Dealing with sadness



  • malicent
    You don't need a doctor, you don't need no pills. You certainly don't need a psychiatrist! Go ahead, keep thinking like that. Listen to what these other clowns say cause it'll only bring you down. Even if you don't listen to me, just do what you want to do. I feel like your posting this thread is a way for you to ask permission and gain sympathy and approval to "take a break" AKA QUIT ON YOURSELF. And look at all these sheep, baa baa baa'ing back right at ya, telling you what you want to hear. If you really agree with them, wasting your money to go in for a check-up, to buy prescription medication, then more power to you. Unfortunately there's no easy button on weight loss and maintenance, and THERE'S DEFINITELY NO EASY BUTTON FOR LIFE!


    Just because you go to a doctor doesn't mean they are going to give you drugs. Give me a break.

    True, but that's beside my point. What I'm trying to assert is, there's a reason for her unhappiness. The factors are coming from the outside, not within. I believe that there are still so many options and alternatives out there, other than seeing a doctor being the only opportunity for her. I really don't want her to go down that road, because that in itself (I believe, you guys may not) is like admitting a defeat right there.

    Improve the diet, do some exercise, all that spiritual junk whatever floats your boat. Get out and try something. Drink tea and listen to soothing music. Sing or play an instrument if you know how, or maybe take up learning how to. Read, read, read. There's plenty of inspirational novels to choose from, and self-help books. Join a club. This site is like a club. Try, try, and try again. The key is a strong drive and persistence. Only you can truly pick yourself back up. Exhaust all the possibilities. Seeing a doctor should be your last resort.

    I'm trying to be practical about it. Save some money, because more likely than not, the doctor will either just say she's not clinically 'depressed' unless she exaggerates her symptoms, or prescribe meds. Not every doctor is the same but more likely than not that'll be the case. If she gets referred to a counselor or therapist, that's even more money out of her wallet. All it takes is a little initiative and creativity.

    Success does not always equal happiness.
    But happiness definitely equals success.

    Hey OP, if you like I have a little tool/resource you can use to see if it helps at all. Just shoot me a message. :)
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    @Malicent I'm guessing you've never gone through anything like this. That's great for you. And yes it sounds so easy to just get up do stuff, make yourself better. But it doesn't always work like that.

    For me asking for help from a doctor should never be the last resort, because with most things the longer you wait the worse it'll get. If you seriously hurt your leg you'll go see a doctor, and if you seriously hurt your mind I strongly recommend going to a doctor as well. If only because he is an outside person that you can talk to without having to worry about what your friends are going to think.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    You don't need a doctor, you don't need no pills. You certainly don't need a psychiatrist! Go ahead, keep thinking like that. Listen to what these other clowns say cause it'll only bring you down. Even if you don't listen to me, just do what you want to do. I feel like your posting this thread is a way for you to ask permission and gain sympathy and approval to "take a break" AKA QUIT ON YOURSELF. And look at all these sheep, baa baa baa'ing back right at ya, telling you what you want to hear. If you really agree with them, wasting your money to go in for a check-up, to buy prescription medication, then more power to you. Unfortunately there's no easy button on weight loss and maintenance, and THERE'S DEFINITELY NO EASY BUTTON FOR LIFE!


    Have you ever actually suffered from depression?
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    And how would those you have lost like for you to carry on? Or would they like for you to quit? Be good to yourself in memory of those who believed in you and trusted that you would do the right thing. Love is the only thing in this whole world that matters in the long haul - and this includes loving yourself enough so that you can be of service to those you love.

    Sorry to hear about your pain but I know that you are big enough and brave enough to carry on. A little slower, maybe, for a while, but you will carry on successfully.