Healthy Foods I am scared of....

Maybe it's just me, and I'm the lone weirdo out there when it comes to this, but is anyone else scared to try certain foods? For me, there are LOT of healthy foods that I have NEVER had, and I am scared to try. A few of them, I have finally tried, with both good and bad outcomes.

1.) Cottage Cheese - I finally tried this - and now I eat it on an almost daily basis.
2.) Greek Yogurt - This was not a good experience - I think I am scarred for life.
3.) Hummus - what is this stuff? What do you eat it with? Do you make it, or buy it?
4.) Avacados - Not sure why, but I just CAN'T do this. And again - don't know what to eat it with, how to prepare it, anything.
5.) Sweet Potatos - They look weird.
6.) Quinoa - I don't even know what this is, or what time of day this food is supposed to be eaten? Is it breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

What foods are you scared of?


  • LittleFootHafner
    SO with you on the cottage cheese! I keep telling myself I'll like it, but... haha!
    Greek yogurt is amazing though! Try liberte 0% in any flavour that you like. If you start with plain, it will just taste like sour cream...
    I agree with the hummus and avacadoes as well, but sweet potatoes & quinoa are alright! ;)
  • arl29
    arl29 Posts: 55 Member
    1.) Cottage Cheese - I LOVE cottage cheese. Sprinkle just a bit of pepper on it or put it on your salad.
    2.) Greek Yogurt - Delicious!!! They even make frozen greek yogurt that tastes like ice cream. Give it a try.
    3.) Hummus - Great with pita chips or any vegetable. You can buy it at any grocery store in the refrigerated section.
    4.) Avacados - Same deal as hummus. SOOOO good with tortilla chips.
    5.) Sweet Potatos - I agree- look weird.
    6.) Quinoa - what the heck is this? lol
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    i like cottage cheese!! but sweet potatoes are SOOOOO DELICIOUS!!!

    im scared of brussel sprouts and any kind of beans especially pinto and lima AAAHHH
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i was scared of yogurt too and my experience with it was horrible until i realized i could add stevia to it and mix it in so it didnt taste sour anymore! now i eat it almost daily! lol and avocados go great on lots of things, sandwiches, quesadillas, tacos, salads!
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i was scared of yogurt too and my experience with it was horrible until i realized i could add stevia to it and mix it in so it didnt taste sour anymore! now i eat it almost daily! lol and avocados go great on lots of things, sandwiches, quesadillas, tacos, salads! and the hummus? omg HUMMUS IS DELICIOUS. put it on your chips, dip your veggies into it, put it on sandwiches, in your tuna salad! its amazing!
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Dude avocados are awesome! You can do SO many things with them. I put them on sandwiches like every day, and sometimes I just eat them with a little salt right out of their shells. Great for homemade guacamole. My sister made some corn salsa recently with avocado in it - awesome. They are great in salads and I was served chicken tortilla soup once with a couple slices of avocado on top. EXCELLENT.

    Sweet potatoes are so good too. And SO healthy. I just ate roasted sweet potatoes last night - cubed, drizzled with a little olive oil and paprika, baked in the oven at like 420 for a half hour. AMAZING. They are also so good to eat with cinnamon or brown sugar for sweetness. It tastes like PIE.

    With that said I'm not really afraid of many foods. I'll try anything once.

    Actually I do have a pretty legit hatred/fear? of donuts. But those aren't healthy so they don't count.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Haha I love the greek yogurt statement. When I started body revolution I tried plain, with a little bit of honey. I choked it down but I wanted to vomit and it really took 2 1/2 hours to eat it. Then I tried it with the fruit on the bottom and fell in LOVE! My favorite is the pineapple chobani.

    Now I am so afraid of cottage cheese. It seriously freaks me out.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    That's pretty much a list of my favorite foods. :happy: The only foods I'm scared of are certain meats/shellfish. Some of it is just so ugly.
  • lnnptrck
    lnnptrck Posts: 28 Member
    I don't do cottage cheese. it scares me. It's definitely a texture thing for me. yuck!
  • randomgyrl
    randomgyrl Posts: 111 Member
    1.) Cottage Cheese - I like cottage cheese, especially with fresh fruit.
    2.) Greek Yogurt - I like plain greek yogurt, normally Oikos with a little agave necter or honey and some granola.
    3.) Hummus - Not a fan, although I've tried. Chickpeas are not for me.
    4.) Avacados - Yummy, although I have a hard time with portion control.
    5.) Sweet Potatos - If they don't have marshmallows I don't want them.
    6.) Quinoa - A grain, kind of like rice. You can cook it in some broth as a side, or mix in salads.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I won't eat blowfish. Other than that....
  • Miche11e5
    Miche11e5 Posts: 114 Member
    I'll try anything once!

    I like to spread Hummus on Triscuit crackers.

    Avacados are AWESOME! The trick is to make sure it is ripe (hard avacados are icky!). I'll mash half of an avacado up with some salsa and spread it on my turkey sandwich - yum!

    Peel a sweet potato, cut it up, boil it and mash it. No need to add anything! The best mashed potatoes I've had!

    Quinoa is a grain that you cook like rice. It doesn't taste like much by itself, but there are some yummy quinoa salad recipes out there. I made a Soutwest Quinoa Salad last weekend that my whole family liked!
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    Fish... unless it's battered beyond recognition, i'm not touching it! OR if i'm starving, and it's the only option (been there once...)

    And to answer some of your questions:

    3.) Hummus - what is this stuff? What do you eat it with? Do you make it, or buy it?
    4.) Avacados - Not sure why, but I just CAN'T do this. And again - don't know what to eat it with, how to prepare it, anything.
    5.) Sweet Potatos - They look weird.
    6.) Quinoa - I don't even know what this is, or what time of day this food is supposed to be eaten? Is it breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

    3... hummus is delicious with flatbreads and crackers as a dip. and also as a dip for veggies. i buy it, and i especially like the garlic or roasted red pepper types. its also good as a spread on sandwiches!
    4... guacamole is the most amazing thing ever made from avacado. but just slicing it up and eating it with ground pepper and some lemon juice or vinegar is good too (maybe in a salad). or on a burger is nice. :)
    5... only way i make these is thinly sliced and oven-baked with a bit of olive oil and black pepper or garlic pepper... also good as fries (but that's not overly healthy!)
    6... quinoa... tried it once... meh... seems like an over-priced version of rice. i understand it has protein and such, but its not much different than oatmeal really. and oatmeal is cheaper.

    hope this helps!
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    hummus is like crack to me..........I have to be super careful, because I can put away a whole container!

    one awesome thing I learned a long time ago about hummus is that it makes a great sandwich spread instead of mayo/mustard/etc. I eat lots of turkey or chicken sandwiches with hummus.

    avocado is the same....maybe it's cause I'm from California but I can eat a whole avocado as a meal. I love them in salads and on sandwiches.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Sushi. Never will that enter my mouth

    Beets. Which I tried yesterday and was right to avoid. Disgusting.

    Used to be sweet potatoes, but I tried one last week and LOVED it. Bought 3 more this week. Bake them like a baked potato, load it up with grass-fed butter and sea-salt. Such a good mix of salty-sweet.

    Recently tried cottage cheese again, still gross!

    Can't do avocados, the texture is gross, BUT, I tried guacamole this year and can't get enough now. LOVE it.

    Olives. Never. NEVER. I can't even eat food they've touched, their flavor is so awful. Even the smell, can't sit by someone eating tapanade.

    Coffee. Again, never. The flavor and smell is abhorrent.

    Pickles. Same thing as above.
  • JessiEdwards
    Quinoa is a grain that has some protein...some people eat it for breakfast... I usually eat it as a side dish. You can mix it with veggies and spices if you want. Sometimes I add it to salad as well.
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    chickpeas. sweet potatoes. kale. spinach. so glad i'm not the only one...
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    1.) Cottage Cheese - I finally tried this - and now I eat it on an almost daily basis.
    2.) Greek Yogurt - This was not a good experience - I think I am scarred for life.
    3.) Hummus - what is this stuff? What do you eat it with? Do you make it, or buy it?
    4.) Avacados - Not sure why, but I just CAN'T do this. And again - don't know what to eat it with, how to prepare it, anything.
    5.) Sweet Potatos - They look weird.
    6.) Quinoa - I don't even know what this is, or what time of day this food is supposed to be eaten? Is it breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

    1. Tried it but Yuk!
    2.Yeah, kinda like 1
    3.Hummus - absolutely delish! It's crushed chickpeas with garlic Yum! Eat on falaffels, top on salads, dip with tortilla or bread sticks or cucumber. I could eat tons of it, but its quite calorific! Buy it!
    4.Again, absolutly love. Peeled in half, take seed out, sprinkle with salt, eat with spoon.Yum - And then there is gaucolmole, - Yum!
    5. Yum. Eat like white potatoes - peel it, mash it, chip it and bake it - sprinkle with chillie :bigsmile:
    6. Its ok, similar to couscous - not really something I would bother with but a good rice substitute

    Not scared of trying anything..........that's my problem!!! :laugh:
  • maro_p
    maro_p Posts: 57 Member
    There is pretty much nothing I will not eat... and I am greek so if you are not eating your greek yogurts send them my way ;-)
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    1.) Cottage Cheese - I finally tried this - and now I eat it on an almost daily basis.
    2.) Greek Yogurt - This was not a good experience - I think I am scarred for life.
    ^^ I used to love this stuff! I'm now vegan (and lactose intolerant, haha) so I don't eat these things. I stick to soy yogurt.

    3.) Hummus - what is this stuff? What do you eat it with? Do you make it, or buy it?
    ^^ Oh my god. You're missing out. If you find a good brand (I always get local garlic ones, or make them) you can put it on wraps or sandwiches as a healthy low cal spread instead of mayo or something, put it on top of Mexican dishes, or delicious as a dip for vegetables or pita bread (most common use). Super easy to make too! Pretty much just made out of chick peas.

    4.) Avacados - Not sure why, but I just CAN'T do this. And again - don't know what to eat it with, how to prepare it, anything.
    ^^Mexican dishes! Top it, cook it in it, sandwiches, guacamole... Seriously, it's like natures butter. Love the stuff.

    5.) Sweet Potatos - They look weird.
    ^^Haha, that they do! But they are delicious roasted, or cooked in to curries. Personally, I like yams more though :)

    6.) Quinoa - I don't even know what this is, or what time of day this food is supposed to be eaten? Is it breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
    ^^It's a grain, like rice, except it has more protein and is a bit more delicate. Some people I know cook it like oatmeal and eat it for breakfast. I like to cook it with vegetable broth and keep it in the fridge. I'll put some beans and corn in it, top it with salsa, guacamole and maybe some hummus and serve it with some tortillas! Or you can put a stir fry on it, mix it in to a curry, top with some sort of a roasted veggie salad, or even make it into a salad. The possibilities are endless!

    What healthy food am I scared of? Honestly, this was a hard question. Because "healthy" food is all a matter of opinion. But I suppose if I had to choose, I'd say eggplant. I've never had a dish in which I've enjoyed it. I must say though, it does have a beautiful purple colour!