Disappointed Newbie!!



  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Don't worry. I lost 35-40 pounds and had various plateaus along the way. Get used to it and settle in for the long haul.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    You didn't mention what kind (if any) exercises you are doing. Sometimes an awesome workout will really make our muscles retain water so they can repair themselves, hence gaining weight. After a long run, I will routinely put on several pounds but it's all water weight to repair those muscles

    Hang in there. Weight loss is not a linear line and it's HARD.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    , this week I put on a pound. I don't mind telling you I am devastated!

    46 year old men do not get "devastated" when they gain a pound.



    Strewth! Is THIS what passes for support on Myfitnesspal.

    Get real, sunshine! People are trying - people get confused. Deal with it. We can't all be perfect.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    It's going to take time....you didn't put the weight on fast, you won't take it off fast. I know it can be frustrating but give yourself more time.

    What do you do for excerise? What's your diary look like? All things to remember. Also, picutres work wonders as does a tape measure instead of a scale
  • jhunny31
    Its a frustrating process, you'll just have to keep at it. I can't stand the scale it really does put me in a not so happy mood.
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    Its acceptable and happens to everyone. Dont worry about it. Just keep plugging away. You said its been 4 weeks of workout on the same routine...change the routine. Your body loves to stay the same- in its comfort zone- and will fight you all the way in trying to remain where it is comfy. It adapts to things you do very fast so you have to keep it challenge, so change your workout, even if its just adding a few reps or increasing the speed of your cardio workouts...changing it up challenges your body and makes it think it must change with it to stay alive...so it changes and improves ( or gets worse, depending on what your doing ) . Just like you get bored with a workout, so does your body. Confusing your body is key to steady improvement.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I had lost 13 lbs and then one day after doing the same things I have been doing I got up 3lbs heavier...carried that extra 3 around for a couple of weeks..very disappointed to say the least. Upped my water intake and dropped the 3lbs again. Now I'm on a steady loss again. The gaining 1 or a few is normal...don't give up!!!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    , this week I put on a pound. I don't mind telling you I am devastated!

    46 year old men do not get "devastated" when they gain a pound.



    Strewth! Is THIS what passes for support on Myfitnesspal.

    Get real, sunshine! People are trying - people get confused. Deal with it. We can't all be perfect.

    Oh lighten up!! It wasn't meant in a mean way, I'm pretty sure it was meant in a funny 'just man up' tone. The OP didn't take any offence so I don't know why you are? This site is full of supportive friendly people, who are more than happy to help each other out, some people just need to learn to chill a little :happy:
  • dickymint678
    dickymint678 Posts: 38 Member
    Take note that a litre of water weighs 1 kg (2.2 lbs).
    1 pint of water weighs +/- 1 lbs.

    Water plays such a big role in weight fluctuation.
    During hard excercise people can lose 3/4/5+ lbs in weight.
    Any excess carb not used in the short term will be stored with 4 x its weight in water (1 gram of carb + 4 gram h2o).
    Salt or salty food will also have an effect - causing temporary water retention. Note that; salt can easily be masked and is found in some suprising unsalty-tasting foods!

    For a gain of 1 lbs of fat in a day, you would need to consume 3500 calories over and above your body's daily needs.

    So, keep focussed, use the scales as a guide, learn from looking at your diary for what food was eaten, how your body reacted and this will help you "own and better control" your results. Also, a side beneift (of above) is that, you will learn what will happen when you have a "day off" and it will help you enjoy a special occasion and then get back on with the job of fat loss.

    Best of luck!
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Yes, normal. In the beginning my chart went up and down. Now that I weight myself less and I have figured out what works for me, its a steady decline. Dont let it hurt!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Yes it is normal, acceptable and to be expected. Keep your eyes on the prize and look at the overall picture. Your down not up after a week. :flowerforyou: Keep going!
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    , this week I put on a pound. I don't mind telling you I am devastated!

    46 year old men do not get "devastated" when they gain a pound.



    Strewth! Is THIS what passes for support on Myfitnesspal.

    Get real, sunshine! People are trying - people get confused. Deal with it. We can't all be perfect.

    Oh lighten up!! It wasn't meant in a mean way, I'm pretty sure it was meant in a funny 'just man up' tone. The OP didn't take any offence so I don't know why you are? This site is full of supportive friendly people, who are more than happy to help each other out, some people just need to learn to chill a little :happy:

    Okay. Sorry - it was a joke, huh? Only I see some really mean pillocks posting in here and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Sorry.
  • WickedlySweet86
    Also, remember that muscle weighs more than fat does...it shouldn't be all about dropping lbs. but toning yourself as well. :smile:
  • chynatowngirl44
    chynatowngirl44 Posts: 94 Member
    Your body weight is supposed to fluctuate a little bit, given the different conditions that we place it through. Not only that, you need to change up your routine a little bit since you will begin to see plateau and even gains in your progress as your body gets used to a particular routine. Try revamping your workout to burn more calories, or changing up the foods you eat. Hope this helps
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    , this week I put on a pound. I don't mind telling you I am devastated!

    46 year old men do not get "devastated" when they gain a pound.



    Strewth! Is THIS what passes for support on Myfitnesspal.

    Get real, sunshine! People are trying - people get confused. Deal with it. We can't all be perfect.

    Oh lighten up!! It wasn't meant in a mean way, I'm pretty sure it was meant in a funny 'just man up' tone. The OP didn't take any offence so I don't know why you are? This site is full of supportive friendly people, who are more than happy to help each other out, some people just need to learn to chill a little :happy:

    Okay. Sorry - it was a joke, huh? Only I see some really mean pillocks posting in here and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Sorry.

    Yep...its called tough love...:)
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    'tough, love'


    tough love?
  • srhargraves
    I have been on the yo-yo diet for 20 years plus and believe me, it is very normal to not change a thing you are doing and gain a pound or two. Don't give up!! because next week you will probably lose extra. Look at what you have already lost!! Imagine in your mind that the weight you have lost is that much hamburger meat. Take a pound from that and you still have a huge amount of hamburger meat left...so please dont let it discourage you. This is going to be a life long journey. We have ups and downs in our life and we are going to have ups and downs in the weight loss journey too. The key is to look forward and be determined not to give up. Now if I can just take my own advice, I will do great!!:ohwell:
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    'tough, love'


    tough love?

    semantics :p
  • wackiejackie17
    I honestly don't do pounds because they fluctuate so much - maybe focus more on exercise - esp weights - it seems to compress you body into a smaller size. Then you feel and look better even tho your weight may not be the ultimate yet.