June Starters - January 11

I didn't see the thread yet this morning so I thought I would start it even though I don't weigh in until Thursday. I weighed myself this morning and I'm super excited with the result but I'm going to keep that info until my official weigh in just incase it was a fluke. In other news, my roommate and I decided to start training for a half marathon that is in Annapolis on June 6!!! I'm super excited but also really nervous. I am not runner, I repeat I am not a runner. I'm going to do the C25k for 9 weeks and then I found a 1/2 marathon training program that lasts12 weeks. I really want to do this so I'm hoping I can stick with it, however the only time I can run is before work at 5 am (!) and it was 9 degrees here this morning :sad: so let's cross our fingers that it starts to warm up real soon. I hope everyone has a great week!

And congrats to everyone who had a good weekend!


  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Shannah, good luck on training for the marathon!! I can't even imagine how much motivation it takes to get up at 5am and run in that cold!!! (I don't think I could do it! lol)
  • shannahrenee
    Shannah, good luck on training for the marathon!! I can't even imagine how much motivation it takes to get up at 5am and run in that cold!!! (I don't think I could do it! lol)

    Thanks, I'll let you all know how that goes tomorrow morning. :yawn:
  • linnebooc
    linnebooc Posts: 84 Member
    SW - 300
    LW - 264.3
    CW - 263

    Good luck everyone this week.

    And good luck Shannah on the marathon training. That stuff scares me *laughs*

  • shannahrenee
    SW - 300
    LW - 264.3
    CW - 263

    Good luck everyone this week.

    And good luck Shannah on the marathon training. That stuff scares me *laughs*


    Oh trust me, it scares me too!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Good job on the loss Linnebooc!

    I'm really motivated already this week. I just found out I have 6.5 vaca days I have to take before 6/6 or I lose them. I'm envisioning half days at the gym with the other half cleaning the house. lol Is that sad or what??

    My fiance asked me if I wanted to go to the gym yest. Heck yea!! lol I always have to drag him and it's such a struggle but I think he's feeling the good side effects and starting to have more energy. :bigsmile:

    ANNNNNNNNNNND we got up 1/2 an hour early today to do some strength training in the basement together. How cool is that?? I hope he can keep it up though because I need the support. :happy:

    I can't wait until Wed. weigh in. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I'm down 3.5 lbs? Yay ... I'll take it!!

    SW - 208.5
    LW - 184
    CW - 180.5
  • amandadaisylotus
    I'm down 3.5 lbs? Yay ... I'll take it!!

    SW - 208.5
    LW - 184
    CW - 180.5

    I know the feeling!

    SW - 303.0
    LW - 269.0
    CW - 265.7

    Down 3.3 pounds... Bodies are weird. At least that's nearly a 5 pound buffer from my "Crisis Weight" I keep getting below it and I'm happy. :)
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Shannah- Good luck with training for the half marathon, I would love to do it but am too much of a wimp this time of year. My 17 yr old has agreed to do the C25K with me in the spring. I suggested we do a half marathon before he goes to University in a year and a half, you know something to work towards together before he leaves the nest. He said alright, but we will have to see how the C25k goes before I totally commit myself. I am definitely not a runner!

    Linne, Magglet and Amanda - Congrats to all of you on your losses. Magglet and Amanda both over 3 lbs. That's amazing.

    Busymom- thats great that your fiance is helping to motivate you. Also I wish I found out I had 6.5 vacation days I didn't know about. I would use them the same way. I love decluttering my house with extra time off. I always feel fantastic when I get rid of excess stuff!

    Hope all you other June Starters are having a great week too. See you all Wednesday for weigh in. I am feeling very positive about my results. Hope I am right.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Shannah - Good luck! 9 is just too cold for me to run....I plan on starting C25k in the spring...I'm a wimp:laugh:

    Linne, Maggs & manada - AWESOME!! Great job you guys!

    Busymom - I'm so happy he's supporting you! That helps a lot

    I'm not feeling real positive about Wednesday:grumble: My own fault....I have to figure out a cure for my weekend madness!:laugh:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I'd like to add a column for lbs to go on the ss. What do you guys think? I'll need everyone's goal weight.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I think that sounds like a great idea. My GW is 135.

    Thanks for adding the pictures. Your quick.:smile:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Thanks momto4, it helps that I have nothing to do at work until someone calls in. :laugh: :wink:
  • shannahrenee
    I'd like to add a column for lbs to go on the ss. What do you guys think? I'll need everyone's goal weight.

    I think that sounds like a great idea. My current goal weight is 174, but it may change depending on how I feel once I get there :wink:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I've gone back & forth a hundred times between 135 & 130...set my goal at 130:wink: but it may change.
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    Hello everyone! Just checking in to say hi :flowerforyou:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Very exciting checking in on the post today!!! Already some really great losses..!!!!
    congrats, Linne, Maggs and Amanda!!!
    Shannah, girl more power to ya running in the cold... I'm a weenie and that is why I'm waiting for it to warm up before I start again... Awesome that you have a goal and a friend to train with! Keep us posted on your progress!!!
    Busymom, I love the idea of the goal column... Mine is 135...
    Hi, yolie!! How's the pregnancy? Glad you dropped in to say hi! We love hearing from all the June Starters that we don't keep up with regularly anymore!! :drinker:
    Mamakat, you'll find your mojo for the weekends! You haven't come as far as you have because you don't have will power... You just have to plan... Set a goal and stick with it. :drinker:
  • amandadaisylotus
    My goal is 160 but like many others have said, we'll see when I get down. Ultimately I want to be below 200 (with a nice buffer) and healthy. 160 is in the middle of where the medical charts say I should be.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member

    Mamakat, you'll find your mojo for the weekends! You haven't come as far as you have because you don't have will power... You just have to plan... Set a goal and stick with it. :drinker:

    Thanks for the encouragement Kandyjo:flowerforyou:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Hey guys! Hope you had a happy Monday. I had a long but okay one. I have an exam next Tuesday and it has been weighing on me, plus I have a meeting with the head of the surgery department at my university and I'm realllllly nervous to meet him :ohwell: Once tomorrow is over I can breathe just a little...

    Congrats on all the losses!! And Shanna-wow on doing a half! That is so awesome. Wish I had the guts to commit to one--I can't even bring myself to sign up for a 5k and I know I could do it. Hope it warms up a tad for you and that 5 am doesn't treat you too bad :wink:

    Oh, and my goal weight is 140 (10 lbs wahhhhhhh). Weigh-in on Wed!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Courtney, good luck on your meeting! I'm sure it will be easier than you think... If you are anything like me, you build something up way more than it has to be in your mind...and then when it's actually over, it wasn't half as bad as you made it out to be! I hope you can destress this week :smile:

    I'm excited about the weigh-in on Wednesday. I am keeping myself away from the scale this week... So, when I weigh-in on Wed. it will be the first I have stepped on the scale since Sat. I have been doing really well with everything. I am so motivated right now... I just want to stay humbled, though!!! I know temptation is around the corner, so I am trying to have an arsenold ready to fight back when it does... you know, have a plan B, C & D :laugh:

    Just finished L 1 D 6 of the 30 Day Shred. I don't think I'm going to make it to the gym tonight :cry: My husband has too much to do so he will not be home to stay with the kiddos... So, if I feel like I need some more sumthin, sumthin, I will put on Hip Hop Abs again tonight... It's a really FUN cardio!! It makes me SWEAT and the moves are WAY fun and the music is AWESOME!!

    So, I'm really encouraged this Monday and I'm looking for an AWESOME week, not just for me, but for all of the JUNE STARTERS... I really love the energy that I get from our posts now... It seems like we all have our game faces on! I LOVE IT!! :drinker: