Worse to be next to on a plane. Bad breath guy or



  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    well i get to fly with my kids and one has the OMG diaper going for her and the other tends to thro tantrums...so......ill trade ill take "dudes that smell" and someon els can take my kids:tongue:
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    lour441 wrote:

    I used to have an issue with kids on a plane. Then I had kids. My last flight there was a toddler in back of me crying and all i could think about was what I could do to comfort her.

    Good for you. That's exactly what it should be.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    My fav was the time my husband and I were flying back from the Bahamas. Our seats were apparently not togther (even though they told us they were), and I got to sit the entire flight with a very large and tall man that apparently got air sick. NOT FUN! :frown:
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Instead of getting aggravated at a kid, if it is sitting near you pay it some attention. You'd be amazed at how a stranger can get a child to quickly change their tune when a parent cannot. Then again, be wary, there could be psycho over protective parent that thinks your gonna steal their kid one hour into a 14 hour flight...lmao!

    I personally have never had to sit next to anyone smelly, but I have to say body odor person could turn ickier as the flight progressed :sick: I can't stand when people push, touch, kick, or bounce against the back of the seat.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I'm flying in a few months with my 2 year old baby girl, and with all these negative posts about babies on planes and how much everyone hates sitting next to them, I'm scared! I'll do everything I can to make sure my baby does not misbehave, but after all is said and done, she's just a baby and she might cry, or spill something, or fuss, etc., etc.... sorry! I hope everyone just knows it's even harder for the parent than it is for the stranger sitting next to the fussy baby ... I can deal with a whiney baby because they don't know what's going on and may be scared, but I have zero tolerance for a whiney adult!

    It's not so much the whiney babies that bother me, although it is annoying too, but what really bothers me is when toddlers just do whatever they want and the parent sits there oblivious to the whole thing while everyone else has to suffer the wrath of their demon spawn. Babies cry, it happens, but toddlers can be controlled if the parent has any backbone and common sense.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Keep me away from those who insult me by automatically assuming my kids will misbehave. I guess when the plane is in need of a pilot you can then assume that my 10 year old wouldn't at least be able to assist in talking to ATC and helping land the plane (he could and yes he is gifted).

    The problem is that too many parents don't believe their children are *capable* of behaving. I have seven kids, three of them have ADHD, and not a one of them would dare behave so badly on an airplane as to make the other passengers around us miserable. Why? Because I have taught them to behave in public since they were very little, and EXPECTED them to actually do it. The worst they might do is get excited and talk too loudly.

    Sure, my kids run around and get loud and wild, and they do misbehave. But they understand the different behaviors expected for inside / outside / in public. They are capable of sitting in their seats in a restaurant and engaging in dinner conversation without disturbing the other diners. (I personally find it shocking how often restaurant managers come over to thank us for having well behaved kids.)

    And yet, if I dare to say this in front of other parents, like on a mommy message board, I get accused of being some kind of abusive control freak, and told that a 2yo is not physically capable of getting through a trip to the grocery store without throwing a tantrum.
  • PatrissiaLu
    I'm flying in a few months with my 2 year old baby girl, and with all these negative posts about babies on planes and how much everyone hates sitting next to them, I'm scared! I'll do everything I can to make sure my baby does not misbehave, but after all is said and done, she's just a baby and she might cry, or spill something, or fuss, etc., etc.... sorry! I hope everyone just knows it's even harder for the parent than it is for the stranger sitting next to the fussy baby ... I can deal with a whiney baby because they don't know what's going on and may be scared, but I have zero tolerance for a whiney adult!

    It's not so much the whiney babies that bother me, although it is annoying too, but what really bothers me is when toddlers just do whatever they want and the parent sits there oblivious to the whole thing while everyone else has to suffer the wrath of their demon spawn. Babies cry, it happens, but toddlers can be controlled if the parent has any backbone and common sense.

    Luckily I'm flying on the red eye... so baby should be asleep the whole way. Crossing my fingers! haha... and no, I'm not one of those parents that acts like if nothing is happening when my kid throws a tantrum, so I completely understand what you're saying, those types of situations drive me crazy too. ;-)
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Keep me away from those who insult me by automatically assuming my kids will misbehave. I guess when the plane is in need of a pilot you can then assume that my 10 year old wouldn't at least be able to assist in talking to ATC and helping land the plane (he could and yes he is gifted).

    The problem is that too many parents don't believe their children are *capable* of behaving. I have seven kids, three of them have ADHD, and not a one of them would dare behave so badly on an airplane as to make the other passengers around us miserable. Why? Because I have taught them to behave in public since they were very little, and EXPECTED them to actually do it.

    I thought the same thing when I was your age. Then we had another child and I taught him just as well but the outcome was different. That's when I realized that my self-satisfaction that I had figured out child discipline was misplaced and that genetics actually do play a role.
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    17 year old girl in a way to short skirt.

  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    Personal Space Invaders… Unfortunately, culturally these types typically have personal hygiene issues as well.

    Yes, when flying to some countries, you will definitely encounter people from said countries who don't place big importance on personal hygiene. And the plane is full of them. One time, the flight attendants were walking down the aisles spraying Lysol it was that bad. :sick:
  • AlyssaNorth
    AlyssaNorth Posts: 57 Member
    im an annoying flyer. i fly with my baby in my lap (about to go on a flight with him and he is a crazy 1 yr old now) i feel bad for people have have to sit next to me..it sometimes help me get people away from me tho...which is nice.