What's your most embarrassing moment at the gym?



  • LOL I farted once while on the elliptical. I don't know, I guess I had Mexican food that day. But it was a clean, wet fart that ripped like *pffffffftttttthghghthtghth*

    There were people on the machines to my immediate right and left. I calmly came to a stop, got off, and walked out of the gym. Never looked back.

  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    I was looking all around a weigh machine to lower the seat, i must have walked around it three or four times before sitting down and looking for another minute or too when finally someone took pity on me and came over and said here pull this yellow handle. It was a big yellow bolt like handle right in the open on a white and gray machine. opps lol

    LOL I've done the same thing!
  • My sister and I are both obese ladies. First timers at the gym, the lady that was a trainer was showing us around and explaining things. Sure no problem. So, after she goes back to the office, we decided to work our way around. First up, stability balls. There were two of them and we both were trying to get balanced on them. OMG, we could not stay on them for the life of us! Slipping and sliding like someone greased them. We were laughing so hard and the girl at the gym yells out, "we are not laughing at you, but with you". I do not think they had ever seen a sight quite that bad before lol.

    Note: later my much younger and skinny sister decided to get fit. I told her to use the stability ball (evil grin). She laid down on that sucker and ended up doing a complete backwards flip on it. I can still see it. I laughed so hard. Needless to say, she refused to use that ball again.
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    I've had three good ones I'd like to share if you don't mind. (I am totally clumsy)

    1. I was working my triceps using the pulldown bar and on the way up, I knocked myself in the head (saw a guy do this to himself the other day also so I know it's a recurring thing in the gym)

    2. Was trying to perform a prone jacknife and mid way through the ball slipped and I fell on my face with butt straight up in the air. I don't think anyone saw that.

    3. Was busy hitting the punching bag and the chain holding it up came loose, causing the bag to fall with this super loud clanking noise that caused everyone else in the gym to stop and stare. Didn't help that I squealed like a little b*tch because it terrified me!

    *bonus* This was ALMOST an embarrassing situation for me

    I was swimming laps and the tie strings on both sides of my swimsuit bottoms came loose. With nothing to hold them, the bottoms started to slip off of me. To make it worse, I was in the middle of the 6ft and didn't have a wall to hold onto so to tie the strings.. Thirdly, I was swimming laps in a lane between two older gentlemen who could probably see my struggling to keep my shame. Thank goodness I clenched my legs tight until I got to shallow waters. I was almost out of my poor bottoms!

    I'm sorry, but I have to laugh out loud at your pain. Too funny!
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    early am..I was alone in gym..about 5am.. I was singing... I would watch to make sure no one came in..well..I missed one :blushing:

    As I was leaving they said...thanks for the acapella concert :laugh:
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    This happened when I was a lot younger but it is in my mind every time I do HIIT on the treadmill!
    I was running on the treadmill and was increasing the speed every minute or so to try and beat my previous time, eventually I became too exhausted to keep up and due to the pace I had no time to even hit the stop button. I shot off the end of the treadmill, hit the wall behind (which was about three feet away) and slid down the wall to land in a heap on the floor! Picked myself up and left the gym immediately then found another gym to go to after that!
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    When I'm deadlifting I am not gentle lowering the weight. It makes a lot of noise. It's sorta embarassing...
  • Seoul11
    Seoul11 Posts: 138 Member
    About two months ago I experienced the unintentional exercise-induced orgasm. Luckily it was a fairly dead time at the gym and I'm pretty certain no one noticed... but it felt like EVERYONE noticed.

    Walk of shame to the locker room....
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Once, I walked by a smith machine on my way to the squat rack. Someone walked up to it at the same time and asked if I was using it.
  • MizKittyB
    MizKittyB Posts: 47 Member
    About two months ago I experienced the unintentional exercise-induced orgasm. Luckily it was a fairly dead time at the gym and I'm pretty certain no one noticed... but it felt like EVERYONE noticed.

    Walk of shame to the locker room....

    I suddenly have the motivation to go work out again, in case I get really good results!
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    Smacked myself in the face with bar during a clean and jerk, fell on my butt and started crying.

    In front of one of our most famous local athletes.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    Lesley Oh man, I have worried about falling off the treadmill before. Ouch!
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    About two months ago I experienced the unintentional exercise-induced orgasm. Luckily it was a fairly dead time at the gym and I'm pretty certain no one noticed... but it felt like EVERYONE noticed.

    Walk of shame to the locker room....

    In for video...
  • seximami79
    seximami79 Posts: 156 Member
    About two months ago I experienced the unintentional exercise-induced orgasm. Luckily it was a fairly dead time at the gym and I'm pretty certain no one noticed... but it felt like EVERYONE noticed.

    Walk of shame to the locker room....

    That does not sound embarrassing. That sounds lucky! I think I would exercise WAY MORE if I could do that! lol!
  • eksproductions
    eksproductions Posts: 138 Member
    Walking through the gym and a sock fell out of my shirt, I had grabbed the shirt right out of the laundry basket and never noticed it...
  • OK... this never happened to me, but... I went to yoga classes with my friend a few years ago, and there were a lot of older ladies in the class... and well, you might see where this is going. But almost every class, it would be totally silent and we'd be holding a pose... and someone would let one rip. It would echo across the silent room and my friend and I would have to hold our breath to keep from laughing. I'm sure the lady who was tooting was mortified... but it was so hard not to laugh.

    To air is human.
  • mspris2u
    mspris2u Posts: 161 Member
    About two months ago I experienced the unintentional exercise-induced orgasm. Luckily it was a fairly dead time at the gym and I'm pretty certain no one noticed... but it felt like EVERYONE noticed.

    Walk of shame to the locker room....

    Please God, let this happen to me!!
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I was 22. It was Canada..in the dead of winter.
    This guy walked towards me....and just when he passed me he said " A little cold are we? Your head lights are in high beam"

    i looked down...and then went straight to get my hoodie jacket and ran off!!!!:sick:
  • sacal96
    sacal96 Posts: 17 Member
    One day I was walking through the locker room to go to the steam room... Someone had walked through the tile floors without drying off from the Jacuzzi... So of course I don't see it.. I was in flip flops and when they hit the water I slid and luckily just went down on my knee... The most embarrassing part was trying to get up because the floor was still wet everywhere so my legs kept slipping out.. Pretty sure I looked like a horse that was just born trying to get up... Hopefully no one saw but I'm sure there was someone somewhere... And when I made it up my knee was bleeding all over the place and of course we don't have any paper towels.. So I had to make the walk of shame in front of the entire gym to the front desk to get alcohol swabs and a Bandaid...Definitely wasn't risking nasty infections from there :/ lol!
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    where do i start theres three incidents i can think of

    the first i went in early did my workout and after that i was doing streaching i fell a sleep for about half hour. i woke up to a lot of smiling faces

    the seacond in class we wear using a bosu doing toe taps while guess who came down a little to much hard with one foot bounced back into the wall and landed on my backside

    the third i got on this machine that is a cross between eliptical and stair stepper. i got off it so fast because it was to hard

    i can think of a fourth when i first started on this mission i got on a treadmil and beside was a short girl both of us walking but she was going so fast and hear i am scared to death of this machine. but yeah that bothered me