Crossfit Success!! Haters... eat your words!! *pic*

brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
edited October 22 in Success Stories
<--- progress pic!! (( sorry it's not on the thread itself, i can't use a web image-hosting site from work))

the first picture is from day 30, and the second picture is from day 150.... 4 months of crossfit and better eating. it's not totally clean eating, as my theory is 'if i'm not going to stick with cutting something out completey forever, then i'm not going to cut it out now.'

sure that makes my resuts go slower, but i still eat what i want most of the time. if i'm not craving something, then i eat clean. if i am, i eat it, then get back to eating clean. simple as that. that way i don't binge or feel deprived.

i don't count calories. i don't eat fat free things because of all the chemicals pumped into it. i eat plenty of protein and veggies, some fruit and nuts, and little grains.

what it comes down to, is i Bust @SS in the gym during crossfit. it's offered at my gym 6 days a week, and i never go less than 4 times a week. i leave it all on the floor. I lift heavy and lift smart. i run slow, but i still do it. i do what i can plus everything i somehow push out when my trainers and people around me push me to go beyond my limits. that's what it takes!!!

i understand crossfit isn't for everyone. i just ask that if someone can't say something nice, please respect that it's working for me, and carry on. thank you. :)


  • Wow! You look incredible! i completely agree with your relationship with food. What exactly is crossfit? I'm intrigued now!
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 650 Member
    <--- progress pic!! (( sorry it's not on the thread itself, i can't use a web image-hosting site from work))

    the first picture is from day 30, and the second picture is from day 150.... 4 months of crossfit and better eating. it's not totally clean eating, as my theory is 'if i'm not going to stick with cutting something out completey forever, then i'm not going to cut it out now.'

    sure that makes my resuts go slower, but i still eat what i want most of the time. if i'm not craving something, then i eat clean. if i am, i eat it, then get back to eating clean. simple as that. that way i don't binge or feel deprived.

    i don't count calories. i don't eat fat free things because of all the chemicals pumped into it. i eat plenty of protein and veggies, some fruit and nuts, and little grains.

    what it comes down to, is i Bust @SS in the gym during crossfit. it's offered at my gym 6 days a week, and i never go less than 4 times a week. i leave it all on the floor. I lift heavy and lift smart. i run slow, but i still do it. i do what i can plus everything i somehow push out when my trainers and people around me push me to go beyond my limits. that's what it takes!!!

    i understand crossfit isn't for everyone. i just ask that if someone can't say something nice, please respect that it's working for me, and carry on. thank you. :)

  • CallMePat
    CallMePat Posts: 74 Member
    I gotta say you look great. From what I've heard about crossfit, its super intense. Kudos to sticking with it for 5 months
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I think it's great that it's working for you. Most of the bashing I've seen of crossfit isn't' saying that it doesn't work, though. People just don't agree with a lot of it. I've never tried for myself, so I can't say anything on the subject. Congrats on your success!
  • ptjolsen
    ptjolsen Posts: 365 Member
    I haven't openly "bashed" it....I just know its not for everyone...because of the lack of knowledge on modification for specific types of clientele
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    Wow! You look incredible! i completely agree with your relationship with food. What exactly is crossfit? I'm intrigued now!

    Thanks! here is a good site to learn about it! Read on girlfriend!

    in response to the 'bashing' and 'haters' terms i used, i only said it because most threads on here that are about crossfit, is just about how it's not for everyone and some people say it doesn't work and that it's too hard on your body. I agree with a number of points made by these individuals. YES it's hard and CAN be hard on your body... but it's hard on your body if it's not done with correct form. I don't advise anyone to try and jump into a class without learning about the proper technique needed (our gym offers beginners technique classes to help educate members to prevent injury). YES it's true, that it isn't for everyone. Yes it is intense.

    I met someone who asked me why i did crossfit, and if i did it because 'you're tired of going hard at the gym, or what?'

    I work my butt off in that gym, and it hurt my feelings that someone thought i wouldn't give it my all. I was simply trying to avoid any negativity, and just to show that this stuff does work for people who are curious. Perhaps my thread title wasn't the best way to go about this; in fact it was a bad way to go at it, lol. I'll keep that in mind for next time. :)
  • tquinn424
    tquinn424 Posts: 24 Member
    Great job! I happen to love crossfit! I recently lost weight and gained so much strength from it. Keep up the good work :)
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    Great job! I happen to love crossfit! I recently lost weight and gained so much strength from it. Keep up the good work :)

    thanks!! i actually started CF 75lbs overweight. the first 15 dropped off, and the scale hasn't budged at ALL in the past 4 months. i'm still technically 60lbs overweight, but my inches are seriously melting away!! when that happens, to heck with what the scale says lol. my muscle mass is going up and my body fat % is going down! :)
  • bump for later (and motivation!)
  • LaylaJo
    LaylaJo Posts: 44 Member
    Good job! I actually like Crossfit. I tried it once, but it's not for me, yet. My bf on the other hand loves it!
  • HMToomey
    HMToomey Posts: 276

    i understand crossfit isn't for everyone. i just ask that if someone can't say something nice, please respect that it's working for me, and carry on. thank you. :)

    ^I feel that same about those who rag on Zumba!
    Congrats on your progress!!! Keep it up!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    The only real problem a lot of people have with Crossfit is that many of the exercise variations promoted in Crossfit (such as the kipping pullup) are very injury-prone, and the overall training style seems to benefit women more than men as men typically benefit from more traditional exercise regimens.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    i understand crossfit isn't for everyone. i just ask that if someone can't say something nice, please respect that it's working for me, and carry on. thank you. :)

    I have so much resect for people that do Crossfit cause I don't think I could and I'm scared to try it. BUT even if people don't have anything nice to say, they should still be able to see the amazing progress you've made. You look awesome!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Lol no need to be that defensive. Congrat.
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member

    i understand crossfit isn't for everyone. i just ask that if someone can't say something nice, please respect that it's working for me, and carry on. thank you. :)

    ^I feel that same about those who rag on Zumba!
    Congrats on your progress!!! Keep it up!

    I did zumba before and really loved it. i found a fun instructor who played great music and had fun moves. after a while i realized it was always the same songs and same routine every time. it started to get monotonus (sp?). I do love cf for the reason that it's always different, every single day. so that's what works for me now.

    bottom line... if you're working out, you're getting better every day. everyone has their own preference on what they like to do and how to get where they want to be. I respect each and every person who steps foot in that gym regardless of age, size, or what classes they do. because they are lapping each and every person at home on the couch, waiting for the day their 'wishing' to lose weight actually happens by miracle.
  • i'm guessing that crossfit is somewhere along the lines of insanity, the asylum, p90x2 workouts? Yeah I usually have to shampoo my carpet once a week since I soak it everytime with those workouts!! lol LOVE THEM
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    The only real problem a lot of people have with Crossfit is that many of the exercise variations promoted in Crossfit (such as the kipping pullup) are very injury-prone, and the overall training style seems to benefit women more than men as men typically benefit from more traditional exercise regimens.

    i respect your position on this. and there is a lot more opportunity for injury in crossfit than a regular lifting regimine because the workouts are timed, and people sacrafice form to get their rep count up there. No debate there. that's why we stress technique and quality over quantity. Our classes are pretty evenly split between men and women. my husband has had AMAZING results from CF as have the other men in the class. basically, you get out of it what you put into it. it's all up to you.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I love it, too! I had a circuit training class for 6 months that was hardcore and incorporated some of the functional stuff that CrossFit does, and now I'm trying it for real. When you start seeing progress with your abilities and your strength -- no matter what the scale says -- it really gets into you.

    I have to say, the trainers at our CrossFit gym are very very thorough with each client and each movement to pinpoint issues, tightness, restrictions, and other concerns. They break each movement down and have you practice each piece until your form is good and you are comfortable with no added weight first. I don't have any worries that I'll hurt myself as long as I pay attention and follow their instruction.

    Ours also has a lot of people who come from running or other cardio backgrounds, so they are not as militant as some about telling you to cut out cardio, or grains, or whatever. They offer those challenges, but you do what's right for you.

    Now I just need to try to afford it! Our CrossFit gym costs $125/mo. :ohwell: But with trainers there every single session helping each participant maintain form, address issues, and push -- even the experienced folks -- I can see why.

    Glad you found it, glad you like it! :flowerforyou:
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    The only real problem a lot of people have with Crossfit is that many of the exercise variations promoted in Crossfit (such as the kipping pullup) are very injury-prone, and the overall training style seems to benefit women more than men as men typically benefit from more traditional exercise regimens.

    i respect your position on this. and there is a lot more opportunity for injury in crossfit than a regular lifting regimine because the workouts are timed, and people sacrafice form to get their rep count up there. No debate there. that's why we stress technique and quality over quantity. Our classes are pretty evenly split between men and women. my husband has had AMAZING results from CF as have the other men in the class. basically, you get out of it what you put into it. it's all up to you.

    ^^^ Yep, ours too -- quality over quantity. As long as you're pushing yourself (and not to the point of injury) that's what's important. We are also very evenly split between men and women, with lots of husband/wife teams coming together.
  • chsmith79
    chsmith79 Posts: 240 Member
    Congrats!! I have also found a lot of people bash on Crossfit. Personally I love it, I don't go a gym, I do it at home. I think people see others who Crossfit and their coach is not a stickler for form on You Tube and instantly all Cossfit is bad. Keep up the good work. I also don't do the Paleo diet. I just count my calories. I know that sounds kind of girly but hey it works for me. It's moreof a long term solution for me than a low-carb diet. Again Congratulations and keep it up. If you want someone to talk crossfit with Friend me. I have been looking for some fellow Crossfitters on here.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Congratulations! What a great attitude towards food. If only more people were like that.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member

  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    in before Determinednoob
  • You look beautiful and happy. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it!:flowerforyou:
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    in before Determinednoob

    You're inspiration was inspiring.
  • Marianeyda
    Marianeyda Posts: 60 Member
    I do Crossfit and have lost 18pounds...more inches around my tummy and thighs!!! and i love it!!!
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    Great transformation!
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member

    You look great! Way to go! ]
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    great work! its working for ya! .
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