Healthy Foods I am scared of....



  • myfitnessisavirtue
    myfitnessisavirtue Posts: 673 Member
    Seafood of any kind, I want to try something like salmon but I don't want a whole plate or package. I have never, ever tried any kind of fish. I am open to it, but the smell does make me scared.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    Scared of? Not really anything though there are things I don't care for -

    I'm a midwest (US) girl who was raised in large part by my grandparents and on on a "meat & potatoes" diet. Meaning. Meat 3 meals a day, and russet potatoes frequently. With a salad of iceberg, carrots, and tomatoes. We didn't really have much variation from what grandpa liked.

    'though I'm not much of a seafood person (taste & texture, although occasionally I can eat a more mild and less flaky fish like tilapia. Or also canned tuna, but that probably doesn't count bc I prefer it mixed with too much mayo and on a sandwich. And my friend once talked a drunk me into splitting a plate of 6 oysters.....they weren't so bad tastewise, but the texture was....weird. And just thinking about what oysters are kinda mentally squicks me out as well, haha ;) Kinda funny that I don't really do fish, as in my family all the guys loved to fish in their spare time -- as did I! I skipped many a main course at dinner, and didn't have any alternatives because i refused to eat the fish. "If you catch it and clean it, you eat it Krissy!"

    Celery. I think it's disgusting tasting, and hate the stringy texture.

    Yogurt in general is usually pretty gross for me. About once ever 12-18 months I get a craving for it, but after 1-2 bites I'm beyond sick of it. I tried greek yogurt once and thought it was absolutely horrible (although there was a recipe on pinterest that I saw with greek yogurt, unsweetened chocolate powder, and stevia for a chocolate yogurt or frozen yogurt......might try that sometime if I ever buy the chocolate powder stuff -- the stuff used for baking -- for another reason, or can borrow a scoop or two of it from someone else. because I'm sure as heck not buying it for a small bit for a recipe that I don't know if I'll even like!)

    And I'm NOT a fan of sweet my mind, potatoes aren't supposed to be sweet. But when they're made up with all the butter and marshmallows, and brown sugar and all that bad for you stuff and taste like pumpkin pie, I'm good with that, haha (probably because by that time I don't even think of them as potatoes anymore ;)
  • Sabrina__26
    Maybe it's just me, and I'm the lone weirdo out there when it comes to this, but is anyone else scared to try certain foods? For me, there are LOT of healthy foods that I have NEVER had, and I am scared to try. A few of them, I have finally tried, with both good and bad outcomes.

    1.) Cottage Cheese - I finally tried this - and now I eat it on an almost daily basis.
    2.) Greek Yogurt - This was not a good experience - I think I am scarred for life.
    3.) Hummus - what is this stuff? What do you eat it with? Do you make it, or buy it?
    4.) Avacados - Not sure why, but I just CAN'T do this. And again - don't know what to eat it with, how to prepare it, anything.
    5.) Sweet Potatos - They look weird.
    6.) Quinoa - I don't even know what this is, or what time of day this food is supposed to be eaten? Is it breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

    What foods are you scared of?

    I used to be exactly the same. I wouldn't even know what to do with half the stuff but now I'm finally just trying out foods that I would never have even considered before.

    1. Cottage cheese - I love this stuff! It's delicious, I had it today with lunch.
    2. Greek yogurt - I still want to try it, they never seem to have any at the supermarket but instead have just Greek style yogurt.
    3. Houmous - again, just had it today. I just brought a low fat version from the supermarket but will definitely try making some myself sometime. It's lovely. I usually have it with carrot or pepper sticks.
    4. Avocado - I finally purchased some last week but I haven't tried it yet .I made a salad with rocket, watercress, spinach, beans, pepper, cherry tomatoes and put raw avocado in it too. Hope its nice!
    5. Sweet potatoes - they're the only potatoes I eat now. They taste great even though I agree, they do look weird.
    6. Quinoa - you seriously need to try this! It is really tasty and has a slightly nutty texture; I just boil it like I would rice and have it with sauteed or boiled vegetables. I had it today for lunch with some salmon, courgette, aubergine and pepper and it was lovely as usual. I much prefer the taste to rice.

    I was always scared of trying beetroot as it just looked weird to me. But, I tried it recently and it was actually quite nice. Also, mushrooms. I had never tried them until earlier this year and now I have them fairly often.
  • alleviator
    I absolutely cannot bring myself to try avocados. I don't know why, I just can't. My other scary food is cottage cheese. I actually tried this one once and I was so panicked over trying it that I couldn't even tell if I liked it or not and now I'm just not sure if I'd ever want to try it again!
  • MarieRunyon
    MarieRunyon Posts: 10 Member
    i will NOT eat CHEESE !!!!!! blah , its so gross .....
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    No fear here - I'll try anything once!
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Red Meat! I shudder when I see my Dad's plate full of blood from his "rawish" steak and it soaking into the potatoes....
    I'm gonna hurl!
  • shantellrae
    Red Meat! I shudder when I see my Dad's plate full of blood from his "rawish" steak and it soaking into the potatoes....
    I'm gonna hurl!

    ^^so funny
  • careyannal
    I WILL NEVER EAT BEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No how, no where, no way :sick:
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    Lol....I am a seriously picky eater, so I can identify with your post. I have either not tried, or tried and did not like all the things on your list! I have to force myself to eat my veggies, and have at least been trying to expand my list of acceptable ones.
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    Sushi: No way. As far as I'm concerned, "sushi" is a Japanese word for "bait." The nurse in me just can't tolerate the idea of eating any meat that hasn't been cooked thoroughly. Most anything else I will try once, but not sushi.

    actually it's just the japanese word for rice. "sushi" doesn't have to involve fish at all.
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    i will NOT eat CHEESE !!!!!! blah , its so gross .....

    are people really nasty to you about this? i don't like melted cheese and i have had a lot of really nasty things said to me over the years because of it. people can be so strange.
  • TrimAnew
    TrimAnew Posts: 127 Member
    I'm not scared of any food that is prepared in a fashion normally considered safe and sanitary.

    I had being scared or grossed out by food drilled out of me as a kid, (thanks mom and dad) so I'm game to try just about anything once. Fried shrimp brains, check, tasty. Anchovies, garlic and pinapple pizza, check, edible but not enjoyable because it's extremely salty. Muscles, roe, octopus, squid, sea urchin, oysters and more--check, and all tasty. Raw oysters don't do it for me, but fresh local and steamed---well, let's just say I understand why the Japanese word for seafood is literally "ocean happiness" (supposedly). I don't like veal, but I'm not scared of it by any means.

    Having said that, I would be too scary to try fugu (poisonous blow fish). No food is worth dying for. Likewise anything still moving or living when it is served is likely to make my stomach rebel at the thought. One food that I have tried and will never eat again, and that's jellyfish sushi. It was the cold, wet, rubber band texture that got the best of me and so I just couldn't get it down in the end. (FYI "Sushi" literally refers to the rice, not the fish)

    Otherwise, I'd probably try lots of things, even bugs if the restaurant were known for them.

    As for the things I've seen listed:

    Cottage Cheese - Yummy if the brand is right. Love it with peas, pepper and salt.
    Greek Yogurt - Ok, but not my favorite. Maybe it's the wrong brands that I've tried, but they also seem chalky to me.
    Hummus - Very yummy. I've made it from chickpeas, but usually I just buy it. It goes great with cucumbers, crackers, pita bread, or toast.
    Avacados - I didn't care for this as I kid. I think it was the slimy green texture that I disliked. Now I love it with everything from sushi to chips to sandwiches and more.
    Sweet Potatos - They look normal to me. I don't care for marshmallows with them, but just give me some brown sugar and a bit of butter and I'm happy as a clown. Alternatively, fry them up as tater tots and give me a bit of sweet cinnamon apple sauce, and I'll be in heaven as well.
    Quinoa - I've never tried this, but I used to think it was some sort of corn meal product, which I'm fine with. Internet tells me it's a different grain though and thus more like rice or couscouse. As I like corn meal, rice and couscous, I imagine I'd rather like quinoa as well.
    Beans--I generally like beans. I've only heard of one that really gives me cause for concern and that's Natto. I saw it on a menu once and teased my SO that he should get it because I'd heard about it's reputation and he had not. The chef refused to let him order it. :P
    Brussel spouts- The first time I had these I was a teen. As far as I was concerned they were delicious and I couldn't believe that anyone could possibly hate them! Maybe roasting them with bacon takes the edge of their bad reputations or something.
    Beets--I don't think I liked these as a kid. My dad loved them and mom hated them, so we rarely had them. As an adult, I've discovered that I do enjoy them pickled, with goat cheese, on toasty bread.
    Sushi--As long as it's fresh it shouldn't smell fishy. Fresh sushi is generally very tasty. Textures can be a bit odd for some fish that's served raw with it though. I'm not a bit fan of tako (raw octopus) sliced because it's chewy. However, the cooked baby octopi are very good. They remind me of calamari but with the texture of "a marshmallow covered in sprinkles" (as SO likes to say).
    Coffee--The smell is always better than the taste, but with enough milk and possibly some sweeter, it's enjoyable. Specifically cafe con leche is very good, and iced coffees as well.
    Pickles--Bring it on! My favorites are very sour garlic ones, spicy one, or homemade sweet pickles. I don't know why people had sweet pickles, but my great grandma's sweet pickles ruled! Pull open a piping hot and goofy grilled cheese sandwich and stuff some of her cold, thin, crunchy bits of cucumber wonder inside, and that's a tasty sandwich! On that note, hot pickle garlic is also amazing. It smells unbelievably strong, but is milder than the smell would lead you to believe.
    Spinach--I learned to eat this as a topping cooked on pizza on an elementary school trip. Now I mostly eat it raw, but it still finds it's way into a lot of cooked dishes at my house.
    Almond milk and soy milk--both taste nothing like cow's milk, but are tasty in their own right. I don't cook with them though. They are a lot tastier than that nasty Lactaid brand stuff.
    Likewise for roasted cauliflower--it's not a good taste substitution for mashed potatoes in my book, but I do like it as it's own thing.
    Celery--Doesn't taste like much to me because it's so watery, but it is refreshing and crunchy--which I enjoy, especially with some sort of dip, like hummus. I had a celery flavored soda though that was very strong in celery flavor, so now the flavor of celery sticky out for me more. Soda was a bit weird, but interesting, and I did finish the 6 pack eventually.
    Onions--hated them as a kid. I still hate chopping them because they make me cry so badly. But sometime in my teens I grew to like them when caramelized or grilled. It's been a slow relationship, but now I even enjoy them raw with other things.
    Green beans--Hated them as a kid because they were always mushy. A college roommate used to pick them up from the local farmers market and snack on them raw. I thought she was nuts until I tried it. Turns out, I like green beans so long as they aren't over cooked into mushy blob.
    Tomatoes--I still don't care for the slimy seeds, but as long as I can get rid of those I rather enjoy it. Sundried is probably my favorite way to eat them though.
    Mushrooms--As a kid I didn't like them for the same reason--too slimy--so I used to pick them out of everything, but as an adult, I love them, especially sauteed or roasted.
    Olives--Still not a fan of the black ones, so I tend to pick at least some of them off my pizza, but I like the really good olives fresh from Spain.
    Ground beef and sausage--I like these, but they can get greasy, which is a turn off.
    Hard boiled eggs--Great with salt and pepper
    Capers--Never eaten them on their own, as they are very strong, but they go well in sauces for fish and chicken dishes.
    Mayo--I prefer Miracle Whip, but Mayo isn't really scary to me.

  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    Sushi: No way. As far as I'm concerned, "sushi" is a Japanese word for "bait." The nurse in me just can't tolerate the idea of eating any meat that hasn't been cooked thoroughly. Most anything else I will try once, but not sushi.

    actually it's just the japanese word for rice. "sushi" doesn't have to involve fish at all.

    Hahaha, yeah, I know. Just to my thinking, raw fish is what you use to catch bigger fish--that you then COOK before you eat!
  • leanne2376
    avocado and hummus
  • bedoozled
    bedoozled Posts: 189 Member
    Also, as my own answer to the question - my basic approach to food is to keep trying things, even when I'm fairly sure I don't like them. There are so many variables that can make something good or bad (whether the produce is fresh and in season, how it's prepared, your own mood and state of mind at the time) that I feel like it's not fair to judge based on one experience! A perfect example is that until recently, I was fairly certain I disliked oysters - but after settling down to try them yet again, expecting disappointment, this time I found I enjoyed them! I've managed to get some of my very picky friends to eat new things just by cooking them in different or unexpected ways.

    But, despite all that, I will never like gelatin, banana-flavored things, or mint chocolate :D
  • aimeem2
    aimeem2 Posts: 35
    1.) Cottage Cheese - It's such a good source of protein! For me to eat it, it has to be REALLY cold. Like from the fridge to my mouth. Weird? Maybe...
    2.) Greek Yogurt - I've been eating it for a while and love it so I have fat free plain and stir in my own fruit. Otherwise, I think the fruit on the botom Chobani is delicious!
    3.) Hummus - I've heard it's super easy and cheap to make, but I just buy it myself. My favorite is Whole Foods' store brand, specifically the roasted garlic.
    4.) Avocados - MY FAVORITE FOOD! I can eat avocados plain. I especially like it on corn tortillas with some shredded chicken breast and fresh pico de gallo.
    5.) Sweet Potatos - Just started eating these and I'm obsessed. Try cutting them in rounds or fries and baking them. SO yummy.
    6.) Quinoa - You can make it sweet for breakfast, savory for lunch, or just plain as a side. Not a fan.

  • MrDelts
    MrDelts Posts: 209 Member
    This sounds like a list of what I eat on a daily basis...
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    I will eat any vegetable, grain, dairy product, etc… I have loved Brussels sprouts since I was 6, love me some fiddle heads, kale chips I make at home!, kelp noodles… meh, but I've tried them! I have no problem trying new things, except for meat. I have serious issues with weird animal parts and things that swim. I was made fun of so much at a job I had once because I was so "picky". I'm sorry but one of those girl's grew up in a house with a butcher, and the other one grew up in the Philippines with a family who made traditional meals. Those two had no problems eating horse, brains, rabbit. I just can not try these things. I can't do it.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    learning to love quinoa! even if It's prepared on the more savory side, throw in a few craisins. great for breakfast, lunch and dinner. it's great as vegetarian main dish or as a side. prepare it with a broth instead of water and/or basil for an extra bit of flavor. unfortunately, my kids aren't as big fans as i am :ohwell: