A lot of people are starting a 40 day fast today.



  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    My favorite quote:
    I'm not with some of those zealot positions.

    For me it's more about removing the danger of our current President. One who is aligned by the way with the muslim brotherhood.

  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    I watched a movie last night about a man who committed suicide by fasting for 40 days. All he did was drink water. He went into the woods and kept a journal about what each day was like starving himself. "The Sound of Insects" was the title. Good luck to you who think this is a good idea :noway:
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Whoa whoa whoa.. people are going to fast for 40 days to show their opposition to gay marriage??

    This day just keeps getting better.

    Enjoy starving bigots! I think I'll have an extra breakfast sandwich just to show solidarity with my hombros.

    Mmm.. tolerance is delicious...

    EDIT TO ADD: Wait another minute..
    For me it's more about removing the danger of our current President. One who is aligned by the way with the muslim brotherhood. For the muslim brotherhood, being gay means a death sentence. I'm essentially libertarian, so I have issue with both parties.

    That does it. I'm gonna need a third sandwich and some hashbrowns...

    Get the same for me Brett, and i'll take a large O.J. too.
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    Whoa whoa whoa.. people are going to fast for 40 days to show their opposition to gay marriage??

    This day just keeps getting better.

    Enjoy starving bigots! I think I'll have an extra breakfast sandwich just to show solidarity with my hombros.

    Mmm.. tolerance is delicious...

    EDIT TO ADD: Wait another minute..
    For me it's more about removing the danger of our current President. One who is aligned by the way with the muslim brotherhood. For the muslim brotherhood, being gay means a death sentence. I'm essentially libertarian, so I have issue with both parties.

    That does it. I'm gonna need a third sandwich and some hashbrowns...

    ^^^ This is why I call you Hero.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I AM BEGGING YOU PEOPLE.. do not report this thread!! Please??

    This is gonna be so much fun.

    Yes yes! Please don't report! Something to keep me going on a gloomy Friday!
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member

    For me it's more about removing the danger of our current President. One who is aligned by the way with the muslim brotherhood. For the muslim brotherhood, being gay means a death sentence. I'm essentially libertarian, so I have issue with both parties.

    Whoa, can you say left field? This is apropos of what, exactly? From fasting to the "danger" of Obama to the Muslim Brotherhood...

    This is gonna be good. *grabs popcorn*
  • britneygail3
    britneygail3 Posts: 7 Member
    We aren't Jesus....we can't survive a 40 day fast. Unless you are 300lbs to start with! A 40day liquid diet would be possible but fast I don't think so...

    BAHAHAHAHAA! I am certain I couldn't do a 40 day fast, I can barely do a day!
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Forget about a day, I skip breakfast and I am grumpy already :P
  • Ok, I will give up Sushi!!! Wait, I don't eat Sushi. Ok I will give up sauerkraut, wait I don't eat that either. I'm at a loss, what are we doing here again? lol
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    For me it's more about removing the danger of our current President. One who is aligned by the way with the muslim brotherhood. For the muslim brotherhood, being gay means a death sentence. I'm essentially libertarian, so I have issue with both parties.

    Yes, I would SO much rather have a man that wants to take away women's rights, gay rights, poor rights....the Muslim Brotherhood has just as much right to believe what they believe as Christians, Jews, Protestants, etc. I know many muslims that are wonderful people and don't believe nor follow the Brotherhood. Our President should be aligned with any and all races that respect and support our country and equality. Being gay only means a death sentence in certain countries, not to all muslims. Also, in those countries that DO feel that way, their people are fighting against it and standing up for what is right.

    Bigotry and hatred have ZERO place in this world. How someone chooses to live their life affects no one but themselves. Gay marriage doesn't affect you one bit.

    People truly disgust me sometimes.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    No matter how hard you try, you can't fix stupid.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I'll never embrace any concept that purposely robs me of the nutrients necessary to think for myself.
  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    Whoa whoa whoa.. people are going to fast for 40 days to show their opposition to gay marriage??

    This day just keeps getting better.

    Enjoy starving bigots! I think I'll have an extra breakfast sandwich just to show solidarity with my hombros.

    Mmm.. tolerance is delicious...

    EDIT TO ADD: Wait another minute..
    For me it's more about removing the danger of our current President. One who is aligned by the way with the muslim brotherhood. For the muslim brotherhood, being gay means a death sentence. I'm essentially libertarian, so I have issue with both parties.

    That does it. I'm gonna need a third sandwich and some hashbrowns...

    I think I'll throw in some bacon, as well! Maybe a whole pound of it!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I decided to crunch numbers for poops and giggles relating to this.

    If I were to fast for 40 days I wouldn't do a damn thing. I would just lay in bed to conserve energy. Therefore, all energy burned would be my BMR.

    With a BMR of 2000 kcal, I would burn a total of 80 000 kcal over the period of 4 days. Without eating anything, that means all the calories would have to come from what's in my body. If I'm lucky, all of that would come from fat.

    1 lb of fat is about 3500 calories. That means I would burn 23 lbs of fat in 40 days.

    If I did choose to continue to live life the way I am right now, my TDEE is 2400 kcal/day, totalling 96 000 kcal, which translates into 27 lbs over 40 days.

    Darn, I was hoping those numbers would be higher so I could prove a point. I guess most of those people could do with losing 20+ lbs.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I decided to crunch numbers for poops and giggles relating to this.

    If I were to fast for 40 days I wouldn't do a damn thing. I would just lay in bed to conserve energy. Therefore, all energy burned would be my BMR.

    With a BMR of 2000 kcal, I would burn a total of 80 000 kcal over the period of 4 days. Without eating anything, that means all the calories would have to come from what's in my body. If I'm lucky, all of that would come from fat.

    1 lb of fat is about 3500 calories. That means I would burn 23 lbs of fat in 40 days.

    If I did choose to continue to live life the way I am right now, my TDEE is 2400 kcal/day, totalling 96 000 kcal, which translates into 27 lbs over 40 days.

    Darn, I was hoping those numbers would be higher so I could prove a point. I guess most of those people could do with losing 20+ lbs.

    But.. but.. you'd stop gay marriage!
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    I don’t have a problem if someone wants to “fast” for forty days (as others have mentioned a "fast" does not mean abstaining from food necessarily). However, I do have a problem with the religious extremists using this as a platform to promote hate and ignorance, though.

    We do have seasons of fasting in the Church’s calendar (Advent and Lent) and those are tied to the themes of turning from sin and entering more fully into the Christian faith. Fasting for an “election” season does not appeal to me. The Church should not not tell people how to vote. It can provide guidelines that we should “weigh” in making our choices about voting, but the Catholic bishops do not allow for the Church to tell its people who to vote for, or which party to align with.

    So, I doubt these people "fasting" are really going to die of starvation. It could simply mean giving up meat on the weekends, or abstaining from sweets during the 40 days, etc. Well, the cray-cray might, but they're the ones doing it wrong on many levels anyway.
  • natebaumgarner
    natebaumgarner Posts: 18 Member
    Not to sound rude or anything but a 40 day fast sounds stupid and dangerous. The true meaning of fast is to sustain from food and water. You last maybe a week with out water and if your lucky 2 weeks with out food. During this time your body goes from an anabolic state to a catabolic state (wasting away). Any one who is concerned about their health and truly mean it would not do something like this. Working in the medical profession this sounds ignorant and dangerous. None of us are Jesus Christ the son of God and do this. He was able to do more than any of us and Im sure he doesn't expect us to do this.
  • Arrabindi
    Arrabindi Posts: 169 Member
    Whoa whoa whoa.. people are going to fast for 40 days to show their opposition to gay marriage??

    This day just keeps getting better.

    Enjoy starving bigots! I think I'll have an extra breakfast sandwich just to show solidarity with my hombros.

    Mmm.. tolerance is delicious...

    EDIT TO ADD: Wait another minute..
    For me it's more about removing the danger of our current President. One who is aligned by the way with the muslim brotherhood. For the muslim brotherhood, being gay means a death sentence. I'm essentially libertarian, so I have issue with both parties.

    That does it. I'm gonna need a third sandwich and some hashbrowns...

  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I don't plan to starve. Last time I did something like this it was pretty extreme at first then I gradually allowed more juice, maybe even a protein drink now and then. Then after the fast I gradually added healthy foods back in. For now, Juice or broth
    in the morning.

    For those who enjoy the hit and run political comments. Be specific. Emotional slams are not helpful. I value polite debate, but it is so rare in these times.

    Er, this movement is specifically targeting gay marriage and sex before marriage as issues of "moral denigration"--really? People who hold bigoted, biased values are urging people to fast for 40 days and don't accurately understand the term "fast"?

    Polite debate? Because we call this movement out as insane doesn't make it impolite. Should I be polite to someone who comes in saying, "Let's fast so everyone's bodies are completely controlled by government, minorities can't marry, etc."?

    I'm not part of any movement targeting gays. No I'm not with some of those zealot positions. Actually I didn't even read most of those links, just threw them out to show many are doing it for different reasons.

    For me it's more about removing the danger of our current President. One who is aligned by the way with the muslim brotherhood. For the muslim brotherhood, being gay means a death sentence. I'm essentially libertarian, so I have issue with both parties.

    You can "remove the danger of our current President" by voting in November. If you don't like either party then do more to change the system. Fasting is going to do nothing more than put your body in shock and make it hold on to every ounce of fat you have. Way to promote unhealthy eating on message boards for people who are trying to lose weight.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I think I'll do a 40 day slow

    Maybe it's all the cough syrup and cold medicine I've chugged this morning, but I found this to be riotously funny. Thank you for your sarcasm!
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