June Starters - January 11



  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Wahoo!! Lot's of pounds lost this week!

    SW 176.5 LW 143.2 CW 142.6:grumble: Guess no more bad weekends....my goals won't even let me lose more than a pound a week so I should be happy but ya know....I'm just not....silly me...I took the whole freakin' weekend off, what did I expect????
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    mamakat- .6 is still a good loss in my book! maybe I set my standards too low. lol I'm always happy with any kind of loss though. :laugh:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    mamakat- .6 is still a good loss in my book! maybe I set my standards too low. lol I'm always happy with any kind of loss though. :laugh:
    I'm happy the scale went down at all....it's just one of those weeks where I knew it shouldn't be fabulous but the last two days I was so good I WANTED it to be fabulous:laugh:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    No change for this week...still holding strong at 150.5. I think my body is getting to that "critical mass" where it just wants to stay. I mean in high school I weighed 150 and I was a fit cheerleader. I exercised more this week than I have in forever, ate decent, and no change. I just want to see a 1-4-x on the scale! Oh well, I'm ok with it...there's always next week! :smile:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    SO GOOD to see all of the losses this week!!! It is REALLY exciting...

    I'm even more confused now than I was this morning... I weighed on another scale and it said I was 218. 2.... I was like, "NOOOOOOOOOO"!!!!! And my sister said that when she weighed on MY scale, it had her 7 lbs more than she is.... I have no idea!!!!!! So, I think I am going to try to get myself weighed at my doctor's office so I can get an accurate reading and then adjust my scale at home... It's getting really frustrating!!!!
    But, I know I am losing... And I got several compliments at school today... People saying that they can definitely tell I'm losing weight... So, that is what really matters... but it would also be nice to know what I actually weigh :laugh:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member

    I was venting to my husband about the scale issue so he went and weighed himself on both scales and they were almost exactly the same.... He thinks that I have flucuated a whole 8 pounds!! I Have NEVER flucuated that much in a day... I did drink almost an entire gallon of water today at school.... BUT, come on!! REALLY... 8 pounds?!!!! Anyway, I"m going to weigh on the new scale in the morning and see what it says then.... :grumble:
  • amandadaisylotus
    A gallon of water weighs about 8.35 pounds..... >.> :)
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi all ... just got back from the gym ... it's so nice to be back on the wagon. Yay for me!! LOL
  • amandadaisylotus
    I just tried oatmeal for the first time in my adult life. (I had it as a kid and sit it out. Brown mush.) It wasn't too bad, it was apple cinnamon flavored and the lower sugar kind from quaker. Of course I added half a table spoon of maple syrup to it.... :)

    Still it only came out to 180 calories for breakfast and it was indeed filling. Rib sticking food, isn't that what they call it? Something like that. Still a little iffy about the mushy part though. Certain textures wig me out. Maybe if I add some fresh cut apples or a little bit of granola or something to add some crunch... hmm...
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Ok... all is well in the weight world today.... BUT that is the craziest thing that has ever happened when it comes to weighing in for me:laugh:
  • shannahrenee
    Ugh..now it's my turn to complain about only a one pound loss. I was down to 186 yesterday but then back up to 187 today (thanks to my office mate's great idea to make hot fudge brownie sundaes during lunch :sad: ) Anyway, I hope I can get it back together this weekend. I'm terrible on weekends so we'll see.

    TW:187 :grumble:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Shannah, considering you're only 13 lbs away from your goal- SHUT UP! lol I'm only kidding but at this point I think your weightloss is going to slow down no matter what.

    Girls!! Nominate a spotlight of the week!!

    Also! New challenge- I think everyone (including myself) should find a time to stand in front of the mirror wearing the tightest clothes or nakey. Find 3, ONLY 3! things you don't like about your body that you want to work on. Then I want you to find 10 you do like about your body. Considering how far we've come I don't think anyone should have a problem finding 10 things they like about themselves. I think this will help our self-esteem and I think it will really make us feel better about our bodies.
  • shannahrenee
    Shannah, considering you're only 13 lbs away from your goal- SHUT UP! lol I'm only kidding but at this point I think your weightloss is going to slow down no matter what.

    lol thanks for putting me in my place :wink:

    yeah I started thinking about how upset I was this morning and how I posted on here that I was upset with a 1 lb loss and then I thought hey wait a minute, I lost a pound! And wasn't I the one telling everyone yesterday that a pound was good??? I just need to realize that this is a slow process. I'm very impatient most of the time and it's no different when it comes to weight loss. I want it off now!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Shannah, I'm glad you have things in perspective. lol People like me who still have 30+ lbs to go are DYING to only have 13 lbs left. :wink: I totally get you on the "want it off now" part. lol I want mine off yesterday! :laugh:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I just tried oatmeal for the first time in my adult life. (I had it as a kid and sit it out. Brown mush.) It wasn't too bad, it was apple cinnamon flavored and the lower sugar kind from quaker. Of course I added half a table spoon of maple syrup to it.... :)

    Still it only came out to 180 calories for breakfast and it was indeed filling. Rib sticking food, isn't that what they call it? Something like that. Still a little iffy about the mushy part though. Certain textures wig me out. Maybe if I add some fresh cut apples or a little bit of granola or something to add some crunch... hmm...
    I chop up a few almonds to give mine some crunch and a little Splenda or sugar...yummy :) The almonds have really helped me cause I ate it SO much last time I dieted I gagged everytime I ate it for years! The almonds give something different.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Shannah, considering you're only 13 lbs away from your goal- SHUT UP! lol I'm only kidding but at this point I think your weightloss is going to slow down no matter what.

    Girls!! Nominate a spotlight of the week!!

    Also! New challenge- I think everyone (including myself) should find a time to stand in front of the mirror wearing the tightest clothes or nakey. Find 3, ONLY 3! things you don't like about your body that you want to work on. Then I want you to find 10 you do like about your body. Considering how far we've come I don't think anyone should have a problem finding 10 things they like about themselves. I think this will help our self-esteem and I think it will really make us feel better about our bodies.

    Fabulous idea :) Let me take a lookie at some spotlight worthy nominees :)
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Shannah, considering you're only 13 lbs away from your goal- SHUT UP! lol I'm only kidding but at this point I think your weightloss is going to slow down no matter what.

    lol thanks for putting me in my place :wink:

    yeah I started thinking about how upset I was this morning and how I posted on here that I was upset with a 1 lb loss and then I thought hey wait a minute, I lost a pound! And wasn't I the one telling everyone yesterday that a pound was good??? I just need to realize that this is a slow process. I'm very impatient most of the time and it's no different when it comes to weight loss. I want it off now!

    Girl, I'm the same way.... and I have a LOOOOOOOONG way to go...
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I'm impatient too...and it has come to an extremely slow crawl. At least I am maintaining and still working out. It's not so much about the number anymore, but I would love to get there eventually!

    Oh! And I got to run outside today...it was bliss. It has been so cold and I forgot how wonderful it was to get out of the house/gym and be outside. It was 46 degrees when I ran by the bank!! That's like a tropical heat wave here :laugh: I never thought I would say that running was my exercise of choice, but it is. My goal is to run a half marathon someday..though no idea when that would be! I need a running partner...
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Ok, I had something really exciting happen to me at jazzercise last night....
    The lady who was standing behind me (she has been going for a while) said, "Wow, you are really toning up"! I was like, "YAY!!! Thank you"!!!! AND she was standing BEHIND me! You know how important it is to tone up THAT area :laugh:
    So, it was sooooo nice to hear that compliment.... Also, three of the teachers at the school where I teach told me Wednesday that they could really tell I was losing weight... GUYS!!! As slow as my weight is coming off and as irritated I am with that, I am totally stoked that my body is changing and people are noticing!!
    I had to share that with you guys this morning :drinker: