Have you ever found money?



  • Nicolette_Karls
    I found $400 on the floor in the middle of a mall once. I was little (like 8), so my parents made me do "the responsible thing" and turn it into mall security. They asked for my information in case nobody claimed it, but I told them to donate it to their Christmas Present Charity Fund for little kids in orphanages or whose parents can't afford presents. I'm glad some little kids got an awesome Christmas because of it!
  • vickilm1976
    vickilm1976 Posts: 141 Member
    I once found $60 in an ATM at a bar and then later than night found $20 on a bar stool at the same bar. That was alright. My favorite though was when I found $5 in the stairs of the Sears by my house. I almost took the elevator, that was my reward for being a good girl.
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    I have found money several times. Mostly under $20 though. However, in middle school I found a 14k white gold ring with 5 sapphires and 13 diamond chips on either side of the sapphires under the radiator in one of the girl's bathrooms. I took it to the office and turned it in to the lost and found for the required two weeks. No one claimed it so I went back and got it. I had it appraised and it is worth about $1,500 I still have the ring. Not sure what to do with it :). I am good at finding things. I usually find things like earring backings and other random little shiny lost things.
  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    Found $40 at college, turned it to security office. Have found 3 cell phones and returned each one. Husband found a fat bank bag in the parking lot at the mall and turned it into a security officer he saw at the closest store. Turned out that the bank bag was the entire afternoon's receipts for a higher-end clothing store in the mall. The person taking it to the bank had two bags and accidentally left one on top of the car. We only found out because my mother-in-law worked at the shoe store next to the clothing store and the story was circulating among the workers at the mall. No monetary rewards, but that's o.k. None of it was ever ours to begin with.
  • Fnarkk
    Fnarkk Posts: 61 Member
    I once was walking down the street and saw a small paper bag (lunch-bag type) on the ground and kicked it hoping it was a bag of money... it was. Shocked the hell out of me. There was around $600 in it and a receipt. I picked it up and started looking around for the owner when this lady ran over to me and started accusing me of stealing it out of her car (She apparently had put it on top of her car as she looked for her keys and swore she threw it in before she drove away. Therefore I HAD to have reached in and stolen it through the locked -with window rolled up- passenger side of her car. GRRRR). I tried to explain that I just saw it laying there and was looking for whom it belonged to but she wouldn't stop yelling at me. So I threw it in the fed-ex pick up box, told her to have a nice day, and walked away. (Pick-up was not until the next day-it was after 8pm.)
  • lookingforsomething
    I always find money! sometimes $5 sometime $500.
    Most I have even found is $15,000 outside the house in the gutter. Dad put up a sign saying "money found" and a guy up the road came and told him the exact amount, the bag it was in, that there was a reciept in the bag - everything. Turns out he had got money out of the bank to go and buy a car the next day and then dropped the bag getting out of a taxi and didn't know. I was only about 10 at the time - he bought me a teddy bear to say thanks!

    I have found money in plain white envelopes in the bathrooms at airports with no way to trace them to an owner - converted to about AUD $500
    Walking along hiking trails - $20
    Waiting for the bus - $50
    In car parks - random amounts

    I always seem to find money.
    When I was younger I always won the raffles at school/church fates etc. Maybe I'm just lucky!
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    I sure could use some found money right now....and Im sorry but no, I wouldnt try and find the owner- survival of the fittest or in this case the luckiest.
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    I've found a $20 bill in the parking lot where I used to work. Thought it was just a piece of paper at first, then I got closer - Wow! Lunch money for the week!

    I found a $10 bill once in a crowded cafe, no one saw it but me, I guess!

    Stop me if you've heard this one (LOL) - my mother recently found a $100 bill at the supermarket - turned it in to the service desk, went back two weeks later, no one had claimed it, so they made Mom a little richer that day! :happy:
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    I used to work at a casino, and I found things all the time. Sometimes I would find money, sometimes cigarettes or lighters. One time I found a bag of weed on the floor of the bathroom. :smokin:

    that is my kind of find.............
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    I found $1 today on my run!

    My father in law works at a car dealership and found $1500.00 in a car. He turned it into the cops and it turned out it was money from a craigslist scam. The cops actually ended up catching the bad guys and giving the money back to the victims.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I used to work at a casino, and I found things all the time. Sometimes I would find money, sometimes cigarettes or lighters. One time I found a bag of weed on the floor of the bathroom. :smokin:

    that is my kind of find.............

    Yeah, and it's *definitely* not the find that you would "turn in" to "the authorities!" :laugh:
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    I found a dollar once.. I then proceeded to buy a slurpee and realized I couldn't afford tax.. so I took some of the "give a penny take a penny off the counter".... It was a epic day .
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    I haven't found money but once or twice a year if we are in a restaurant for dinner we will buy the dinner for a family nearby if they have a really nice way with their kids or if the kids have been really well behaved. We just ask the waitress to add it to out bill and instead of their bill they get the following note....

    ''This is a gift from some fellow parents who just want to say that we think you are doing a great job with your children.

    Strangers did this for us once and we have never forgotten it.

    Pass it on''

    Perhaps one day Karma will catch up and I will find a winning lotto ticket on the bus!!

    WIN! :)
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    I get excited when I pull out the coats for the season. Seems like a guarantee $5 every year.
  • lgrix
    lgrix Posts: 160 Member
    Most found was 2 $100 dollar bills in a Toys R Us parking lot the week before Christmas. They were old and crumpled up and looked like someone had had them in there pocket for many years.

    I look for money or "road finds" on every run and always come back with some treasure. Best finds are after a long snow melt.
  • ReesesPuffs
    I found a £20 note once, on the way to knock on a friends house when i was 10 and the next day while hanging out with my friends one of them mentioned that his dad was screwin' because he lost 20 quid last night

    I wonder how obvious my slow backing away to my house was, now that i think about it :D
  • CarmenLynn75
    CarmenLynn75 Posts: 118 Member
    does 50 bux in my own washing machine count? How I didn't miss it back then I'll never know...
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I was walking through the mall with my son & found $20 laying on the ground. I didn't know what example to give my son by either trying to find the person who lost it (but who wouldn't admit to losing $20 even if they hadn't) or keeping it. So, I decided to buy us each an ice cream cone & give him the change. Knowing that having some money in his pocket (& getting ice cream) would make my son happy & he'd forget all about it not being ours in the first place.
    The most i find now is coins that people have dropped & unless I actually see the person drop it, I will pick it up & keep it. My family knows that if I find any money while doing laundry it is "finders keepers, losers weepers" & I have a jar that reads "Instant millionaire - just add money" that sits near our washing machine. Once the jar fills up, I take it to our bank & put it through their change machine to get dollar bills in exchange for the coins.
  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    I found $20 under a shelf at Walmart when I was young.
    Otherwise it's just quarters and other random change.... which I'll pick up because hey, it's laundry money.