Drinking calories in beer



  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Yikes, I could never get myself to drink a beer with 500 calories! Luckily I'm a Guinness girl and its pretty low cal for beer. It's deliciously thick, creamy, and satisfying. But if microbrews are your thing and they have 500 calories, more power to you. I guess I would just suggest that the calories you DO eat on those days are packed with protein and vitamins.

    FYI, Guinness is NOT low cal by beer standards. It's pretty hearty in that respect.

    Guinness is very low calorie by beer standards. 126 calories per 12 ounces if I remember correctly. Even Budweiser is 145 calories per 12 ounces. The only thing lower are the garbage "light" beers. When you compare 126 calories per 12 ounces to 300+ for most of the craft beers I drink, it's a super low option.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    I have one beer (or two if I have exercise calories) with dinner several times a week. Love craft beers, so none of that light beer crap for me. All about moderation. :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Yikes, I could never get myself to drink a beer with 500 calories! Luckily I'm a Guinness girl and its pretty low cal for beer. It's deliciously thick, creamy, and satisfying. But if microbrews are your thing and they have 500 calories, more power to you. I guess I would just suggest that the calories you DO eat on those days are packed with protein and vitamins.

    FYI, Guinness is NOT low cal by beer standards. It's pretty hearty in that respect.

    Guinness is very low calorie by beer standards. 126 calories per 12 ounces if I remember correctly. Even Budweiser is 145 calories per 12 ounces. The only thing lower are the garbage "light" beers. When you compare 126 calories per 12 ounces to 300+ for most of the craft beers I drink, it's a super low option.
    Thanks! I was going to have to warm up my typing fingers and start using The Google to present the proof, but now I don't have to! :drinker: I'll take Guinness ANYDAY over a crappy light beer or ultra light beer. blech!:sick:
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I love craft beers. We went to a local tasting last Saturday and there were so many local breweries, there was over 50 beers to taste. Obviously I didn't try them all, but the ones I did try were fantastic. Our local Oktoberfest is coming and I will just make sure I make smart food choices. No super calorie heavy meals or anything. We will be walking around like crazy so some of that will help.

    I usually limit beer drinking to one day a week. Other than that I don't really do anything different.
  • bostongeek
    bostongeek Posts: 80 Member
    Everyone seems pretty quick to jump in and diagnose the OP with a pretty intense disease. It sounds like the OP made the decision to put his weight/health ahead of his booze, and a real alcoholic wouldn't be wired for that.

    Some groups of friends drink a lot and take great care in doing it, so I can see how it would have an impact on one's social life. I'll go out to drink with some of my guy friends and they'll talk about the hops in their beers for half an hour at a time. Presumably this conversation is more interesting if you're not drinking iced tea.

    So I'm going to agree with onehurt/Mark above and just say that it's like people who want a rich chocolatey dessert--budget for it and log it and enjoy it!
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    Yikes, I could never get myself to drink a beer with 500 calories! Luckily I'm a Guinness girl and its pretty low cal for beer. It's deliciously thick, creamy, and satisfying. But if microbrews are your thing and they have 500 calories, more power to you. I guess I would just suggest that the calories you DO eat on those days are packed with protein and vitamins.

    FYI, Guinness is NOT low cal by beer standards. It's pretty hearty in that respect.

    Guinness is very low calorie by beer standards. 126 calories per 12 ounces if I remember correctly. Even Budweiser is 145 calories per 12 ounces. The only thing lower are the garbage "light" beers. When you compare 126 calories per 12 ounces to 300+ for most of the craft beers I drink, it's a super low option.
    OP also said (unless it was a typo) that he has a "couple" of 22 ounce beers, so that would be more like having 4 standard bottles of beer. I can see where that would easily be 1000 calories per day of beer.
  • tadjo
    tadjo Posts: 41 Member
    Almost hate to say this but maybe trade a beer or 2 for a bong rip or 2.

    I love beer now i just stick to Guinness and red stripe mainly. I can have 3-4 or those and not need to sacrifice too much. If its a social thing try getting a beer and a water drink both before having another beer.

    lets be honest
    beer > wine > coffee > soda > water
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Yikes, I could never get myself to drink a beer with 500 calories! Luckily I'm a Guinness girl and its pretty low cal for beer. It's deliciously thick, creamy, and satisfying. But if microbrews are your thing and they have 500 calories, more power to you. I guess I would just suggest that the calories you DO eat on those days are packed with protein and vitamins.

    FYI, Guinness is NOT low cal by beer standards. It's pretty hearty in that respect.

    Guinness is very low calorie by beer standards. 126 calories per 12 ounces if I remember correctly. Even Budweiser is 145 calories per 12 ounces. The only thing lower are the garbage "light" beers. When you compare 126 calories per 12 ounces to 300+ for most of the craft beers I drink, it's a super low option.
    OP also said (unless it was a typo) that he has a "couple" of 22 ounce beers, so that would be more like having 4 standard bottles of beer. I can see where that would easily be 1000 calories per day of beer.

  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    And, so it wouldn't need to be a crazy high calorie variety of beer to account for 1000 calories.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    Everyone seems pretty quick to jump in and diagnose the OP with a pretty intense disease. It sounds like the OP made the decision to put his weight/health ahead of his booze, and a real alcoholic wouldn't be wired for that.

    Some groups of friends drink a lot and take great care in doing it, so I can see how it would have an impact on one's social life. I'll go out to drink with some of my guy friends and they'll talk about the hops in their beers for half an hour at a time. Presumably this conversation is more interesting if you're not drinking iced tea.

    So I'm going to agree with onehurt/Mark above and just say that it's like people who want a rich chocolatey dessert--budget for it and log it and enjoy it!

    Totally agree. Everyone is different. Dude likes his beer. Hey, at least it's respectable beer and not pee in a bottle! Cheers man, I wish I could have a good hoppy brew with you but alas I'm toasting with my gluten free watered down version. It's really not too bad though, it does have a little flavor. So here's to you. :drinker:
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I CUT IT out and lost 10lbs. I have no desire to drink again. Everything I could possibly ever do while drinking I have done. There are no new experiences or missed opportunities by not drinking. I used to really like to drink STella and Peroni, but I don't miss them at all. In social situations I grab a mineral water with lemon...I don't hang out with the same people as before, but it doesn't bother me. It tried going out "drinking" and only having my mineral water, put I felt stupid.
  • wendymaci
    wendymaci Posts: 61 Member
    *** Then I realized that my quality of life suffered greatly, so I started drinking again*** Wow this sounds really sad! I probably average drinking alcohol once a month so can't have any input here, apologies!

    I guess there are a lot of sad people out there. I work in the oil field and am out of town for weeks at a time. Me and the guys always have a beer or 2 pretty much every night. It's a social thing after working 12 hour days for weeks at a time it's nice to have a nice cold beer to look forward to.

    Just because you don't drink regularly doesn't mean your better than us or that we're "sad", and I don't think you need to apologize either. Having a couple of drinks daily doesn't make you an alcoholic, it just tastes damn good. I try and stick to coors light as it's only 102 calories a bottle but when I drink it I make sure to log it so I'm held accountable.
  • wendymaci
    wendymaci Posts: 61 Member
    "Then I realized that my quality of life suffered greatly, so I started drinking again, but instead of drinking every day,"

    So sad to hear this. You are better than your beer and you can move forward and away from it! Sorry but I don't drink....never really have and never will so I can't really answer your question....but I will Pray for you!

    Hey you can just drink all you want, everything will be ok because this person is going to pray for you!
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I still want to enjoy things I enjoy. Do I know I would benefit more by giving things up? Absolutely. Could I look like some of the women on my friends lists if I chose not to indulge in things I enjoy. Absolutely! But I know that I would end up giving up completely if I couldn't enjoy things I like on a regular basis, or I would end up binging. So I eat less, or exercise to earn those things. I'm still losing weight. Just more slowly than those whom chose not to indulge themselves. I'm ok with that for myself.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    And, so it wouldn't need to be a crazy high calorie variety of beer to account for 1000 calories.

    Yes, obviously. Why did you respond to my post with that statement when it had nothing to do with that? We were discussing the calories in guinness.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224

    I particularly like this paragraph:

    If the effect of alcohol consumption on insulin sensitivity doesn't impress you, then consider the fact that studies have consistently shown that moderate drinkers live longer than non-drinkers. This can be mainly attributed to a lowered risk of cardiovascular disease. However, alcohol also contributes to a healthier and disease-free life by protecting against Alzheimer's disease, metabolic syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, the common cold, different types of cancers, depression and many other Western diseases. The list goes on and on.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I used to drink all day every day... yeah I was an alcoholic. Then I stopped drinking all together & my quality of life improved heaps. Why do you feel that yours didn't when you stopped? Why is it that you NEED to drink in order to make your QoL better? Kinda backwards.

    I don't care if ppl drink or not, that's their choice. But to put it down as "my quality of life suffered greatly" then I think it's time to look for other ways to make your life better. That's EXACTLY how I used to think, right before I'd open a bottle of Jack & drink the lot.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    *** Then I realized that my quality of life suffered greatly, so I started drinking again*** Wow this sounds really sad! I probably average drinking alcohol once a month so can't have any input here, apologies!

    Having a couple of drinks daily doesn't make you an alcoholic, it just tastes damn good.

    Yep that's what I'd think as well. A few drinks per day didn't make me anything worse than a casual drinker. How wrong I was.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I am an alcoholic.

    I drank 18+ beers every day for over 8 years.

    Now, i know to lose weight, i have to stop, so i decided to allow myself one cheat day every week. Saturdays are my cheat day. My diary is open. Feel free to look!

    I drink beer (18 most Saturdays, sometimes more, sometimes less) and because i stay on track the rest of the week, i do fine, lose weight and im happy!! Ive been at it 85 days and ive lost 25.5 pounds. =)

    I dont eat green.. i eat everything i did before, but i use portion control. Its as simple as that!

    I wish you great success & would love to have you as a friend if you would like!