Gym embarrasment?



  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    Some of the people working out used to be big When I started at the Gym I was to heavy to weigh in and they estimated my weight the scale only went to 350 but I kept at it and have lost alot of weight and appreciate the bigger people working out because I know how serious I was to keep going.
    So you go and do your thing and you will earn their respect as well
  • cal_73
    You know what I do? I put on my ipod really loud and I don't look at anyone else. I usually make a plan of what I'm gonna do ahead of time and just go to my machines, do my work, and leave.

    And I want you to know that the only people who are judging you are the people who aren't willing to work as hard as you or who have never had to work that hard. Whenever I see someone bigger than me at the gym, the only thing I'm thinking is "Good for them" and I shoot them a mental high-five.

    If you are thinking "good for you" how about giving them a smile rather than refusing to look at them?
  • vadimk123
    Despite being a guy, not being very young anymore, and being overweight I do feel self conscious at the gym when surrounded by groups of giggling teenagers and intense-looking bodybuilder types.

    So joined a 24 hour gym and try to go when most people are at work (I have a sliding work schedule).

    Have you considered a gym like "Curves" or another gym aimed at women and people who aren't "muscle heads" - you might fell less self conscious there?
  • GmeB
    GmeB Posts: 70 Member
    pay no attention. I go super early in the morning,not only to avoid the crowd,but I go that early so I can get it in for the day,and not come up with excuses not to go.Hubby and I joined the Y 3-4 years ago,lost,gained,then quit for a long time.Back at it now,and theirs a Planet Fitness about a block from my house now.Open 24 hours,no judgements allowed, and lots of machines. on top of that,its so much cheaper
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    You need to walk into that gym like you own it! It's YOUR gym! (Just don't spot anyone on your 1st day)
  • pants77
    pants77 Posts: 185 Member
    Choice of gyms can go a long way - Gold's is generally full of hardcore weightlifter types, so it might not be a comfortable environment for a person that's just starting out. I used to have a Planet Fitness membership, and they are very laid back.

    You can and should do a trial membership at a few different places. Most gyms will let you do at least a couple of weeks for free. Then you can try them all out and pick the one where you feel the most comfortable.

    And keep in mind, anyone who's going to judge you, they're not worth worrying about.
  • melodyfrommars
    the gym, and all public exercise outlets (especially the pool) terrify me. i let it get in the way of my going for too long. my constant mantra is that no matter what anybody thinks, i am trying, and that says something positive about me. also helps if i can paste on my '**** you' face for an hour or however long it takes. i suffer from social anxiety disorder to boot and really if we don't go we are doing ourselves a disfavour... you only got one life to live, so don't let the jusdgement of other people cramp your style (easier said than done i know!!)
  • melodyfrommars
    oh and also, if you have a YWCA or rec centre type gym nearby, join that one. its full of every type of person under the sun and everyone is superfriendly.
  • gogonunubean
    gogonunubean Posts: 160 Member
    I go to a smaller gym in a smaller community (not in a big city). I find that everyone is very supportive, I used to be the person walking around trying to figure out how it works, now I am the person that helps the lost souls!

    Go and talk to the owners and ask to meet some of the trainers and maybe some of the patrons too. People at gyms come in all shapes and sizes and have all kinds of goals and agendas and I have never heard anyone comment or stare. We have two guys that come and walk on the treadmills wearing jeans and leather jackets and we are all like 'whatever!'

    It was funny you posted this today - this morning I was working out and a lady who must be around 300 lbs came in - it was her first day. I wondered how she must be feeling so I gave her a big sweaty smile.....and I noticed that everyone else around me was smiling at her too. Rather than judge, I know we all felt pleased that she was joining our fitness journey.
  • affleckf
    I just left the gym. And i feel like this everytime. I remember my first day at the gym (draged by my boyfriend who wanted someone to hold the boxing bag) I walked though the doors and was happy to find that i wasnt the only large woman there! im sitting at around 238ish right now, so i was suprised. after that i realised that everyone is not really paying attention to you. I basically just put in the mp3 and pump music, and do my own thing. It works, and now i enjoy my time at the gym. :) id recomend a gym membership, just remember to have fun and to picture the pair of pants you wanna get into lol good luck
  • dellashanks
    dellashanks Posts: 207 Member
    I say just do it! I see people of all shapes and sizes at the gym. When I started I was 197 and on my 5'3" frame I was a bigger girl. I just did it. I get alot out of the gym I can't at home. I love the weights and you would be surprised how much that will change your body and quickly!
  • gmpuggles
    gmpuggles Posts: 137 Member
    I see all sizes of people who go to my gym. Definitely try not to let your weight discourage you from joining one. If there are several in your area, I would visit them to get the feel of them, you want to feel comfortable working out there, right?
  • Han987
    I never pay attention to other people at the gym (except this one real skinny ***** that is running when I arrive and still running when I leave an hour later). But if I did I'd be like good on that person for doing something to get healthier!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I see all sorts of different shapes and sizes of people at the gym. No sense in feeling shy about where you're at. Many people go to the gym for varying reasons. Some to lose weight, some to gain muscle, some to use as a recovery tool from injury, and others to maintain their current level of activity.

    Just remember you are in a public place and act accordingly. Some people look at it as their second home, which they must leave messy... I digress though lol.
  • cwanek726
    cwanek726 Posts: 98 Member
    I've been at my gym for a year and a half, and not once have I felt embarassed about either my size or someone watching me. No one will be paying any attention to you or trying to make you feel uncomfortable. If anything, they'll be thinking, "Good for her!"
  • rhall9058
    rhall9058 Posts: 270 Member
    There was a gym at my last job and I used to be afraid that I'd look out of place being there with my in-shape co-workers. Someone told me something that really helped me get over the fear and it's stuck with me for years... he told me that no one would laugh at me for going -- they'd think more of me for going because it showed that I was trying.

    I think you will find that other people at the gym probably won't even give you a second thought and, if they do, they will be glad that you (like them) are trying.

    THIS (In addition to the fact that the gym serves a purpose and looking good for others is not that purpose. Of course you have your 10% in every crowd that will disagree with me, but for the most part, what was said above is the norm!!!! It's there as your tool!!!)
  • JLand918
    I think they created "Curves" just for that reason, for women who fear how they will be looked at while at the gym etc, join that for a while then when you feel secure enough then join places like 24hr, planet fitness,fitness connection etc.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    When I started going to the gym I weighed 326 lbs. I was fine on the treadmills but the weight machines kinda intimidated me. I had my co-worker go with me who used to be a personal trainer and she walked me through all the machines so I felt comfortable with them.

    The people that work at the gym should be able to help you too if you ask.

    Don't let other people hinder your weight loss. Just go, crank up the tunes and go at it girlfriend!!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Sure, there are going to people who give you the stink eye, but for the most part when I see anyone in the gym I think "hey, good for them." Fat, young, skinny, old, there are all kinds of people at the gym. There are a few gyms out there that definitely have more meatheads, but the only way you will find that out is by taking a tour. All gyms will give you a free tour, and most will even let you try it a few times before signing a contract. Go visit several gyms in your area and find one you feel comfortable at. DOnt' forget to search out local gyms as well. I workout at a small place and while they can't afford to be open 24-hours like some of the L.A. Fitness and other chains around, they are very, very supportive and nurturing and know all of their clients by name! There are good gyms out there, just have to find the one for you.
  • nuffexercise2012
    The way I handled that though was remind, myself that I pay the same amount to join as they did; plus I don't know their story and they don't mine. So who ever want to look and talk let them, I'm there for myself and my health end of story