Vacation Alone??



  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    OK, so I've always thought I was the type that could do this. A good friend of mine traveled all the time, before he had kids, all over the world by himself. He just said he made friends when he got there, had a blast and would come back with stories.

    I went to New Orleans for 4 days alone and I hated every second, or at least most of it. Maybe it depends on the type of vacation, I don't know. But, I just don't think I would do it alone. No fun, and boring for me. But, different personality types can make it awesome I think. It just depends on you.
  • livestar
    livestar Posts: 140 Member
    Yes, definitely go! I went to London and Paris by myself one year and had the best time ever; met lots of people, did whatever struck my fancy, I was definitely not short on company and I just loved it. But, I am pretty awesome, so hanging out with me is always fun even when it is just me. :laugh:
  • jocybee83
    jocybee83 Posts: 155 Member
    I would LOVE some time to myself, but I wouldn't be able to vacation alone. It would be really hard for me to have fun by myself, but that's just the type of person I am. Plus, I'd miss my husband and daughters way too much.
  • scottg1024
    My family goes on vacation without me. I stay home, take care of the pets, and work. Actually, that means I AM on vacation.
  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    I LOVE to go on vacation alone. I've taken solo trips to South Africa, Thailand, Switzerland, Poland, France, and throughout the US. Some places (like Vegas or Napa) are better with friends, but lots of places are better alone.

    Resorts are especially great alone - so much more relaxing. You always hear about people coming back from their vacation more stressed than when they left. That never happens when you go alone! Pick a flight time that you prefer, get up when you want, leave the beach when you want, and schedule that massage in the middle of the dinner hour if you feel like it.

    My tips for a solo vacation:

    -take lessons for sport activities such as windsurfing or sailboarding to make it more interactive

    -get a room with a view (feels more important when you're by yourself)

    -eating at the bar gives you a chance to chat about your day with the bartender

    -when eating at a table, always bring a book or magazine or tablet. Even if you don't read it, it gives you the option. Don't automatically sit at the first table the hostess offers. Often they try to seat you near the kitchen or next to a loud family. Scan the restaurant and ask to sit where you see a nice view. Most places will accommodate.

    -Join a day tour when you want to go somewhere remote, such as hiking. People are usually very friendly and inclusive to singles on a day tour if you introduce yourself. Also, the guide is almost always extra nice to single travellers and then you get extra inside info.

    -don't set an alarm. You'll get the best sleep ever!
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    I take 3 vacations every year - a family trip, a trip with the guys, and a solo trip. My solo trip is always the most fun since I can do what I want, when I want, and not have to worry about anybody's else's budget, diet, or timeline. I highly recommend it! I always meet some awesome people when traveling alone.

    I'm at a loss of words for how envious I am right now...good for you though.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I went to San Diego by myself and had a great time! It was actually nice to just do whatever the hell I wanted instead of having to check to see what others wanted to do.
  • Turtlehurdle
    Yes. I went to Europe for a month, alone, when I was 22.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    I guess I am in the minority. I took a trip last year to TN alone and I came home thinking that I would not do that again. Seemed like everywhere I went, I was the only 'lone one' among families and couples and I began feeling homesick and lonely.

    Maybe I can learn something from you guys. lol
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    I have and will continue to have one a year. I spend the most relaxing week in the Outer Banks.
  • millions0fpeaches
    millions0fpeaches Posts: 195 Member
    I went camping alone earlier this summer and it was awesome.
  • flyingwrite
    The best vacation I've ever taken was a 3-day trip to New Orleans by myself. You get to see and experience so much more because you aren't focused on the person you're there with. I'm a writer so it was a heavenly trip for me. I love my SO, but given the opportunity, I'd gladly go by myself again.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I always go on vacation alone and I love it.

    You can do whatever you want and you get to meet different people way easier than if you were with someone else.
    Just make sure you are in a youth hostel, camp site or something, so that you can get easy contact with other travelers. That way you will have most fun and won't feel lonely at all.

    Also traveling light is a good idea, because that way you are a lot more "mobile" and can change your plans easier when someone you met comes up with a good idea or when you don't like the place you are staying at you can just pack up and find another place.

    Also, if you are really adventurous and want to travel cheap and meet new people, I would recommend
    On that site you can find people, where you can just stay in their home, so you really get to meet the locals and they will show you around (they know all the good spots). Only thing you have to do in return, is to open up your house to "couch surfers" as well. It's a community trade kind of thing.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I guess I am in the minority. I took a trip last year to TN alone and I came home thinking that I would not do that again. Seemed like everywhere I went, I was the only 'lone one' among families and couples and I began feeling homesick and lonely.

    Maybe I can learn something from you guys. lol

    Totally depends on where you go. I went to a highly tourist/student populated area. I wasn't the only one traveling alone.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    The best vacation I've ever taken was a 3-day trip to New Orleans by myself. You get to see and experience so much more because you aren't focused on the person you're there with. I'm a writer so it was a heavenly trip for me. I love my SO, but given the opportunity, I'd gladly go by myself again.

    I'm a writer, too :). Maybe it's a thing writers love to do.
    I love traveling on my own, because I get to walk around and let my imagination wander, while I see new things and experience new cultures.
  • IamBlackMamba
    The beach for one week every summer. Completely, utterly awesome.
  • allisona28
    allisona28 Posts: 186 Member
    Yes....and it is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
  • LifeChangingExp8512
    That sounds awesome. Id do it. All u need is a drink, a book, a chair on the beach and sunglasses so no one can notice you starring at the boobs everywhere.. its rude ya know.:tongue:
  • menletti
    menletti Posts: 96 Member
    I love vacationing alone. Besides visiting the states around me, I've also taken myself to Alaska, Mexico (several times) and to China. I've never gone with a group or stayed at an all-inclusive so I can't comment on the pros and cons of those. I just go, find a place to stay and start exploring.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Do it! All my best trips have been alone. There are always people to talk to - or not - that's the perfection, right there.