


  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I eat carbs and have lost a huge amount of weight. I eat fruits and vegetables, whole grain, whole wheat, beans, quinoa and plenty of healthy "slow" carbs. Don't buy into the "no carb" crap.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    To prevent myself from going over on carbs, i have to exercise each day for at least half an hour

    I dont get it, why is eating a banana so bad? Or an apple?

    I eat pretty healthy now, but i worry about having too many carbs and i would far rather be under each day than over

    but its always tipping the scale and i dont like it!

    Give up the juice and the snack bar and you lose 100 carbs on the Saturday or Sunday I looked at. Whole fruit is good. Juice is just empty calories. Drink water instead.

    While I don't disagree that whole fruit is better than juice, I have to say that there is no such thing as "empty calories."

    The apple juice i use to make my smoothie smooth? Gonna keep that i reckon :)

    I am not on a 'fad diet' i am intollerant to gluten and dairy

    This website is really quite rude, should we not be supporting each other?

    Yes i do have a snack each day, mostly because i dont have TIME to prepare more than 3 meals, i am a very hard working mum of 2

    I am sorry i posted, please no more 'support' I wont make the mistake of posting anything again.

    Are you ****ing kidding me? No one was rude to you at all. Where the hell do you people come from that find offense at absolutely nothing. Everyone gave you very solid, nonjudgmental advice.

    I am blown away.

    How is assuming i am on a 'faddy diet' anything but rude?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I don't think anyone was being rude to you, they are trying to explain their point of view. Of course, not everyone agrees on every aspect of what "healthy" is. And that is ok. Don't give up on posting to the forums - some really good information can come of it. Just take things with a grain of salt. Good luck

    everything i post gets twisted into negativity!

    I have no space for negativity! I am only interested in positive change and only interested in hearing from people who offer positive advice and opinions, not put others down for no reason other than their own twisted ideals.

    I said i did not eat gluten, yet i am answering questions about white bread and processed carbs? So seriously, are people inept at reading? Because thats certainly how it looks.

    I posted earlier about my experiences going gluten free and was told i was not 'qualified' to post and that i had 'clearly never stuck at anything in my life' which is rude and unnecessary.

    I shouldn't have posted because i do not need the negative, arrogant and rude comments i ONLY ever get from this forum.

    I think i will stick to the food diaries from now on. its useful for me to see what i eat but not useful to ask reasonable questions and get such a barrage of uneducated pap quite frankly.

    Yes. If you think these people were "rude, unnecessary, inept at reading, [posting] uneducated pap" - then I think you should stick to your Food Diary.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    To prevent myself from going over on carbs, i have to exercise each day for at least half an hour

    I dont get it, why is eating a banana so bad? Or an apple?

    I eat pretty healthy now, but i worry about having too many carbs and i would far rather be under each day than over

    but its always tipping the scale and i dont like it!

    Give up the juice and the snack bar and you lose 100 carbs on the Saturday or Sunday I looked at. Whole fruit is good. Juice is just empty calories. Drink water instead.

    The apple juice i use to make my smoothie smooth? Gonna keep that i reckon :)

    I am not on a 'fad diet' i am intollerant to gluten and dairy

    This website is really quite rude, should we not be supporting each other?

    Yes i do have a snack each day, mostly because i dont have TIME to prepare more than 3 meals, i am a very hard working mum of 2

    I am sorry i posted, please no more 'support' I wont make the mistake of posting anything again.

    Don't feel bad. I put juice in my smoothies too! I love juice. Sure, the fiber content is missing, but you are still get the vitamins. Also, there is nothing wrong with snacks. Some snacks are healthier than others, but snacks are perfectly normal part of any diet.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    To prevent myself from going over on carbs, i have to exercise each day for at least half an hour

    I dont get it, why is eating a banana so bad? Or an apple?

    I eat pretty healthy now, but i worry about having too many carbs and i would far rather be under each day than over

    but its always tipping the scale and i dont like it!

    Give up the juice and the snack bar and you lose 100 carbs on the Saturday or Sunday I looked at. Whole fruit is good. Juice is just empty calories. Drink water instead.

    The apple juice i use to make my smoothie smooth? Gonna keep that i reckon :)

    I am not on a 'fad diet' i am intollerant to gluten and dairy

    This website is really quite rude, should we not be supporting each other?

    Yes i do have a snack each day, mostly because i dont have TIME to prepare more than 3 meals, i am a very hard working mum of 2

    I am sorry i posted, please no more 'support' I wont make the mistake of posting anything again.

    Don't feel bad. I put juice in my smoothies too! I love juice. Sure, the fiber content is missing, but you are still get the vitamins. Also, there is nothing wrong with snacks. Some snacks are healthier than others, but snacks are perfectly normal part of any diet.

    I think i eat pretty healthy snacks. 'snack bar' sounds awful but they are generally made up of dried fruits, seeds and so on.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I dont eat gluten or dairy, so i only eat pitta/flatbread if i have made it myself!

    I dont eat white rice

    the things that seem to be high in carbs, are bananas (i often have 2 a day) and apples etc

    I never really go over with calories, often way under, i average around 1800 a day but breastfeeding takes off 500 of that...

    I just dont get how i can eat 'less' carbs, i dont eat bread/rice/pasta generally at all. seems odd.

    ...Perfect example of the confusion caused by fad diets...

    If you are gluten and dairy free, and rice free, etc. then you need to eat plenty of veggies and an extra serving or two of fruit. A high amount of carbohydrates would be more than 65% of your calories coming from carbs. For a healthy adult, anywhere from 40-65% is a decent range for carbohydrates. So on 1800 per day, you are safe between 150-300g of carbohydrates. (Though it would be difficult to get that many in with only fruits and veggies.)

    A low-carb diet has no benefit, unless you have a medical condition that requires you to eat that way. Low carb is less than 75g per day. Some people consider 20-50g per day as ideal for low-carb folks.

    I have never said i am 'rice free'

    do people actually read posts on this forum or do they just assume and type whatever pop's into their heads?

    I read this:
    I dont eat white rice
    I dont eat white rice, any bread or oatmeal!

    Sometimes I forget that there is rice out there other than white rice. I only eat white rice myself. Sorry about that.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    To prevent myself from going over on carbs, i have to exercise each day for at least half an hour

    I dont get it, why is eating a banana so bad? Or an apple?

    I eat pretty healthy now, but i worry about having too many carbs and i would far rather be under each day than over

    but its always tipping the scale and i dont like it!

    Give up the juice and the snack bar and you lose 100 carbs on the Saturday or Sunday I looked at. Whole fruit is good. Juice is just empty calories. Drink water instead.

    The apple juice i use to make my smoothie smooth? Gonna keep that i reckon :)

    I am not on a 'fad diet' i am intollerant to gluten and dairy

    This website is really quite rude, should we not be supporting each other?

    Yes i do have a snack each day, mostly because i dont have TIME to prepare more than 3 meals, i am a very hard working mum of 2

    I am sorry i posted, please no more 'support' I wont make the mistake of posting anything again.

    Don't feel bad. I put juice in my smoothies too! I love juice. Sure, the fiber content is missing, but you are still get the vitamins. Also, there is nothing wrong with snacks. Some snacks are healthier than others, but snacks are perfectly normal part of any diet.

    I think i eat pretty healthy snacks. 'snack bar' sounds awful but they are generally made up of dried fruits, seeds and so on.

    Sounds good to me. Are you trying to argue with me or what? I am agreeing with you. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    To prevent myself from going over on carbs, i have to exercise each day for at least half an hour

    I dont get it, why is eating a banana so bad? Or an apple?

    I eat pretty healthy now, but i worry about having too many carbs and i would far rather be under each day than over

    but its always tipping the scale and i dont like it!

    Give up the juice and the snack bar and you lose 100 carbs on the Saturday or Sunday I looked at. Whole fruit is good. Juice is just empty calories. Drink water instead.

    The apple juice i use to make my smoothie smooth? Gonna keep that i reckon :)

    I am not on a 'fad diet' i am intollerant to gluten and dairy

    This website is really quite rude, should we not be supporting each other?

    Yes i do have a snack each day, mostly because i dont have TIME to prepare more than 3 meals, i am a very hard working mum of 2

    I am sorry i posted, please no more 'support' I wont make the mistake of posting anything again.

    Don't feel bad. I put juice in my smoothies too! I love juice. Sure, the fiber content is missing, but you are still get the vitamins. Also, there is nothing wrong with snacks. Some snacks are healthier than others, but snacks are perfectly normal part of any diet.

    I think i eat pretty healthy snacks. 'snack bar' sounds awful but they are generally made up of dried fruits, seeds and so on.

    Sounds good to me. Are you trying to argue with me or what? I am agreeing with you. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    noooo not arguing with you at all x
  • Canderson58054
    Canderson58054 Posts: 132 Member
    OP-I hope you didn't get too discouraged. You will find many people that respond don't always read every comment on the forum, even though I think they should. As I am a type 1 Diabetic, I need carbs to function, but I can't have too many at a time, for obvious reasons. There is something called the glycemic index(GI).
    The lower the GI--the less sugar(natural or otherwise) and carbohydrates it contains. When it comes to fruit- Bananas, apples, and pears have a higher GI. Each large fruit of those three contains roughly 26-35g of carbohydrates. Grapes, whether red or green, also have a higher GI. Some examples of the lower GI fruit are Berries( blueberries, respberries, strawberries), Cherries, grapefuit, cantaloupe, honedew, watermelon, etc. As an example- if you eat 1 cup of strawberries it would have the same effect as 1/2 cup of grapes. You'll have the same amount of carbs- only by choosing the one with the lower GI- you get to eat more :)
    Have you tried silk pure almond milk? I do have a friend that is on a gluten free diet and she is lactose intolerant-- but she can drink that and put that in her smoothies. Everyone's different but it was just an idea :) Hope this helps ya. Good luck :)
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    OP-I hope you didn't get too discouraged. You will find many people that respond don't always read every comment on the forum, even though I think they should. As I am a type 1 Diabetic, I need carbs to function, but I can't have too many at a time, for obvious reasons. There is something called the glycemic index(GI).
    The lower the GI--the less sugar(natural or otherwise) and carbohydrates it contains. When it comes to fruit- Bananas, apples, and pears have a higher GI. Each large fruit of those three contains roughly 26-35g of carbohydrates. Grapes, whether red or green, also have a higher GI. Some examples of the lower GI fruit are Berries( blueberries, respberries, strawberries), Cherries, grapefuit, cantaloupe, honedew, watermelon, etc. As an example- if you eat 1 cup of strawberries it would have the same effect as 1/2 cup of grapes. You'll have the same amount of carbs- only by choosing the one with the lower GI- you get to eat more :)
    Have you tried silk pure almond milk? I do have a friend that is on a gluten free diet and she is lactose intolerant-- but she can drink that and put that in her smoothies. Everyone's different but it was just an idea :) Hope this helps ya. Good luck :)

    Thanks for the tip :)

    I have a book about high/low GI actually which is really interesting, i might give it another lookie and see what i can tweak :)

    I also have some almond milk (and rice milk, and hemp milk lol) so i will see what Hubby thinks of swapping that for the juice in the smoothies tomorrow morning.

    cheers for the tips :)
  • KateHurlahe
    Depending on the rest of your diet/exercise a little fruit is not a bad thing!

    My doc and I both agree that for me, personally, carbs are not my friend. I can eat protein or veggies and my body seems to burn through it like wildfire...carbs eaten (same calorie amount) seem to slow me down.

    So I minimize carbs as much as possible whether fruit, bread or other stuff.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    OP-I hope you didn't get too discouraged. You will find many people that respond don't always read every comment on the forum, even though I think they should. As I am a type 1 Diabetic, I need carbs to function, but I can't have too many at a time, for obvious reasons. There is something called the glycemic index(GI).
    The lower the GI--the less sugar(natural or otherwise) and carbohydrates it contains. When it comes to fruit- Bananas, apples, and pears have a higher GI. Each large fruit of those three contains roughly 26-35g of carbohydrates. Grapes, whether red or green, also have a higher GI. Some examples of the lower GI fruit are Berries( blueberries, respberries, strawberries), Cherries, grapefuit, cantaloupe, honedew, watermelon, etc. As an example- if you eat 1 cup of strawberries it would have the same effect as 1/2 cup of grapes. You'll have the same amount of carbs- only by choosing the one with the lower GI- you get to eat more :)
    Have you tried silk pure almond milk? I do have a friend that is on a gluten free diet and she is lactose intolerant-- but she can drink that and put that in her smoothies. Everyone's different but it was just an idea :) Hope this helps ya. Good luck :)

    Thanks for the tip :)

    I have a book about high/low GI actually which is really interesting, i might give it another lookie and see what i can tweak :)

    I also have some almond milk (and rice milk, and hemp milk lol) so i will see what Hubby thinks of swapping that for the juice in the smoothies tomorrow morning.

    cheers for the tips :)

    Keep in mind, unless you are diabetic, it's been proven that a low GI diet is not more beneficial than a high GI diet. It's mostly calories in vs out. Some calories, such as lean meats, fruits and veggies are more beneficial than processed foods and can help weight loss. But if you really pay attention to anything, it's protein and calories. I eat 4 servings a fruit (generally, banana's apples and grapes as they are in season) a day without issue in terms of fat loss and I only have 7 lbs more of fat to lose to hit 6% body fat. If you exercise (more specifically weight training with some cardio) and have a moderate deficit, then there won't be an issue.
  • renehallen
    renehallen Posts: 49 Member
    There are good carbs and bad carbs. Fruit and veges are healthy for you. Try eliminating white flour carbs, those are the ones that turn to sugar after you digest them.
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    My suggestion, check with your doctor or a nutritionist. dieting is just so very specific to the individual. As a type 2 Diabetic, Carbs are my nemesis, but I still do them, I just try to be smarter about them. Professional medical adivce from someone you trust may help idetify what works and doesn't for your body. My doctor turned me on to this website, and 48 lbs later I've found good advice, some not so good, and some thats just not going to work for me. Gotta weed thru it !
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    To prevent myself from going over on carbs, i have to exercise each day for at least half an hour

    I dont get it, why is eating a banana so bad? Or an apple?

    I eat pretty healthy now, but i worry about having too many carbs and i would far rather be under each day than over

    but its always tipping the scale and i dont like it!

    Give up the juice and the snack bar and you lose 100 carbs on the Saturday or Sunday I looked at. Whole fruit is good. Juice is just empty calories. Drink water instead.

    While I don't disagree that whole fruit is better than juice, I have to say that there is no such thing as "empty calories."

    The apple juice i use to make my smoothie smooth? Gonna keep that i reckon :)

    I am not on a 'fad diet' i am intollerant to gluten and dairy

    This website is really quite rude, should we not be supporting each other?

    Yes i do have a snack each day, mostly because i dont have TIME to prepare more than 3 meals, i am a very hard working mum of 2

    I am sorry i posted, please no more 'support' I wont make the mistake of posting anything again.

    Are you ****ing kidding me? No one was rude to you at all. Where the hell do you people come from that find offense at absolutely nothing. Everyone gave you very solid, nonjudgmental advice.

    I am blown away.

    How is assuming i am on a 'faddy diet' anything but rude?

    Can you please quote the exact post where someone said that? I think you're doing the assuming here. You post a "what's a good carb or bad carb" style post, people point out that the idea of carbs being bad is linked specifically with "fad" diets (think Atkins), and that a misinformed mindset about carbs has resulted. No one said you were on a "faddy diet" (did anyone even say that term, "faddy"?)--they said that the idea of carbs being "bad" is typical of faddy diets. The things you said lined up with that sort of mindset. No one insulted your intelligence--they just pointed out that it's very common for people to think carbs are bad because of the mass information out there on fad diets, such as low-carb. Some people have a hard time understanding intent on the internet, and I see that you became very defensive very quickly over misunderstood posts.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    There are good carbs and bad carbs. Fruit and veges are healthy for you. Try eliminating white flour carbs, those are the ones that turn to sugar after you digest them.

    All carbs turn to glucose after you digest them, whether they are white flour, potatoes, whole grain, fruit, veggie, does not matter.

    Protein turns to glucose too.

    There are not good carbs or bad carbs. There are better for you carbs. Yes, spinach is better than a kit kat, but both can have a place in a healthy diet.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    I dont eat gluten or dairy, so i only eat pitta/flatbread if i have made it myself!

    I dont eat white rice

    the things that seem to be high in carbs, are bananas (i often have 2 a day) and apples etc

    I never really go over with calories, often way under, i average around 1800 a day but breastfeeding takes off 500 of that...

    I just dont get how i can eat 'less' carbs, i dont eat bread/rice/pasta generally at all. seems odd.

    ...Perfect example of the confusion caused by fad diets...

    If you are gluten and dairy free, and rice free, etc. then you need to eat plenty of veggies and an extra serving or two of fruit. A high amount of carbohydrates would be more than 65% of your calories coming from carbs. For a healthy adult, anywhere from 40-65% is a decent range for carbohydrates. So on 1800 per day, you are safe between 150-300g of carbohydrates. (Though it would be difficult to get that many in with only fruits and veggies.)

    A low-carb diet has no benefit, unless you have a medical condition that requires you to eat that way. Low carb is less than 75g per day. Some people consider 20-50g per day as ideal for low-carb folks.

  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Carbs aren't bad, but I find I need to keep them lower and protein higher in order to feel full and not get all woozy on a deficit. Also, the carb staples are just a lot of calories for not much food - I prefer filling up on meat and veggies. That said, my "sugars" are always way high due to fruit. But I feel great and am losing weight, so what do I care?
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I dont eat gluten or dairy, so i only eat pitta/flatbread if i have made it myself!

    I dont eat white rice

    the things that seem to be high in carbs, are bananas (i often have 2 a day) and apples etc

    I never really go over with calories, often way under, i average around 1800 a day but breastfeeding takes off 500 of that...

    I just dont get how i can eat 'less' carbs, i dont eat bread/rice/pasta generally at all. seems odd.

    ...Perfect example of the confusion caused by fad diets...

    If you are gluten and dairy free, and rice free, etc. then you need to eat plenty of veggies and an extra serving or two of fruit. A high amount of carbohydrates would be more than 65% of your calories coming from carbs. For a healthy adult, anywhere from 40-65% is a decent range for carbohydrates. So on 1800 per day, you are safe between 150-300g of carbohydrates. (Though it would be difficult to get that many in with only fruits and veggies.)

    A low-carb diet has no benefit, unless you have a medical condition that requires you to eat that way. Low carb is less than 75g per day. Some people consider 20-50g per day as ideal for low-carb folks.


    This does not say you are on a fad diet. You are jumping to conclusions and looking for a fight. Your post responding to this was incredibly rude. She was just explaining the number of carbs needed in a day and the difference between high carbs vs. low carbs.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    To prevent myself from going over on carbs, i have to exercise each day for at least half an hour

    I dont get it, why is eating a banana so bad? Or an apple?

    I eat pretty healthy now, but i worry about having too many carbs and i would far rather be under each day than over

    but its always tipping the scale and i dont like it!

    I took a peek at your diary. First off you are breastfeeding which adds 500 calories to your daily intake - I would think in adding those 500 it would also increase the amount of carbs you can consume everyday. I don't know if MFP does that adjustment when you enter the breastfeeding in as a (-500).

    Also you are definitely eating a lot of fruit. Sometimes 2 glasses of apple juice a day and 2 bananas a day. BUT since you are breastfeeding I think this is a healthy thing.

    Bottom line...don't worry if you're a little bit over!!!