schedule. You may find something you like, or, at least you'll know what you dread the least...

    Sorry, not that helpful. Anyone else got anything better?
  • kesmarie
    The only way you will continue exercising long term is to find something you enjoy doing, talk to a personal trainer or take some different classes/workouts until you find something you do like. I dread going to the gym, but feel great when I am there, good luck
  • DaphneAtx
    Maybe I'm just doing too many Jillian Michaels' dvds!
  • AmberFaith90
    AmberFaith90 Posts: 904 Member
    Find something you enjoy! I love Jillian Michaels' DVDs, but she gets annoying as hell after a while!
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Find something fun?

    everytime i do a jullian micheals dvd, i want to punch her in the face!
  • lschuttem
    lschuttem Posts: 82 Member
    I felt the same way for a long time, so i had to really focus on the feeling of accomplishment that I got after every workout. I think my anxiety was probably because I was so self conscious at the gym, and it really did require a lot of effort to work out! (especially if you keep pushing your limits, like I believe a good workout does). So naturally I dreaded it.
    But after a few months of MFP, and i lost some weight, I wasnt so self conscious, and I've gotten a lot 'better' at working out, and I really look forward to it! I think of how far I've come, and now I run a coulpe of 5ks each week; something most people probably cant do. So its like "i'm going to work out because I CAN. So many people can't and wont; I'm not one of them. Im proud of what I can do"
    I hope that helps a little bit!
  • skying
    skying Posts: 4 Member
    maybe try making some of your work out into something less strenuous- like going for long walks- so you're still exercising but it's enjoyable and you might not dread it?
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    Find something you like!

    I could not do videos.. I would dread them too.
    I hate doing stuff like that and I really do not blame you there.

    I personally just love the elliptical or really any machine type exercise.
  • Jessb1985
    Jessb1985 Posts: 264 Member
    I used to get bad anxiety about exercising. My reason is though that I had open heart surgery and due to complications beforehand was terrified of making my heart go fast.

    My doctor ended up telling me I had post traumatic stress and put me on low dose anti anxiety tablets and while I was only on them for 6 months it made the world of difference.

    I started small, walking most days and worked my way up from there
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Oh,i know this sounds lame..but,
    sweatin to the oldies dvd's are fun!
    & the music is good.

    and the xbox360kinect games are fun!

    and possibly the wii,but,idk i dont have one.lol
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    hmm try some of these tips:

    -working out with a friend
    -doing classes you like (zumba or some type of dance, water aerobics, pilates, and my fave is yoga)
    -bring a book or magazine to the gym to read while on the machines. Don't let yourself read it at home, only treat yourself to it while working out
    -work out to music and keep the selection fresh
    -meet people at the gym so you look forward to seeing them (probably not gonna happen if you're shy. My friend thinks its so weird I've been going 2 months and know so many people and she might know 3 people by name including employees and She has been a member 10+ years. I can't help that I'm a chatterbox :-P
    -try every machine, every sport, every exercise you can think of until you find something you enjoy. Seriously, there must be something active you enjoy. People even do pole-dancing for exercise nowadays. There's gotta be something to strike your fancy!

    Otherwise just keep up the good work sticking to it even if you hate every single second.
  • questiontheanswers
    As others have said, you HAVE to find something you like doing. Doesn't matter what it is as long as you're moving. I used to hit the gym and log hours (not all at one time) on the elliptical, and I hated it.It took so little for me to decide not to go. I took up kickboxing about 5 months ago and I LOVE it. I also recently starting lifting heavy - currently halfway done with Stage 1 of New Rules of Lifting for Women - and I love that, too. Now for me to miss a workout there has to be a seriously good reason, some obligation that I absolutely cannot get out of or reschedule.
  • questiontheanswers
    Also, I see that you're doing Jillian DVDs, which is a great workout. I do them in a pinch, but I've decided that I sort of hate working out to a DVD in my house. Maybe you need to try working out in a group setting?

    Good luck! You'll find something you dig. If you are having anxiety about what you're currently doing, it's not doing you any favors and it's time to try something else.
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    I used to be like you. Every time I went to the gym I'd be crying inside. It sounds really, really, really, really stupid, I know, but I have started imagining scenarios in my mind, like I'm running away from a rabid dog, or if I don't reach at least 500 calories burned, I will somehow die, lol. I play really fast, pounding, motivating music to go along with it. It's kind of like being a kid and playing make believe. I'm a friggin nerd. :blushing:
  • AmberFaith90
    AmberFaith90 Posts: 904 Member
    hmm try some of these tips:

    -working out with a friend
    -doing classes you like (zumba or some type of dance, water aerobics, pilates, and my fave is yoga)
    -bring a book or magazine to the gym to read while on the machines. Don't let yourself read it at home, only treat yourself to it while working out
    -work out to music and keep the selection fresh
    -meet people at the gym so you look forward to seeing them (probably not gonna happen if you're shy. My friend thinks its so weird I've been going 2 months and know so many people and she might know 3 people by name including employees and She has been a member 10+ years. I can't help that I'm a chatterbox :-P
    -try every machine, every sport, every exercise you can think of until you find something you enjoy. Seriously, there must be something active you enjoy. People even do pole-dancing for exercise nowadays. There's gotta be something to strike your fancy!

    Otherwise just keep up the good work sticking to it even if you hate every single second.

    I concur. Zumba is SO much fun. I do it at home via the Wii game. 800-900 calories burnt in an hour, and I was having FUN!
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Great suggestions everyone. I can totally commiserate. I dread doing Jillian too and just bought two more of her dvd's for variety.
  • LilEmm
    LilEmm Posts: 240
    dunno if this fits in your schedule - kayaking, hiking outside, swimming also can be tough workouts, but rejuvenating/calming workouts. :)
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    I seem to experience it too. I wouldn't call mine anxiety, more like a slight dread or maybe general negativity. Getting into a routine helps. I first started out here (ironically) lifting weights. I did that for a few months, took a 2 month break from MFP and now I've started my lifting routine again... but I've also added in running. This really seems to balance things. I lift one day, run the next... I haven't perfected my schedule yet. Still getting used to the new routine. But it seems to really help me to focus on those two different types of exercise, alternating them so that I have sort of a balancing act going... if that makes sense.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    During the workout, I hate every minute. I keep telling myself I can't do this and I want to stop.

    Note, this has not once stopped me from working out, but I feel all the negativity is going to hurt me in the long run. I haven't yet found any exercise that I really enjoy doing, so I'm sure that is part of the problem.

    Wow, welcome to exercise! Get used to it. This is how real life is. Not everyone loves exercise. You're not entitled to a fit body. Are you serious? Grow up and change your attitude. This would make your life a hell of a lot easier. Wow.

    :wink: :flowerforyou:
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Yeah. The problem is I hate working out. I've been going regularly for two years and still hate it.