Drinking and dieting



  • monismall
    Hi Gang!

    FYI Just remember tonic is VERY high in sugar which you need to take into consider:smile:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    So, I still like to go out to the bars and have fun with my friends, which, yes, includes drinking a sufficient amount. I know that those nights TOTALLY undo everything that I have done during the week, like, eating right, and exercise. Does anyone else have this problem? Or any suggestions to where I can still go out and party with my friends, but not ruin my entire week of "goodness"?
    Vodka and low cal monster
    stay away from the darker kinds

    As for beer try MGD it has 64 calories (im not a beer drinker though) I like the harder stuff lol