Belly rolls? WHY WON'T THEY GO AWAY!? >:[

I'm about 20/30 pounds away from my goal weight, and I still have a gross stomach.
Like this;


How much more weight do I have to lose before my belly stops being rolly and gross? :[

I do cardio and strength, so I'm not just eating at a deficit.


  • shrinking_me
    shrinking_me Posts: 207 Member
    I want to know this too! You're not alone!
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    Probably once you lose those 30lbs. I had a roll/muffin top until I was completely at my weight loss goal. Don't get discouraged!
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    Probably once you lose those 30lbs. I had a roll/muffin top until I was completely at my weight loss goal. Don't get discouraged!

    Thank you :) I was just hoping it would slowly shrink to nothing. But its the only place I haven't noticed a change :grumble:
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I wish I knew the answer. I'm TEN pounds away from my goal weight of 125 and I still have a gut. What is up with that?!?!?!
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Some of us just hold most of our weight there (myself included). I think this ^ comment is right on! The good news is you will look skinny everywhere else and the belly is the easiest place to hide weight while you are working on it.

    ETA: Oops more people posted. I was talking about this comment: "Probably once you lose those 30lbs. I had a roll/muffin top until I was completely at my weight loss goal. Don't get discouraged!"
  • spersephone
    spersephone Posts: 147 Member
    Even at my goal weight, I still have the roll, it's part of me. It diminishes, but doesn't go away entirely if that's your body type. When you get there, you'll find out what sort you have and if you're lucky it will be gone.

    It's worse for me (and others like me) because I allowed myself to get overweight before I had my children. if I had been in shape when I was getting pregnant, my body would probably not be so hard to get in shape now after having three children. I've been left with a saggy belly, but I believe it's my own fault.

    It's okay in underwear, but it's certainly not perfect.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Have you tried lifting weights?
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Wherever your body decides to take excess fat from is where you will lose it. It's not fair for everyone, but you can't choose where you reduce, that's called 'spot reduction' which doesn't work :sad: wish it did.
  • BBehnke84
    BBehnke84 Posts: 537 Member
    I'm right there too, I found that when I was close to my goal before it almost seemed like one day I still had what I thought a disgusting gut to it suddenly being flat. I'm convinced it's the last place I lose weight on my body....hate it
  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    I had already lost close to 50lbs before joining MFP and the skin on my stomach felt saggy and I thought my stomach actually looked worse naked than before, though much better with clothes on:-) Then I found Zumba, in just a month, I had lost 1 1/2 inches solely from my stomach and it looked much better as the muscle toning pulled the skin more taut. Crunches and sit-ups seemed to make things worse. I look much leaner than I did before Zumba. Love it.
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    Have you tried lifting weights?

    "I do cardio and strength"

  • anniebelle26
    anniebelle26 Posts: 43 Member
    Ive heard...and I hope its true..that if you do sit ups and crunches and stomach exercises like that, the muscles behind the tummy flab will get tighter, so the rolls arent so noticeable. The belly isnt truly gone, but its not stuck out there as much. I had 2 children , and gained alot of weight through the pregnancies , and afterward so know the belly blubber that you speak of. lol
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I am about 5lbs from target weight and it is still there. I have had 3 children including a twin pregnancy and they were all big babies. It is much improved and gets better every week. i am concentrating on dropping body fat rather than weight right now with the hope it improves further. I have also got stricter about strength training and started lifting heavier this has improved it the most. My kids are even noticing it shrinking. I don,t think it will go completely but hopefully significantly improve. For women this is always the last area to lose fat from (yet another raw deal for the female sex) keep at it we will get there. I have also heard massage with oils can help so i am using masses of cocoa butter stretch mark oil not sure if its working LOL but I smell nice.
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
    15kg :P
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    my stomach looks like that when i sit down, i get so frustrated.
  • AvinashGupta
    I am at my target weight but still have not lost much at the waist. I have lost 32 lbs. I do 45 minute cardio and 30 minutes excercise four times a week with a trainer at Gym
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
    get to 10% body fat
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    I'm between 2 to 4lbs off and I still have it too, :mad:
  • Shays0518
    Shays0518 Posts: 51 Member
    This is what I was told by a dr back when I was pregnant with my twins. Now this is MY situation, but it may help some of you. What he told me, especially in women, that once the skin separates from the abdominal wall, that it's never going back without surgical intervention. He said you can crunch and sit up until you are dead. LOL.

    Now I can tell you that the "pouch" as I call it has been with me for the last 22 years and has gone up with my weight. Now that I've lost 25 lbs, its still there. Its not as big but it's still there. I'm not telling you not to exercise that area to try and tighten the muscles, and it might help some, but I think that for's always going to be a part of me. Somewhere down the line, once I've kept my weight off for about a year, I would like to have a tummy tuck, but that's in the way future.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    I hear ya!

    I've lost 50lbs + and while the rest of my body is now pretty slim and relatively un-flabby (yay!) my belly area is still flabbier than i'd like it to be.

    I only really notice it when i'm getting undressed for a bath/shower. When i am fully clothed i think i look fine! I try not to let it bother me too much and just tell myself it will go away in it's own time....