Belly rolls? WHY WON'T THEY GO AWAY!? >:[



  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I wish I knew the answer. I'm TEN pounds away from my goal weight of 125 and I still have a gut. What is up with that?!?!?!
    That is why you shouldn't have a meaningless goal weight.

    Use the mirror, not some magical goal weight.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    My dr thinks my stomach fat is due to cortisol/the stress hormone. How much I believe that= i dunno.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I am just happy, as a woman, that my belly lays flat when I am standing up even if it is still a little "soft" these days. I have noticed the longer I am at my goal weight or below the less jiggle -ly parts there are. I have been concentrating on very good posture sitting or standing for the last month and a half so I am working my core all day long.

    Also, my last 15 pounds off seem to do the most "reshaping" of my weight loss. It was kinda even all over until then...
  • felblossom
    felblossom Posts: 132 Member
    I've always carried my weight around my waist, even when I was "skinny" and within my target weight range. I've never really been physically active, though, so I'm hoping that with some added exercise it might be less noticable when I get back down there.

    I had learned to accept that I had that sort of body type and feel good about myself, then 2 years later - BAM! - I had gained 40 pounds all of a sudden...
  • jensfitpal2012
    jensfitpal2012 Posts: 145 Member
    I hear you,I had a C-section and no matter what I do,that roll is still there.Frustrating!
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    get to 10% body fat

    She's 18. That would stop her menstrual cycle.

    I wish people would think before they make stupid remarks.
  • LooptLou25
    LooptLou25 Posts: 193 Member
    I'm also on my last stretch to goal weight, 8lbs to go & I still have the "spare tyre" round the middle - it's the last thing I'm having to shift! Frustrating, but it is doable & still seeing the inches go down, so hang in there, it will happen! I'm making sure I have a good balance between cardio to burn the fat & weights to tone/build the muscle, so hopefully as the fat shrinks, I should then have good shape ready to show underneath, that's all any of us can do. Hang in there & stick with it, even when it gets tough, when you reach the goal, you'll be so proud of yourself, & everyone will be proud of you too!
  • angeseabridge
    angeseabridge Posts: 13 Member
    You could give pilates a try, it works on the core muscles and I've always found that works better (and is kinder than crunches etc).
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    Work on reducing body fat. But first have it measured with calipers. THen you will truly know what you have to lose.
    I carry my weight fairly even across my body, but my stomach is the last to give it up.. so I have similar issues.. I look better clothed than naked for sure.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I wish people would think before they make stupid remarks.
  • While you can't "spot reduce" there are some things you can do that will help.

    Cut the cardio and do HIIT (high intensity interval training) instead of one of your cardio sessions. You can easy do it in the gym, on the treadmill or exercise/spin bike, whatever. Hard but short hill climbs or short sprints on a bike/treadmill.

    Yes, your doctor is right about the stress/cortisol thing. It can contribute to excess fat being stored around the middle, particularly if you are already prone to being apple shaped (I know, I'm an apple as well, and I fight the belly fat too - first place it goes on, last place it comes off). BUT the good news is, you can fight your genes!

    Cut your starchy carbs. Eliminate grains if you can (or keep them to a minimum, and eat slow releasing low GI grains like brown rice or quinoa if you do eat them) and stay away from wheat, particularly refined, white flour products. And take sugar out of your diet. Sugar highs and lows contribute to the cortisol/stress equation, what you want to be doing is keeping the blood sugar steady. Apple shapes tend to be more prone to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, so sugar and refined carbohydrates are a no-no for us. Small meals, but more frequently, also have some success for some people - personally, that doesn't fit too well into my working day, but I tend to graze more on the weekends than have big meals.

    Getting enough sleep helps you fight the flab. If you don't sleep enough, your body produces more ghrelin (the hunger hormone), which affects how hungry you feel and how quickly you feel full. Put simply, if you're too tired to function, your body thinks it needs more energy put into it. And the excess energy gets stored as fat. And your body is under more stress when tired, so it will produce more stress hormones. You might think you should drag yourself to the gym even when you feel like kak, but if you're tired, you might be doing more for your waistline by having a lighter meal and an early night.

    lastly, don't forget your Omega 3's. These are the good fats - the ones from nuts, oily fish, coconut, avocado etc. They help you feel full for longer. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect on your system, and there is some evidence that they help with mental function and stress reduction - an increase in Omega 3 intake has been shown to aid depression, ADHD and anxiety. Ditch the high Omega-6 seed and vegetable oils, and replace them with coconut, olive or nut oils (but not peanuts) for cooking, and flax or hemp seed or olive for salads, and consider increasing oily fish or getting a fish oil supplement. Yeah, I know, they're higher in calories. But you're better off eating a smaller amount of those than you are eating a whole load of processed low calorie low fat stuff. Just sayin'.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    As OP is only 18 this won't apply but for other women of menopause age abdominal fat that won't shift can be from progesterone levels decreasing and leaving you oestrogen dominant.

    I reached my goal but still had the tummy though manage to shrink it quite a bit from 48" circumference to 34 " from diet and exercise. I also have a fibroid though. i've started prgesterone cream and anti-oestrogen diet to see if that works.
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    I hear you,I had a C-section and no matter what I do,that roll is still there.Frustrating!

    I had two c-sections. That doesn't matter. It STILL can go away. I worked hard to get rid of mine. Tons of JIllian Michaels and tons of weight lifting work. Don't give up!
  • ilysejohnson
    ilysejohnson Posts: 26 Member
    I read this article and it's got me thinking, but I can't figure out which kind of fat I have. Sad!! The article is in "First for Women" magazine, which I only give a little credibility to -- hard to take it seriously when they talk about losing belly fat, but include a ton of recipes for unhealthy fattening junk! Still, they talk about 'jiggly fat' vs. 'firm fat' and the difference in the best way to lose each kind.

    The article recommends using a green tea extract "EGCG" for jiggly fat, and "curcumin" for firm fat.
    The article is in the October 1st issue, if you're interested.
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    This is what I was told by a dr back when I was pregnant with my twins. Now this is MY situation, but it may help some of you. What he told me, especially in women, that once the skin separates from the abdominal wall, that it's never going back without surgical intervention. He said you can crunch and sit up until you are dead. LOL.

    Now I can tell you that the "pouch" as I call it has been with me for the last 22 years and has gone up with my weight. Now that I've lost 25 lbs, its still there. Its not as big but it's still there. I'm not telling you not to exercise that area to try and tighten the muscles, and it might help some, but I think that for's always going to be a part of me. Somewhere down the line, once I've kept my weight off for about a year, I would like to have a tummy tuck, but that's in the way future.

    THis. ANNND, for those of us that have had twins/multiples, it is even worse :/ I have THIN friends who can't get rid of it. THey've never been fat, but had twin pregnancies.
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    My dr thinks my stomach fat is due to cortisol/the stress hormone. How much I believe that= i dunno.

    if that was the case then I would be all belly.. lol
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    My stomach looked like that when I was 30lbs from my goal weight too. I still have a tiny bit of a pouch on my lower abdomen even though I'm at a good weight... Being at a healthy weight doesn't automatically give you the perfect body you've been dreaming of. Yes lifting weight does help, but there comes a point when you have to say, "how far am I willing to go to have the body I want?" I know that for me, I'd have to be about 10lbs lighter than I am now in order to completely get rid of that bit of fat that bugs me. Or I could eat like a normal human being, accept myself as I am, realize I've got a great body even if I'm not an Abercrombie juniors model, and just go on living my life, you know?

    Weight loss is really fat loss. I know you're not thrilled to have fat yet to lose, but I guarantee you will lose fat from your body in this area at some point. Many, if not most, women will see lower belly rolls stick around until the very end of their progress. That's just where our bodies easily store fat.

    This is a really good muffin btw it's blueberry and very warm
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    lift heavier
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    get to 10% body fat

    She's 18. That would stop her menstrual cycle.

    I wish people would think before they make stupid remarks.

  • fit_librarian
    fit_librarian Posts: 242 Member
    I had more of a belly when I started, but I've done a mix of pilates (which hasn't shrunk the fat, but has made my core stronger) and lots of cardio. I still have belly fat but it's shrinking.