Gym embarrasment?

**Hope I'm posting this in the right area**

I've been considering getting a gym membership but have been reluctant on it for quite some time. I have my own elliptical at home and fitness games I do the kinect and workout videos, and I walk and roller skate but I still want to do more, that's why I wanted to get a gym membership. However, being bigger(283) I feel like I'd be one huge target there that doesn't fit in. I know everyone's suppose to be there for the same reason, working out, and getting or staying healthy, but still. I'm very self conscious and was just wondering if there was anyone else who use to or does felt the same way that went ahead and did it anyway and how it went.



  • ellebelle203
    You are not the only one who's fuller and at the gym I promise. You just have to get out there and do it. I find that going to a public gym is a big motivator because everyone is working hard and sweating, so I have to do something. I'd get a membership, sometimes when you work out at home, and don't have people around you, you don't work out to your fullest. Hope this helps!
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    There was a gym at my last job and I used to be afraid that I'd look out of place being there with my in-shape co-workers. Someone told me something that really helped me get over the fear and it's stuck with me for years... he told me that no one would laugh at me for going -- they'd think more of me for going because it showed that I was trying.

    I think you will find that other people at the gym probably won't even give you a second thought and, if they do, they will be glad that you (like them) are trying.
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    just do what you want to do and dont worry about it..
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I am 257 and am having the same concerns. However, my dvd workouts are getting boring and so I'm doing it. Tomorrow I'm going to go join the 24 Hour Fitness by my house and I'm excited about it. I can't wait to take the classes and lift heavy weights. Who cares what people think? We ARE totally all there for the same reason and you just have to remember that one thing. I'm really tall, so I get stares everywhere I go, but I'm not really used to it and it still makes me uncomfortable sometimes. I just am going to go and focus on getting a great workout and heading home. I hope you can do this for yourself!

    Add me as a friend and we can keep each other motivated to ignore the stares!

    (edited to change weight. I was at 259 for 3 weeks, so I keep forgetting I lost 2lbs - damn plateau!)
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    You know what I do? I put on my ipod really loud and I don't look at anyone else. I usually make a plan of what I'm gonna do ahead of time and just go to my machines, do my work, and leave.

    And I want you to know that the only people who are judging you are the people who aren't willing to work as hard as you or who have never had to work that hard. Whenever I see someone bigger than me at the gym, the only thing I'm thinking is "Good for them" and I shoot them a mental high-five.
  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    There are all sizes of people at my gym. I'm definately not the only big person there. I was nervous about joining at first too but everyone I've encountered seems to be pretty serious about what they are doing.
  • SashThompson
    SashThompson Posts: 130 Member
    Don't ever let what you *think* other people think of you get in the way of your goals. Chances are, they're thinking the exact same thing. Go for it!
  • Cryssy27
    Cryssy27 Posts: 42 Member
    I felt the same way you did. When I joined a gym I was 293. I was embarrassed to even enter the gym really. I always felt people would look at me and judge. After thinking about it for a couple weeks I told my self I don't care. I go pretty early in the morning and miss a lot of the crowd at my gym. The people I have meet there are in the older generation though! On the weekends though I do see the younger and thinner crowd. But I am not there to impress them or try to prove anything to them. I put on my music and work my butt off. Never feel like you don't belong that is why there are gyms to work out and make your self better. I never regret joining my gym. I go five days a week. I have even learned names of the many friendly ladies there!
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i am totally the same. after 4 months ive finally come around to the idea of gym working out and i'm stoked. i had a test run when i was on vacation and was working out in a gym, a chick walked in and i felt embarassed for a quick second but then go back to work. if anything someone else (who was smaller than me of course) being there and being able to see me made me work harder. in my crazy head i was thinking, she might think im a fatty but at least i'm working my *kitten* off as hard as i can! lol idunno, that kind of worked as a crazy motivator for me
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    I know you aren't the only one who has felt this way. I used to think the super fit chick running on the treadmill next to me was probably laughing at me inside but I got over it. Most likely no one even cares about who else is around them and if they are laughing or judging then they aren't nice people and you wouldn't want to associate with them anyway. You are there for you so do what you gotta do and forget about the other people around you. I think most people at the gym are impressed with anyone that is there whether you are already fit or overweight because you are all there for the same be fit. You can totally do it!
  • lmunro5394
    lmunro5394 Posts: 33 Member
    When I joined our Y 4 years ago, I was 260lbs. I'm 5'4". I felt the same way you do. But one day I finally decided that I really could care less what anyone else thought of the fat girl on the treadmill. I was there to get healthy and while I may not have cared before about my weight, I did at that moment and I was doing something about it.
    Those thin girls? The majority of them are stressing too about what they look like.
    Go and have fun!
  • peace_pigeon
    peace_pigeon Posts: 120 Member
    I bet that most people (if they looked up from their machines long enough to notice you in the first place) would give you only respect and encouragement. We all start somewhere, and it is always the first steps that are the hardest and take the most courage. Join that gym, and rock it!!
  • Sailatsorf
    Sailatsorf Posts: 161 Member
    I'm a bigger gal, and I use the gym at my university ( and you probably know how college guys can be). I just put in my headphones and do my workout, ignoring everyone around me. Even if they're thinking whatever you're afraid of them thinking, they're not going to say anything. And if they do, you won't hear them because you've got your music going, and you're too busy working out. :)
  • MichaelFunaro
    MichaelFunaro Posts: 66 Member
    The first time I joined the gym back in 2005-06, I felt the exact same way. But you know what, no one cares because they are in their own little worlds. They have their headphones on and don't even notice you. Don't sweat it at all, in fact at first it might seem strange, but after a few visits you will feel like just another person in their working out. Really, no one cares. In fact, if anything they would silently applaud you for choosing to exercise and be healthy. So go get that membership.
  • wjranch
    wjranch Posts: 152
    This is my advice to you........ Remember this.... Everyone has a "day 1"....... then a "day 2".........and a "day 3"...........and so on.............and so on..........and so on.
    You get the picture?

    We all had to start somewhere...
    it isn't where you've been, it's where you're going that counts...
    and if you are 'going' to the gym, you are miles ahead of those sitting on the couch, too self conscious to help themselves!!

    p.s. My lil' bit of psychology on this? It is your self consciousness that has likely been the culprit to your weight gains all along... don't you think it's time to conquer that beast and take back control of your life?? Jus sayin' :)
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    I worked in the health club and fitness industry for a long long time and I can tell ya, that there are a lot less "super fit " people than not " super fit ' people- the not so fit people far exceed the fit ones. Sure there are a few studs and studettes from time to time but not very often. Most, if not all people there will welcome you and respect you for " just doing it " . I say go for it...have fun with it. Join some classes-that helps make things much more enjoyable. Good luck and just have fun!
  • hotsambatcho
    hotsambatcho Posts: 9 Member
    Don't be embarrased or ashamed. It's hard for anyone to try anything new, and I think you're an inspiration. I love seeing people in the gym work toward their goals...whether it's to lose weight, gain weight, rehab injuries, etc. If someone is judging you because you're trying to better yourself, they have mental issues they should be working on before they even worry about their body.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Most everyone is intimidated by the gym at first. Its the same for guys walking into the free weight areas. Once you go though you will quickly get over it and realize no one there really cares. They are there to do their own thing and will either ignore you or respect you for trying. Most are even happy to help if you ask. The only time this might not be true is right around new years when the gyms are full of new people. : )

    Just put your head phones in keep your head down and go to work. In a week or two it will be a second home.
  • krumpli
    krumpli Posts: 76 Member
    I started bigger. I'm now smaller than I was, but still bigger than most.

    I swear to you, nobody ever even looked at me sideways. I personally never notice anyone, fat or thin, at the gym unless (a) I need to cycle in with them on a machine or bar (b) they're gross and don't clean up after themselves (c) they wear way too much cologne. Just go in there and do your thing. If anyone does look at you, smile/grimace at them and go back to doing your thing. Everyone else is either there to work, or not even worth thinking about!
  • gr82run
    gr82run Posts: 48 Member
    Check out a YMCA. It is really people from all walks of life, and my experience has been that everyone supports one another along the way. At my bootcamp class, we have some VERY overweight people who are beginners and need to modify most of the exercises, and when they are coming in "last" place, everyone ahead of them cheers them along. It is really a great atmosphere.