Hunger pains

Throughout this journey as of right now is the hunger pains. THEY SUCK. Any suggestions to help me get through this? ):


  • jenneal89
    How many calories are you eating p, what foods, and how often?

    What helped me was to eat several small meals per day (every 2 hrs or so). Also drink more water because the body often confuses hunger with thirst. It could be that you aren't eating enough but it would help if you opened your diary so we can see
  • BRANN80
    BRANN80 Posts: 46 Member
    I had my diary open to friends only, but just opened it to the public. I do eat every 3 hours, 5 meals a day, and pretty much everything I've been eating is healthy (I'm the 24 day challenge with advocare and I'm still in the cleansing phase so there is a bunch of crap I can't eat). I've been controlling my hunger pains for the past week or so very well, but today I had a very small breakfast and small snack in between breakfast and lunch and I noticed I didn't drink as much water as I usually do. I always forget to put my water intake in my dairy, I focus on my foods instead.... but yeah... maybe I just felt the hunger pains more than usual because of my food intake earlier today????