How many men here practice Yoga?



  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I would love to start doing it but I have not found anything online and dont have a gym learning it is a bit difficult.
    Anyone have any links I could take a look at?
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Oh yeah plenty of guys in my yoga classes too.
  • Yoga is great. I wish I had started it 20 years ago.
    Doing twice a week and wish I had tried it in my 20's. If you have never tried it, try it. Give it a month and you'll never look back. Not a huge calorie burner in it's own. But it keeps me healthy and flexible enough to work out the rest of the week. Having said that I have been wearing a blue tooth chest HRM connected to Endomondo on my phone recently, and it tells me I burn over 500 cals for the hour. Based on MFP I had been booking like 170 cals for the hour.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Like you, I regularly went to yoga classes, until I tore my ACL about a year ago. Just getting back into it now, gently, following surgery in January. Doing some kundalini breathing and kriyas.
    But I have gotten so stiff even just sitting on my heels for a few minutes helps me.
    I can play tennis but I haven't gotten up the courage to try a movement class again.
    My theory on why more men do not do yoga is that men are naturally so much less flexible than women that stretching is much harder and uncomfortable for us than for them. I have always been inherently more flexible than most guys, and I have been doing yoga and stretching regularly since college. So, [most] basic yoga poses are not too challenging for me.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    It occurs to me that this could be an excellent business opportunity.
  • if anyone needs yoga suggestions....tony horton (creator of p90x) has 5 really great routines....for a short yoga session that covers it all look up "fountain of youth yoga" from his one on one series, it is about 50 minutes and is really great. he also has 2 other "one on one" workouts...The MC2 yoga is more traditional yoga, while the other he names "patience" and its about 30 minutes of holding various warrior poses...Then of course there are his actual yoga videos, in the original p90x which is 90 minutes and leaves you drenched, and my personal favourite, the X2 yoga which willl have you sweating and feeling amazing after.
  • ill get in on that love to continue teaching