Whats the funniest tunes you've heard at a funeral



  • PeteyogiW
    My youngest cousin Brian died rather suddenly of cancer earlier this year. He was always a joker, the life and soul of the party, so it was very apt (and I should have seen it coming), that the minister ended the service with

    "And let us never forget the life of Brian...."

    as they launched into Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.
    Thats so cool, just like my friend :-)
  • PeteyogiW
    A good mate of mine died young after a life with MS. ( He used marijuana through his life of MS! ).
    He set out his own funeral.
    First tune, while we all sat there was. Bob Dylan, "everybody must get stoned", we were in stitches.
    Then as the coffin went in to the fire, Monty Pythons, " Always look on the bright side of life " belted out.
    What a guy :-)
    What a send off!!!
    The place was packed :-)
    Nooo, the curtains closed around it, but thats where it was going :-)

    I love the music choices! So you actually watched he coffin go into the fire? I didn't know it worked that way.
  • tat2dmrsgrimm
    tat2dmrsgrimm Posts: 226 Member
    My mother wants Amazing grace played on Bagpipes so everyone is sobbing and weeping, and then immediately break in to a rousing chorus of "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead"

    You're mom is awesome! lol

    Yes she is. She also wants to be left on a hilltop to return to the elements. Very interesting woman, my mother.