Can somebody just tell me if this is healthy or not?



  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    That's a lot of empty carbs & starches(pasta, biscuits, potatoes) with very little protein and veggies. Also WAY too few calories. If you eat more lean proteins and veggies, you can eat LOTS of food and feel great (once you get over the reduced carbs) with lots more energy, and still stay fairly low on calories. But not as low as you are now; that's not enough to live on.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Okay for breakfast i had :Go ahead apple and raisin biscuit(50cals)
    Lunch: Pasta king no cheese (250cal)
    Dinner: small red potato with salmon with veg dk how many cals yet
    snacks: 1 1/2 more goahead biscuits (100 cals)

    I got told this was a very bad diet:/

    It's not a good diet, that's for sure. But it's not that hard to tweak it. Add some eggs or meat to your breakfast biscuit. Then you're getting some protein with it. Try to always "dress" your carbs with some protein. Have a piece of fruit with cheese or nut butter for a snack before lunch. I have no idea what's in a "pasta king," but I bet it could benefit from some veggies. So add a salad or throw some bell peppers, olives, and broccoli into your pasta. For dinner, add a green vegetable to it. Salad, steamed broccoli, or choose another color like orange for carrots. For your snacks, skip the extra biscuits and have fruits, nuts and vegetables.

    It's not that big a step to take what you like and make it healthy. The most basic building blocks of a healthy diet include having protein, vegetables, and a little good fat at every meal. Grains are not bad, but they should be whole grains (if it is it'll tell you usually). Snacks should always have the same balance but less calories.

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    That is A LOT of carbs and not really enough of everything else.

    Plus, like the first post said, eat more homemade. If you add more fruits and veggies to those non-homemade meals that would be good.

    I approve this statement.
  • hafsahkh
    hafsahkh Posts: 43 Member
    Eat more homemade foods.

    I agree...also, is that all you're having for the day? You need more to fuel your body-are you working out? What's your water intake, protein ect.
    I have like 9 glasses of water a day and i'm not working our currently but i intend on.. :)
  • BoBoDoesPaleo
    You should eat protein with every meal. It helps to keep your body from using your muscle mass as an energy source.
  • lmeslie
    lmeslie Posts: 46 Member
    Can somebody just clarify what carbs actually are and what foods contain them most? :( I;m eating at least 1200 cals a day so idont think im intaking little i feel sick now if i eat to much :/ having pasta king was obviously a big mistake but i normally have a box of raisins for lunch,,

    Carby foods are grains, starchy vegetables, sugars, breads, pastas, etc. I agree with everyone in that you need to eat more quality food and more protein. Ensure that what you are eating doesn't have a laundry list of ingredients which helps keep you from eating overly processed food. You can get healthy protein from lots of sources like beans, Greek yogurt, eggs, cheese, chicken, lean beef, other lean meats, and even some vegetables! Fill up on healthy veggies like spinach, broccoli, etc. Raisins are actually really high in carbs because they have all the concentrated sugars from the dried grapes. Some companies even add sugar. Monitor your sugar intake (check out the sugar content on a box of raisins!). Eat less processed, naturally occurring foods and you should feel a major difference in your energy and how your body feels :)
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I've decided to have a teaspoon of mash with the salmon and idk what to snack on i'll probably just havea big portion of veg or make a salad instead

    what's mash?

    Eat all the salad you want! Just don't DROWN it in dressing. Snack on raisans, don't make them a meal. Snack on carrots, hummus, and other veggies or some granola bars.

    Carbs are a macronutrient that turn into sugar in your blood stream. When looking at the nutrition label on food you want the see "Fiber" under carbs and you want that number to be higher than "sugar" which is also labeled under carbs. You want to choose foods that do not have processed carbs in them such as white bread, PASTA, things which lots of sugar. You want to pick items with "complex carbs" such as veggies (leafy green ones have lots of fiber/complex carbs), and fruit such as apples.

    Hope this helps.
  • sin485
    sin485 Posts: 125 Member
    I've decided to have a teaspoon of mash with the salmon and idk what to snack on i'll probably just havea big portion of veg or make a salad instead

    only a TEASPOON? :s
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    1200 might be to little. Calculate your bmr and TDEE eat in between. NEVER eat less than bmr. Google those calculators.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You should eat protein with every meal. It helps to keep your body from using your muscle mass as an energy source.

    She is definitely eating enough carbs that her body won't get anywhere near her muscles to use them as an energy source.

    Don't let this person freak you out, OP.
  • sisswright
    sisswright Posts: 65 Member
    Based on everyones response I know that you get the point you are probably not eating enough or balanced.

    Carbs would be the bread and pasta you're eating... it's in other things as well...

    I've found eating healthy and balanced is the best way to go, dont be afriad of food, and dont be too embarrassed to look at nutrition facts on labels or look them up. When at the grocery store, shop the perimeter for healthier, natural/clean foods, it's a pretty safe bet.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    It's a good diet...if you're doing a carb only diet...
  • hafsahkh
    hafsahkh Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks so much btw you guys are ace! I actually thought no-one would reply on fitness pal :D
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    does not seem to hit the minimum 1200 calorie count
  • LiveLaffLoseLove
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    i normally have a box of raisins for lunch,,

    A box of raisins is a snack not a lunch!
    Before even thinking of weight loss you need to start eating healthy food - a variety of healthy food in sufficient quantities to sustain you.
    You are showing some very worrying signs, please talk to someone.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Okay for breakfast i had :Go ahead apple and raisin biscuit(50cals)
    Lunch: Pasta king no cheese (250cal)
    Dinner: small red potato with salmon with veg dk how many cals yet
    snacks: 1 1/2 more goahead biscuits (100 cals)

    I got told this was a very bad diet:/

    Im sure tons of people on here would be happy to tell you if this is good or bad, the real question is whether they are right or not.
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    Can somebody just clarify what carbs actually are and what foods contain them most? :( I;m eating at least 1200 cals a day so idont think im intaking little i feel sick now if i eat to much :/ having pasta king was obviously a big mistake but i normally have a box of raisins for lunch,,

    while 1200 calories is the min. you should eat. I eat a min. of 1200. But the differance is I eat as my raw, home made food as possible. I do have issues reaching my min of 1200, so I use a protein shake, to both increase my cals, and my protein. Looking at your list for today. You are eatting too little, what does you BMR or TDEE state you should eat? Mine is 1680, so my max is 1480. I eat Clean. Not looling at calories. I try to get as many blue bars as I can on my diary as I can. that is an easier goal for me. Good luck on your journey. Try new things, in varius forms, cooked, grilled, baked and my favorite raw.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'll have to agree with everyone here:

    Starting with answering your question: That is a HORRIBLE diet.

    Followed by: EAT MORE!

    When you've got #2 down, then continue with: less carbs, more protein/fat.

    Unless you like to be a feeble toothpick, but that's your choice.

    ^^This...and more fresh fruits and veggies.
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    You should eat protein with every meal. It helps to keep your body from using your muscle mass as an energy source.

    thank you, I needed to know this information.