Vacation drop I wrong?



  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Sounds like you should have been on top of her payments long ago, seeing as she ONLY paid the deposit and nothing more.

    Sounds like a sit down conversation is in order, with her-not with strangers on the internet.

    Why should I have had to babysit her payments? We booked through a travel agent and everyone was logging in to make their own payments.

    And as for the sit down conversation, already us no where but arguments. I'm just here for opinions because I'm not sure how to feel about this situation.

    You asked for opinions.

    Unless you all have a signed contract, she has no obligation to pay anything. The fact that she decided to back out has nothing to do with you. You have two choices, pay the extra or don't go. It's pretty simple.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Just find someone else to take her place, that way everyone wins. I was in this situation but I was the person who had to drop out. I was supposed to go on a ski trip and at the last minute my boss told me I had to go to Vegas that same week for work. My friend tried to tell me I had to pay half because she found someone else, but they couldn't afford it all, so I should pick up the balance. This made me upset because why should I have to pay for someone else to go on my trip? Now I'm not friends with her anymore. The way she acted seemed really selfish to me, and she was completely not understanding to the fact that it was a work trip, and I didn't back out just because I felt like it. If you try and force your friend to pay you will come off as not a good friend. Sure, she put you in an awkward place but don't jump to conclusions.
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    Had this happen to me with my own husband! We were part of a group cruise with friends and 2 weeks before the trip he said he couldn't go because he had to work even though we'd been planning the trip for 9 months. It cost me $500 to cancel his ticket which he never offered to reimburse me. Not to mention all the tickets for excursions & shows I had pre-purchased.

    Hubs and I are separated now and he can't for the life of him figure out why!

    I like the person that said just find someone to take her place. Wish I'd thought of doing that then! LOL
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Call your Travel Agent and see if you can cancel the other room... That means 2 people will be sharing the same bed but it will be cheaper for you guys... sucks that you were put in that situation... but I doubt you will get the money from her.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    my relationship with the person who did this to me was worth more than the $1,000 I was out. If your relationship can be irreparably damaged over $130, or even $1,000, you probably shouldn't have been planning to vacation with that person in the first place.

    A few people have made this sort of comment which I have to say is a really weird way to look at your friendship - "is it worth x amount of dollars?"

    Surely it's not whether she messed you about and cost you $130 or messed you about and cost you $13,'s about the fact of how she messed you about. Sure, the amount makes a difference to a certain extent, but as soon as it becomes any sort of significant amount then it creates an issue, and it is the fact they have created that issue, the manner in which they did so and the manner in which they respond that surely determines whether you would want to remain friends with them afterwards?

    Incidentally you SHOULDN'T have to babysit her payments, you're correct. However SHOULD and SHOULDN'T don't really hold much water in the real world. What matters is DO and DON'T. Honestly you should have spotted a problem earlier, perhaps you could have found someone else?
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    You asked for opinions.

    Unless you all have a signed contract, she has no obligation to pay anything. The fact that she decided to back out has nothing to do with you. You have two choices, pay the extra or don't go. It's pretty simple.

  • hacker1234
    hacker1234 Posts: 225 Member
    She should forfeit her deposit and it should go towards the trip for all of you. Pay the difference and learn a lesson that in the future, she should never be asked again. I don't think she should pay for a trip she is not taking, but she should lose what she has paid thus far. I think you should have seen this one coming.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    1) I'm sorry you have this situation hanging over your heads to cloud the enjoyment of your vacation!

    2) She is acting more like an acquaintance and less like a friend. A friend wouldn't stick it to you like this

    3) Never make your plans contingent on what someone else will or won't do

    4) this next part is none of my business, but it really bothered me with my nephew so I'll throw it out there and just prepare myself for the comments to follow; my nephew dropped out of school because 'he couldn't afford books' and instead took the money and used it on a trip to Cancun. He always has excuses for being short of money and can't afford to move out, can't afford to get his own car fixed, can't afford his insurance...and yet he always seems to be able to 'afford' trips for Spring Break. He's in his late 20's now and still never seems to have enough money, but always seems to be going somewhere. So, if $130 is a make or break thing over being able to afford this trip perhaps the destination is too expensive or more time is needed to save money to throw away on vacations.

    I love going to Disney World. I haven't gone in 5 years. But 5 years ago we stayed in the concierge section of the Grand Floridian resort. Expensive as heck but so totally worth the wait and the expense that only doing it every 5 years is okay.:bigsmile: